Payrolls and allowances for Vietnam military and police forces in 2017

According to Resolution 27/2016/QH14 implementing the adjustment of statutory pay rate from 1,210,000 VND/month to 1,300,000 VND/month, the adjustment of pensions, social insurance allowances, and preferential allowances for people with meritorious services will increase by the statutory pay rate from July 1, 2017. Therefore, the salaries and allowances for personnel in the People's Army and People's Public Security also have changes. Below are payrolls and allowances for Vietnam military and police forces in 2017.

Salary, Allowances, and Benefits from January 01, 2017 to June 30, 2017

According to Circular 77/2016/TT-BQP guiding the calculation of salaries, allowances (PC), and benefits as follows:

- Regarding salary and military rank allowance:

- Salary = Statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Current salary coefficient;

- Allowance for non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and cryptography students = Statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Current military rank allowance coefficient;

- Amount of differential reservation coefficient = Statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Current differential reservation coefficient (if any).

- Regarding salary allowance:

- Allowances calculated based on statutory pay rate:

- Salary beneficiary: Allowance = Statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Allocated allowance coefficient;

- Non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and cryptography students: Allowance = Military rank allowance of Private, calculated by statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Allocated allowance coefficient.

- Allowances calculated by percentage:

- Salary beneficiary: Allowance = (Implemented salary from May 01, 2016 + Implemented leadership position allowance from May 01, 2016 + Implemented seniority allowance from May 01, 2016) x Allocated allowance percentage;

- Non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and cryptography students: Allowance = Current military rank allowance, together with leadership position allowance (if any) calculated by statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Allocated allowance percentage.

- Allowances based on statutory pay rate: Allowance = Statutory pay rate 1,210,000 VND/month x Number of months of allowance.

Salary, Allowances, and Benefits from July 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017

There are currently no specific guidance documents on salaries, allowances, and benefits from July 01, 2017. However, calculations can be based on the regulations in Circular 77 to determine salaries from July 01, 2017.

Based on the following documents, Thu Ky Luat updates the salary and allowance table for the Army and Police in 2017:

- Unified Document 01/VBHN-BNV dated October 17, 2016.

- Decree 47/2016/ND-CP dated May 26, 2016, stipulating the statutory pay rate for officials and public employees and armed forces.

- Resolution 27/2016/QH14 dated November 11, 2016, on the state budget estimate for 2017.

The salary and allowance tables include:

- Military rank salary table- Officer salary increase table for the People's Army and the People's Public Security.- Allowance table for military rank for non-commissioned officers and conscripts of the People's Army and the People's Public Security.- Leadership position allowances for the People's Army and the People's Public Security.- Salary table for professional soldiers of the People's Army and technical specialists of the People's Public Security.

Salary for officers' military ranks and cryptography ranks

Unit: VND

No. Military Rank Salary Coefficient Implemented Salary from 01/01/2017 – 30/6/2017 Implemented Salary from 01/7/2017 – 31/12/2017
1 General 10.40 12,584,000 13,520,000
2 Senior Lieutenant General 9.80 11,858,000 12,740,000
3 Lieutenant General 9.20 11,132,000 11,960,000
4 Major General 8.60 10,406,000 11,180,000
5 Colonel 8.00 9,680,000 10,400,000
6 Senior Lieutenant Colonel 7.30 8,833,000 9,490,000
7 Lieutenant Colonel 6.60 7,986,000 8,580,000
8 Major 6.00 7,260,000 7,800,000
9 Captain 5.40 6,534,000 7,020,000
10 Senior Lieutenant 5.00 6,050,000 6,500,000
11 Lieutenant 4.60 5,566,000 5,980,000
12 Second Lieutenant 4.20 5,082,000 5,460,000
13 Sergeant Major 3.80 4,598,000 4,940,000
14 Sergeant 3.50 4,235,000 4,550,000
15 Corporal 3.20 3,872,000 4,160,000

Officer salary increase table for the People's Army and the People's Public Security

Unit: VND

No. Military Rank First Salary Increase Second Salary Increase
1 Colonel

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
2 Senior Lieutenant Colonel

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
3 Lieutenant Colonel

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
4 Major

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
5 Captain

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
6 Senior Lieutenant

Salary Coefficient
Salary from 01/01 - 30/6/2017
Salary from 01/07 - 31/12/2017
Salary increase table for general officers
No. Military Rank Salary Increase Coefficient (1 time)
1 General 11.00
2 Senior Lieutenant General 10.4
3 Lieutenant General 9.8
4 Major General 9.2

Allowance for military rank for non-commissioned officers and conscripts of the People's Army and the People's Public Security

Unit: VND

No. Military Rank Coefficient Allowance from 01/01/2017 - 30/06/2017 Allowance from 01/7/2017 - 31/12/2017
1 Sergeant Major 0.70 847,000 910,000
2 Sergeant 0.60 726,000 780,000
3 Corporal 0.50 605,000 650,000
4 Private First Class 0.45 544,500 585,000
5 Private 0.40 484,000 520,000

