What is the validity of the results of the entrance accreditation of civil servants in Vietnam?

What is the validity of the results of the entrance accreditation of civil servants and how to determine it in Vietnam? - Nguyen Van Nhan (Phu Tho, Vietnam)

What is the basis to determine the results of the entrance accreditation of civil servants in Vietnam? 

According to the provisions of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP, the civil servant entrance accreditation will be conducted on a computer in the form of a multiple-choice test with the specific time and number of test salaries as follows:

- Checking the quality of the entrance accreditation for candidates taking the entrance accreditation for a job position that requires a university degree or higher: 120 minutes, the number of questions is 100.

- Checking the quality of the entrance accreditation for candidates to apply for a job position that requires an intermediate or college level: 100 minutes, 80 questions.

The content of the test will include an assessment of thinking ability and the ability to apply knowledge in practice; candidates' general and basic understanding of the political system, the organizational apparatus of the Party, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and state agencies; Government administrative management; the rights and obligations of civil servants; public service ethics; and knowledge of society, culture, and history.

The test results are determined according to the number of correct answers in the test, candidates who answer 50% or more of the questions correctly will be determined to have met the requirements for the entrance accreditationination of civil servants, specifically as follows: after:

- Candidates taking the entrance accreditation for a job position that requires a university degree or higher must answer 50 or more questions correctly to pass the requirements.

- As for candidates who take the entrance accreditation for a job position that requires an intermediate or college level, they must answer 40 or more questions correctly to meet the requirements.

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What is the validity of the results of the entrance accreditation of civil servants in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What is the validity of the results of the entrance accreditation of civil servants in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 10 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP, the results of the quality inspection of civil servants' inputs are valid for use within 24 months from the date of the approval decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

During the validity period of the test results, those who pass the inspection may register for the civil service exam in the agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and state agencies at the central, provincial, and district levels nationwide.

Heads of agencies or organizations competent to recruit civil servants based on the results of civil servant accreditation
to stipulate the conditions for registration for civil servant recruitment and organize the 2nd round exam for those who pass the inspection results according to regulations.

The results of the entrance quality assessment for candidates taking the exam for a job position requiring a university degree or higher are allowed to be used instead of the results of the entrance quality assessment for candidates who take the entrance accreditation for a job position with lower qualification requirements.

Cases of cancellation of the results of entrance accreditation for civil servants in Vietnam

Candidates will have their results canceled if they fall into one of the following cases:

- Incorrect information in the registration form for inspection.

- In case the agency, organization, or unit competent to recruit civil servants detects that the recruited person is using diplomas, certificates, or certifications in contravention of regulations, request sending a written request to the Ministry of Home Affairs to cancel the inspection results.

- The list of cases in which the inspection results have been canceled is publicly announced on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs, on the information page on the quality inspection of civil servants. Persons whose inspection results have been canceled are not allowed to register for an inspection in a subsequent inspection period.


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