Vietnam: Instructions to apply for officials recruitment with the latest registration form

On December 10, 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs of Vietnam issued the Decision No. 1065/QĐ-BNV on the announcement of 04 administrative procedures in the Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government on recruitment, employment and management of officials. This Decision provides guidance on how to apply for officials recruitment as follows:

đăng ký dự tuyển công chức, Quyết định 1065/QĐ-BNV

Specifically, registration for officials recruitment is done as follows:

Step 1: Prepare application

Individuals applying for officials recruitment shall prepare dossiers including recruitment application form according to Form No. 01 issued together with Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government.

>>> DOWNLOAD: Application form for officials recruitment

Step 2: Submit application

The application form for officials recruitment shall be submitted directly at the place where the application form is received or sent by post or via the website or portal of the agency competent to recruit.

Specifically, agencies competent to recruit officials include:

- Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy, State Audit;

- Office of the National Assembly, Office of the President;

- Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government;

- Organizations established by the Government or the Prime Minister but not as public non-business units;

- Competent agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations;

- Provincial Party Committee and Party Committee directly under the Central Government; People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities.

The time limit for receiving the application form is 30 days from the date the recruitment announcement is made public on the mass media; on the website or the portal of the recruitment agency.

Step 3: Review the application for officials recruitment

The agency competent to recruit officials shall establish a Board to examine the application form, decided by the Chairman of the Recruitment Council, within 05 working days from the date of establishment of the Recruitment Council.

In case the candidate does not meet the conditions and criteria for admission, within 05 working days from the date of closing the examination of the application form, the recruitment council is responsible for sending a written notice to the applicant known at the address registered by the candidate.

Step 4: Organize the 1st round of the examination

Within 15 days from the date of notice of summoning candidates to participate in round 1, the recruitment council must conduct round 1 exam.

- In case the competent recruitment agency organizes the first round on a computer, it must notify the candidate of the results immediately after the completion of the computer-based exam time. Do not conduct a review of the results of the first round on a computer.

- In case the competent recruitment agency organizes the first round on paper, the marking of the exam is done as follows:

+ No later than 15 days from the end of the round 1 exam, the round 1 exam must be completed;

+ Within 05 working days from the end of the first round of marking, the test results must be announced for the candidates to know and notify the receipt of the application for re-examination within 15 days from the date of publication of the exam results on the website or the portal of the competent recruitment agency;

In case there is an application for re-examination, within 15 days from the date of expiry of the time limit for receiving the re-examination application, the re-examination must be completed and the re-examination results announced for the candidates to know.

However, based on practical conditions in the process of organizing the examination, the Chairman of the Recruitment Council decides to extend the time limit for performing the tasks specified at this point, but the total duration shall not exceed 15 days.

Note: Within 05 working days from the end of the round 1 examination, the Recruitment Council must make a list and notify the summoning of eligible candidates to take the 2nd round exam, and concurrently post on the website or portal and publicly post it at the office of the agency competent to recruit.

Step 5: Organize the 2nd round of the examination

Within 15 days from the date of notice of summoning candidates to participate in round 2, the recruitment council must organize round 2 exam.

After completing the second round of examination as prescribed, within 05 working days, the Recruitment Council must report to the head of the agency competent to recruit officials for consideration and approval of the recruitment results.

Step 6: Publication of the results of the civil servant recruitment exam

Within 10 days from the day on which the decision on approving the recruitment result is issued, the Recruitment Council must publicly announce it on its website or the web portal of the agency competent to recruit officials and send a written notice of recognition of the matriculation results to the candidate at the address registered by the candidate. The notice must clearly state the time limit for the successful candidate to come to the recruitment agency to complete the recruitment dossier.

Step 7: Candidates applying for officials recruitment complete the application and proceed to accept the job

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification of the successful results, the successful candidate must go to the agency competent to recruit officials to complete the recruitment dossier.

Within 15 days after the successful candidate completes the recruitment application, the head of the agency competent to recruit officials shall issue a decision on recruitment and send the decision to the successful candidate at the registered address.

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the recruitment decision, the person recruited into the official must go to the job-receiving agency, unless the recruitment decision stipulates a different time limit or the extension is agreed by the agency competent to recruit public employees.

** Fees and charges for registration of officials recruitment

According to the Circular No. 228/2016/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam:

- Fees for registration of officials recruitment:

+ Under 100 candidates: 500,000 VND/candidate/time;

+ From 100 to less than 500 candidates: 400,000 VND/candidate/time;

+ From 500 or more: 500,000 VND/contestant/time for the exam.

- Review: 150,000 VND/test.

** Individuals applying for officials recruitment must meet the following conditions and criteria:

- Have one nationality is Vietnamese nationality;

- 18 years or older;

- Have an application form; have a clear background;

- Have appropriate diplomas and certificates;

- Have good political and moral qualities;

- Have enough health to perform the task;

- Other conditions as required by the position applied for.

Above are all instructions for individuals who wish to apply for officials under Decision No. 1065/QĐ-BNV of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam together with the latest application form.

Thuy Tram


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