Leadership position allowances for the People's Army and the People's Public Security

Unit: VND

No. Leadership Position Coefficient From 01/01/2017 - 30/6/2017 From 01/7/2017 - 31/12/2017
1 Depending on personnel arrangement to appropriately allocate salary and allowances. In the case of salary arrangement according to the rank of officers, leadership position allowance is 1.50.
2 Chief of General Staff 1.40 1,694,000 1,820,000
3 Military Region Commander 1.25 1,512,500 1,625,000
4 Army Corps Commander 1.10 1,331,000 1,430,000
5 Deputy Army Corps Commander 1.00 1,210,000 1,300,000
6 Division Commander 0.90 1,089,000 1,170,000
7 Brigade Commander 0.80 968,000 1,040,000
8 Regiment Commander 0.70 847,000 910,000
9 Deputy Regiment Commander 0.60 726,000 780,000
10 Battalion Commander 0.50 605,000 650,000
11 Deputy Battalion Commander 0.40 484,000 520,000
12 Company Commander 0.30 363,000 390,000
13 Deputy Company Commander 0.25 302,500 325,000
14 Platoon Commander 0.20 242,000 260,000

Salary Table for Professional Military Officers of the Vietnam People's Army and Technical Specialists of the People's Public Security

Unit: Dong

Senior Professional Military Officers
Rank Group 1 Group 2
Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017 Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017
Rank 1 3.85 4,658,500 5,005,000 3.65 4,416,500 4,745,000
Rank 2 4.2 5,082,000 5,460,000 4.0 4,840,000 5,200,000
Rank 3 4.55 5,505,500 5,915,000 4.35 5,263,500 5,655,000
Rank 4 4.9 5,929,000 6,370,000 4.7 5,687,000 6,110,000
Rank 5 5.25 6,352,500 6,825,000 5.05 6,110,500 6,565,000
Rank 6 5.6 6,776,000 7,280,000 5.4 6,534,000 7,020,000
Rank 7 5.95 7,199,500 7,735,000 5.75 6,957,500 7,475,000
Rank 8 6.3 7,623,000 8,190,000 6.1 7,381,000 7,930,000
Rank 9 6.65 8,046,500 8,645,000 6.45 7,804,500 8,385,000
Rank 10 6.7 8,046,500 8,645,000 6.8 8,228,000 8,840,000
Rank 11 7.35 8,893,500 9,555,000 7.15 8,651,500 9,295,000
Rank 12 7.7 9,317,000 10,010,000 7.5 9,075,000 9,750,000
Intermediate Professional Military Officers
Rank Group 1 Group 2
Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017 Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017
Rank 1 3.5 4,235,000 4,550,000 3.2 3,872,000 4,160,000
Rank 2 3.8 4,598,000 4,940,000 3.5 4,235,000 4,550,000
Rank 3 4.1 4,961,000 5,330,000 3.8 4,598,000 4,940,000
Rank 4 4.4 5,324,000 5,720,000 4.1 4,961,000 5,330,000
Rank 5 4.7 5,687,000 6,110,000 4.4 5,324,000 5,720,000
Rank 6 5.0 6,050,000 6,500,000 4.7 5,687,000 6,110,000
Rank 7 5.3 6,413,000 6,890,000 5.0 6,050,000 6,500,000
Rank 8 5.6 6,776,000 7,280,000 5.3 6,413,000 6,890,000
Rank 9 5.9 7,139,000 7,670,000 5.6 6,776,000 7,280,000
Rank 10 6.2 7,502,000 8,060,000 5.9 7,139,000 7,670,000
Junior Professional Military Officers
Rank Group 1 Group 2
Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017 Salary Coefficient From 01/01 - 30/06/2017 From 01/07 - 31/12/2017
Rank 1 3.2 3,872,000 4,160,000 2.95 3,569,500 3,835,000
Rank 2 3.45 4,174,500 4,485,000 3.2 3,872,000 4,160,000
Rank 3 3.7 4,477,000 4,810,000 3.45 4,174,500 4,485,000
Rank 4 3.95 4,779,500 5,135,000 3.7 4,477,000 4,810,000
Rank 5 4.2 5,082,000 5,460,000 3.95 4,779,500 5,135,000
Rank 6 4.45 5,384,500 5,785,000 4.2 5,082,000 5,460,000
Rank 7 4.7 5,687,000 6,110,000 4.45 5,384,500 5,785,000
Rank 8 4.95 5,989,500 6,435,000 4.7 5,687,000 6,110,000
Rank 9 5.2 6,292,000 6,760,000 4.95 5,989,500 6,435,000
Rank 10 5.45 6,594,500 7,085,000 5.2 6,292,000 6,760,000


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