Detailed guidelines for assesing and classifying the quality of members of Communist Party of Vietnam in 2020

To enhance awareness, responsibility, and to propose solutions to promote strengths and overcome limitations of members of Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), each year, agencies and organizations conduct quality assessment and classification. Below is the detailed guidance for the assessment and classification of CPV members' quality in 2020.

党员,    评估党员

Vietnam: Detailed guide for assesing and classifying the quality of CPV members in 2020 (Illustrative image)

Form 02 - Individual Self-Assessment Report

I. CPV member self-assessment

1. Content of CPV member self-assessment

According to Guidance 21-HD/BTCTW of the Central Committee's Organization Department, the self-assessment, evaluation, and annual classification of the quality of CPV organizations, CPV members, and collectives, and individuals in leadership and management positions at all levels are regulated as follows:

* For CPV members without leadership and managerial positions

Political Ideology

Loyal to Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the Party's renovation path; complying with, propagating, and mobilizing families and people to implement the Party's guidelines and policies, and the laws of the state; the study of resolutions, directives, and participation in political activities to enhance political bravery and revolutionary human perspective.

Ethical Qualities, Lifestyle

Results of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality, and style; maintaining ethics and lifestyle, promoting the leading and exemplary role of the CPV member, and maintaining close relationships with the people; the spirit of receptiveness, listening, correcting shortcomings, and fighting against bureaucratic, corrupt, wasteful, and negative behaviors; the consciousness of building localities, agencies, units, and maintaining internal unity.

Organizational Discipline Awareness

Complying with organizational assignments; adhering to the regulations on things CPV members are not allowed to do and local, agency, and unit rules and regulations; principles and policies of party activities and paying party dues as regulated; the responsibility of setting an example by the CPV member; exemplarily fulfilling civic duties and regularly maintaining contact with the branch committee, grassroots party committee where residing.

Working Style, Manner

Dynamic, creative, decisive in task execution; scientific, democratic working methods in accordance with principles; cooperating and helping comrades and colleagues.

Relate to 27 signs of political, ideological, ethical, lifestyle degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within

>>> See more: 27 signs of ideological, ethical lifestyle degradation CPV members must know

Task Performance

Fulfilling the tasks of a CPV member, the authority, and responsibility related to the appointed positions (party, government, mass organizations) as regulated

Quantified result of tasks assigned in the year

Personal responsibility related to results, limitations, shortcomings in the fields, localities, organizations, agencies, and units managed

Annual commitment to self-cultivation, training, striving

Addressing previously identified limitations and shortcomings concluded or indicated by competent authorities

Issues suggested for self-assessment (if any)


Note: During self-assessment, it's necessary to thoroughly clarify the volume, quality, progress, and efficiency in task performance; the spirit of innovation, creativity, self-responsibility; and the attitude towards serving the people.


* For leaders, managers

- Similar content to CPV members without leadership and managerial positions;- Leadership, management, execution results, personal responsibility in participating with the collective leadership and executing political tasks and organizational, personnel tasks of the localities, agencies, units; relationship, cooperation with the party committees and collective leadership, management; impartial and objective attitude; the ability to unify, maintain internal solidarity, and the trust of officials, CPV members, and the public;- Awareness of fighting against bureaucracy, corruption, waste, opportunism, favoritism. Asset and income declaration as regulated; taking care of the material and spiritual life of officials, CPV members, and workers. Setting an exemplary responsibility as regulated by the Central Committee and all levels of the party committees.

2. Procedure for CPV member self-assessment

Step 1: Prepare self-assessment reports of collectives and individuals

Each individual makes a self-assessment according to Form 02.

Step 2: Organize the self-assessment

- Organize self-assessment based on the principle: Collective self-assessment first, individual self-assessment later, the head of the collective first, deputies, and other members afterwards.- The head or the authorized person presents the collective self-assessment report; each member of the collective participates in feedback and clarifies individual roles and responsibilities about the merits and shortcomings of the collective. The head aggregates and concludes on specific contents to complete the report.- Individuals present their self-assessment; each member of the collective participates in feedback, comments; the chairperson concludes the merits and shortcomings of each individual; individuals accept feedback and complete their self-assessment report.- The higher party committee builds a plan, establishes task teams to attend and direct the self-assessment in places suggested for review and assigns party committee members, officials from advisory offices of the party committees to attend, direct, and summarize self-assessment results at the party committee, party organization, collective leadership, and management at lower levels to report to the party committee.

II. Evaluation and classification of CPV member quality

1. Criteria framework for assesing CPV member quality levels

Quality Level Criteria
Exceptionally completed tasks - A CPV member who is truly exemplary in capability, ethical quality, lifestyle, always leading in innovation and creativity, having quantifiable specific achievements; has many outstanding achievements in work for other CPV members to learn from.
- All criteria regarding political task results are evaluated as "Excellent"; the remaining criteria are evaluated as "Good" or higher.
- CPV members who are officials and public employees must be ranked as "Exceptionally completed tasks".
- The competent authority decides the number of CPV members classified as "Exceptionally completed tasks" not exceeding 20% of the number of CPV members classified as "Completed tasks well" in each grassroots party organization.
Completed tasks well - The criteria on results of political tasks assigned are all evaluated as "Good" or higher; the remaining criteria are evaluated as "Average" or higher.
- CPV members who are officials and public employees must be ranked as "Completed tasks well" or higher.
Completed tasks - Basic criteria are evaluated as "Average" or higher.
- CPV members who are officials and public employees must be ranked as "Completed tasks" or higher.
Failed to complete tasks A CPV member who fails to meet the "Completed tasks" level or falls into one of the following cases:
- The competent authority concludes with signs of political, ideological, ethical, lifestyle degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transform".
- Completing less than 50% of the targets, tasks assigned in the year.
- CPV members who are officials and public employees ranked as "Failed to complete tasks".
- A CPV member disciplined within the year (a violation processed only once when classifying).

2. Procedure for assesing and classifying CPV member quality levels

Step 1: Self-evaluation and preliminary classification

Based on evaluation criteria, quality level standards specifically regulated for each subject, CPV members analyze their quality (determining levels "Excellent", "Good", "Average", "Poor" for each specific criterion) and review, self-identify the quality level according to Form 02; report to the party cell in the year-end meeting for self-assessment, evaluation, and quality classification of CPV members.

Step 2: Deciding the quality classification for CPV members

- The cell committee (secretary of the cell where there’s no cell committee) compiles self-classification levels of CPV members; comments from the cell committee, grassroots party committee where the CPV member resides to propose classification levels for each CPV member. The cell discusses the classification levels proposed by the cell committee (secretary of the cell where there’s no cell committee) before voting.

- The cell committee (secretary of the cell where there’s no cell committee) organizes for CPV members to vote on classification levels for each CPV member of the cell; then, summarize the results, propose quality classification levels for each CPV member to report to the grassroots party committee.

- The supporting department of the party committee summarizes and verifies reports from affiliated cells for the grassroots party committee to consider and decide the quality classification of CPV members. For grassroots cells, the cell decides on the quality classification of CPV members.

See more: All contents for assesing officials and public employees at the end of 2020

See more: How will CPV members receive rewards from 2021?

Le Vy


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