Regimes and policies for employees and defense officers who quit their jobs

From April 15, 2022, regimes and policies for employees and national defense officers who quit their jobs shall comply with Decree 19/2022/ND-CP , specifically as follows:

Regimes and policies for employees and defense officers who quit their jobs

Regimes and policies for workers and defense officers who quit their jobs (Artwork)

(1) To enjoy social insurance and other benefits (if any) in accordance with current law.

(2) To be entitled to a one-time allowance, for each working year, workers and employees shall be entitled to an allowance equal to 01 month's salary of the preceding month before they quit their jobs. defense position before resigning to pay.

(3) For defense workers and public employees who have quit their jobs and returned to the locality within no more than 01 year (12 months) from the effective date of the resignation decision, the following regimes and policies shall be applied:

- If recruited to work at agencies and organizations receiving salaries from the state budget :

+ Be entitled to the regime of changing industries according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 2 of Decree 19/2022/ND-CP ;

At the same time, the one-time allowance specified in item (2) and the one-time social insurance allowance (received) must be refunded in accordance with the law on social insurance.

+ Heads of agencies, units and enterprises where national defense workers and public employees work before they quit their jobs, direct the withdrawal of the above-mentioned severance decisions and allowances; issue a decision or report to the competent authority to make the decision to switch majors; pay the collected subsidies to the state budget and the specialized collection account of the Social Insurance of the Ministry of National Defense; complete the application file for Social Insurance of the Ministry of National Defense for certification, reserve the previous period of social insurance payment as prescribed.

- If recruited to work at enterprises or units that do not receive salary from the state budget :

If a national defense employee or employee who has retired from work and returned to the locality is recruited to work at an enterprise or unit that does not receive a salary from the state budget, but wishes to reserve the time for paying social insurance premiums, he/she shall:

+ The one-time social insurance allowance (received) must be refunded in accordance with the law on social insurance.

+ Heads of agencies, units and enterprises where national defense workers and public employees work before resigning, direct the recovery of the lump-sum social insurance allowance paid into the collection account of the Ministry of Social Security. Naitional defense; complete the application file for Social Insurance of the Ministry of National Defense for certification, reserve the previous period of social insurance payment as prescribed.

+ When eligible for pension, the calculation of the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based as a basis for calculating pensions according to the provisions of Point d, Clause 1, Article 2 of Decree 19/2022/ND shall not be applied. - CP .

- In case the agency, unit or enterprise where the defense workers and public employees work before they quit their jobs has merged or dissolved, the agency, unit or enterprise after the merger or the agency, unit The superior directly managing the agency, unit or enterprise is dissolved for settlement.

- The time the national defense workers and officers leave their jobs and return to the locality is not counted as the working time participating in social insurance.

Decree 19/2022/ND-CP takes effect from April 15, 2022. The one-time allowance for defense workers and public employees who quit their jobs has been implemented since July 1, 2016.



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