Vietnam: Standards for the rank of senior expert in the administrative sector

To be able to achieve the rank of senior expert in the administrative sector, what standards must an individual meet in Vietnam? - Thanh Tuyen (Binh Thuan, Vietnam)

Vietnam: Standards for the rank of senior expert in the administrative sector
 (Internet image)

1. What is the rank of a senior specialist?

According to Clause 1 and Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV, the rank of senior specialist means a civil servant with the highest professional qualifications in one or several fields of state management in an administrative agency or organization at the central or provincial level; be responsible for research, general advice, appraisal, policy making, macro strategy by industry and field; or perform the task of leading and directing the implementation of policies and laws within the scope of ministries, branches, and localities.

2. General standards of qualifications for the specialist rank in Vietnam

Specifically, in Article 4 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV, the general standards for the quality of the senior professional rank include:

- Having a strong political will, being consistent with Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought, firmly grasping and deeply understanding the party's lines and policies, being loyal to the fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and protecting the interests of the fatherland and the people;

- Fulfilling the obligations of civil servants in accordance with the law; seriously complying with the assignment of tasks by superiors; obeying the law; maintaining discipline; and maintaining discipline and administrative order; exemplary implementation of the agency's rules and regulations;

- Dedication, responsibility, integrity, honesty, objectivity, fairness, and exemplary conduct in performing official duties; politeness, culture, and standards in communicating with and serving the people;

- Having a healthy, modest, and united lifestyle and activities; needing thrift, integrity, righteousness, justice, and impartiality; not taking advantage of public affairs to seek personal benefits; no bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, negativity;

- Regularly having a sense of learning and training to improve quality, qualifications, and capacity

3. Standards for the rank of senior expert in the administrative sector in Vietnam

3.1. Standards of professional conduct and competence in Vietnam

Regarding professional and professional capacity, the rank of senior administrative officer should ensure the standards specified in Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV (amended by Clause 1, Article 1 of Circular No. June 2022/TT-BNV), specifically as follows:

- Understanding the guidelines and guidelines of the party, the laws and development orientations, strategies, and policies of the industry and field of work; master the political system, the organizational system of state agencies, the regime of the civil service and civil servants, and professional knowledge and skills in the management sectors and fields;

- Being capable of researching and developing legal documents, schemes, projects, and action programs; having the capacity to advise on strategic planning, master plans, plans, and policies associated with the professional expertise of the sector, field, or locality where they work;

- Having the ability to analyze, synthesize, systematize, and propose solutions to complete or solve practical problems posed within the scope of management by industry, field, or locality;

mastering the situation and development trends of domestic and international industries and fields; capable of organizing research for management and processing management information;

- Having skills in drafting, presenting, defending, building, and implementing projects, schemes, and programs related to the state management of the sector, field, or locality where they work;

- being capable of organizing and directing the application of scientific and technical advances to improve and increase the quality and efficiency of work in the industry, field, or locality;

- Having basic information technology skills and using foreign languages or ethnic minority languages for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position.

3.2. Standards of training and retraining in Vietnam

According to Clause 4, Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV (amended by Clause 2, Article 1 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV), individuals in the rank of senior professionals must meet the following standards of training and retraining:

- Having a university degree or higher with a major or training discipline relevant to the industry or field of work;

- Having an advanced diploma in political theory or an advanced degree in political or administrative theory, or a certificate of political theory level equivalent to advanced political theory issued by a competent authority;

- Having a certificate of state management knowledge and skills training for civil servants with the rank of senior expert or equivalent or having an advanced degree in political-administrative theory.

Thanh Rin


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