05 important benefits for the elderly in Vietnam

On January 14, 2011, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 06/2011/ND-CP guiding the Law on the Elderly.

05 important benefits for the elderly in Vietnam

05 important benefits for the elderly in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Decree 06/2011/ND-CP stipulates 05 important benefits for the elderly in Vietnam as follows:

1. Regarding cultural, educational, sport. physical training, entertainment and tourist activities

  • Ministries, ministerial-level agencies. government-attached agencies and Peoples Committees at all levels shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, invest in the construction and renovation of cultural, educational, sports, physical training, entertainment and tourist establishments suitable to socio-economic conditions with a view to meeting the elderly's spiritual and physical training needs.
  • Organizations or individuals investing in the construction of cultural, educational, sports, physical training, entertainment and/or tourist establishments to meet the elderly's spiritual and physical training needs are entitled to the policies defined in the Government's Decree No.69/200S/ND-CP of May 30. 2008. on incentive policies for socialization of educational, vocational training, healthcare, cultural, sports and environmental activities.
  • The Minister of Culture. Sports and Tourism shall guide the organizations of. and create conditions for the elderly to participate in. learning, cultural, entertainment and tourist activities, deep-breathing practices, physical training and sports activities suitable to their health and psychological conditions, as defined in Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on the Elderly.

2. Regarding public facilities, mass transit

  • The construction and renovation of condominiums and public facilities must comply with technical regulations on construction and take into due consideration the characteristics and use needs of the elderly.
  • Mass transit vehicles must be furnished with instructions and seats reserved for the elderly and with supporting instruments or assistance suitable to the elderly, depending on each type of vehicle. Commuters shall assist the elderly when necessary.

3. Regardinhg reduction of ticket prices and service charges for a number of services

  • The elderly may enjoy at least 15% reduction of ticket prices or service charges when traveling by passenger ship, train or aircraft.
  • The elderly may enjoy at least 20% reduction of ticket prices or service charges upon their visits to cultural or historical relics, museums and scenic places; their physical training or sport practice at physical training and sport establishments where tickets are sold or service charges are collected.

4. Regarding social allowance level

The standard social allowance level for determination of monthly social allowance levels and monthly nurturing allowance level for the elderly is VXD 180,000.

5. Regarding longevity congratulations and celebrations

  •  The Minister of Finance shall prescribe types of presents to be given by the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to 100 year-old persons, presents to be given by chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees to 90 year-old persons and the spending items and levels for organizing longevity celebrations under Clause 3. Article 21 of the Law on the Elderly;
  • Depending on their local practical conditions, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees shall prescribe types of longevity presents for persons aged 70, 75. 80, 85. 95 and over 100 years.

Longevity celebrations will be organized in a solemn and thrifty manner suitable to local cultural lifestyles, customs and practices.

More details can be found in Decree 06/2011/ND-CP, which comes into force from March 1, 2011.

Thuy Tram


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