03 Types of Initiatives in Activities of the Natural Resources and Environment Sector in Vietnam

Below is a notable regulation mentioned in Circular 21/2018/TT-BTNMT on emulation and commendation work in the natural resources and environment sector in Vietnam.

According to the regulations, innovations in the activities of the natural resources and environment sector (hereinafter referred to as innovations) are technical solutions, management solutions, operational solutions, or solutions for the application of technical advancements (collectively referred to as solutions) that are novel within the institution, have been applied or trialed at the institution, bring practical benefits, are recognized by the organization, and do not fall under the cases specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 13/2012/ND-CP dated March 2, 2012, of the Government of Vietnam, promulgating the Charter on Innovations.

sang kien trong hoat dong nganh tai nguyen moi truong, Thong tu 21/2018/TT-BTNMT

Illustrative photo

In Article 6 of Circular 21/2018/TT-BTNMT, there are 03 types of innovations listed in the field of natural resources and environment as follows:

- National-level innovation is new solutions created or improved from previous solutions, applied in activities related to natural resources and environment, bringing practical benefits and efficiency for the whole country;

- Ministry-level innovation is new solutions created or improved from previous solutions, applied in activities related to natural resources and environment, bringing practical benefits and efficiency for the sector of natural resources and environment;

- Base-level innovation is new solutions created or improved from previous solutions, applied in activities related to natural resources and environment, bringing practical benefits and efficiency for the unit's operations.

Regarding the authority to recognize innovations in the field of natural resources and environment, this Circular stipulates the following:

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Innovation Council evaluates and recognizes the impact level of Ministry-level and National-level innovations;

- The Base-level Innovation Council evaluates and recognizes the impact level of base-level innovations, reviews proposals for Ministry-level and National-level innovations from individuals within their jurisdiction;

- After evaluating base-level, Ministry-level, and National-level innovations of individuals, the Standing Committee of Innovation Councils at all levels will post them on the electronic information page of the agency, unit, and the Ministry's electronic information portal within 10 working days for feedback. In case of differing opinions from the Council's conclusion, the Standing Committee will synthesize, review, explain, and report to the Council for opinions before submitting to the unit's leader or Minister for review and decision.

Conditions, procedures, and processes for evaluating and recognizing innovations are carried out according to the regulations in Decree 13/2012/ND-CP; Circular 18/2013/TT-BKHCN dated August 1, 2013 of the Minister of Science and Technology guiding the implementation of certain provisions of the innovation regulations issued under Decree 13/2012/ND-CP of the Government.

For the full text of the regulations, please refer to Circular 21/2018/TT-BTNMT effective from January 1, 2019.

Thu Ba


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