Notable new policies of Vietnam to be effective as of the start of June 2024

Notable new policies of Vietnam to be effective as of the start of June 2024
Quốc Tuấn

Standards of the award of Artisan of Merit Titles in handicrafts from June 6, 2024; standards of the promotion of professional titles of principal lecturers from June 1, 2024; road infrastructure assets from June 10, 2024; etc., are notable new policies that will be covered in this bulletin.

Vietnam’s standards of award of Artisan of Merit Titles in handicrafts from June 6, 2024 

On April 19, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 43/2024/ND-CP on elaboration on the standards of the award of People’s Artisan and Artisan of Merit Titles in handicrafts. Specifically, Artisan of Merit Titles in handicrafts shall be awarded to individuals meeting the following standards: 

- Being loyal to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; successfully complying with the guidelines of the CPV, laws and policies of the State, and charters and regulations of agencies, organizations, and local authorities. 

- Having continuously worked in handicrafts or worked in handicrafts for at least 15 years accumulatively. 

- Having good moral qualities and being good examples in life; being enthusiastic and devoted to the profession, admired and respected by colleagues and people; being the typical representative for the cause of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage values in local handicrafts. 

- Having exceptionally outstanding knowledge and skills, specifically: 

+ Directly designing and creating at least 10 products and/or works with high economic, technical, and aesthetic value;

+ Having products and/or works achieve one of the following criteria: achieving at least a second place in any competition concerning handicraft products organized by a competent authority at the provincial level or at least a third place in a national competition; being appointed by the State to participate in handicraft activities and achieving at least a regional or international third place; being recognized and assessed based on the national ranking by a competent authority in handicrafts; being selected by a national or provincial museum as an exhibit; being used as an example for handicraft teaching at vocational education facilities and/or higher education establishments; being used for the restoration of historical and cultural relics (cultural symbolic works) at provincial and/or national levels. 

- Having great contributions to protecting and promoting cultural heritage values in local handicrafts; possessing skills and secrets, and providing vocational education for at least 100 individuals, excluding cases of specific handicraft professions or 15 or more individuals working in manufacturing facilities for 10 years or more. 

See more details in Decree No. 43/2024/ND-CP, effective as of June 6, 2024. 

Standards of promotion of professional titles of principal lecturers in Vietnam from June 1, 2024

On March 29, 2024, the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 05/2024/TT-BGDDT on standards and conditions for the promotion of professional titles of public employees teaching in public higher education establishments and pedagogical colleges.

According to the Circular, public employees teaching in public high education establishments may register for assessment for the promotion to the professional title of principal lecturer (grade II), code V.07.01.02, when the following standards and conditions are met: 

- Public higher education establishments have recruitment demands or vacancies corresponding to the professional title of the public employees undergoing assessment for promotion or appointed to participate in the promotion assessment by competent authorities. 

- Public employees are holding the professional title of lecturer (grade III), code V.07.01.03.

- Public employees are assessed at the level of successfully completing tasks or more in the previous working year adjacent to the year they participate in assessment for promotion to the professional title of principal lecturer (grade II), code V.07.01.02; have good political qualities and professional ethics; are not subject to disciplinary actions; are not subject to regulations concerning disciplinary actions according to the regulations of the CPV and the law. 

- Public employees meet the requirements for the mandatory time of holding the professional title of lecturer (grade III), code V.07.01.03; meet the standards of training and advanced training qualifications and professional capacity of the professional title of principal lecturer (grade II), code V.07.01.02, prescribed in Clauses 2 and 3 Article 6 of Circular No. 40/2020/TT-BGDDT, amended by Circular No. 04/2022/TT-BGDDT.

See more details in Circular No. 05/2024/TT-BGDDT, effective as of June 1, 2024. 

Vietnam’s regulation on road infrastructure assets from June 10, 2024 

On April 24, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 44/2024/ND-CP on the management, use, and utilization of road infrastructure assets. 

According to the Decree, road infrastructure assets are road infrastructures prescribed by the law on road traffic and land areas associated with road infrastructure works (if any), including:

- Roads and auxiliary works thereof.

- Road bridges and auxiliary works thereof.

- Road tunnels and auxiliary works thereof.

- Road ferry terminals and auxiliary works thereof; floating bridges and auxiliary works.

- Weigh stations.

- Road tollbooths.

- Bus stations. 

- Parking lots. 

- Road work management posts. 

- Rest stops. 

- Spare supplies storages. 

- Traffic Control and Surveillance Centre (ITS Centre)/Traffic Management and Operation Centre.

- The compensated or released land of road safety corridor limits.

- Rescue stations for road traffic. 

- Information technology systems, machines, and devices for the management of assets and operation of road traffic. 

- Other road works and devices according to the law on road traffic. 

See more details in Decree No. 44/2024/ND-CP, effective as of June 10, 2024. 

Standards of Controllers of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund in Vietnam from June 10, 2024

On April 24, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 45/2024/ND-CP on amendments to Decree No. 39/2019/ND-CP on the organization and operation of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund. 

According to the Decree, eligibility requirements and standards to be satisfied by Controllers of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund are as follows: 

- He/she must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, finance, banking, accounting, audit, law, or business administration, and at least 3 years’ experience. The Chief Controller must have at least 5 years’ experience;

- He/she is not a spouse, natural father, adoptive father, natural mother, adoptive mother, blood child, adopted child, natural sibling, elder brother-in-law, younger brother-in-law, elder sister-in-law, younger sister-in-law of the Fund’s manager;

- He/she is not the Fund's manager, a Controller of an enterprise that is not a state-owned enterprise, or the Fund’s employee;

- He/she is not an official working for state agencies, political organizations, or socio-political organizations, or a manager or executive of other enterprises;

See more details in Decree No. 45/2024/ND-CP, effective as of June 10, 2024. 


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