Conditions for taking the exam to raise the rank of civil servant of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued Decision 222/QD-BCT dated February 22, 2022, promulgating the Regulation on recruitment, transfer, and promotion of civil servants and cadre work of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In particular, the conditions for participating in the civil service promotion exam are prescribed as follows:

Conditions for taking the exam to raise the rank of civil servant of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Conditions for taking the exam to raise the rank of civil servant of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Artwork)

Civil servants may register for the rank promotion exam when they fully meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Being graded at the level of completing tasks well or higher in the working year immediately preceding the year of competition for rank promotion;

Having good political and moral qualities; not within the time limit for disciplinary action, not during the implementation of the provisions related to discipline specified in Article 82 of the Law on Cadres and Civil servants as amended and supplemented in Clause 17, Article 1 of the Amended Law, supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Cadres and Civil servants and the Law on Public Employees ;

- Having the capacity, professional qualifications and expertise to take on a job position corresponding to the rank of civil servant higher than the rank of civil servant currently held in the same professional field;

- Satisfy the requirements for diplomas, certificates and other requirements on professional and professional standards of the exam category as prescribed by the Ministry of Home Affairs on codes, professional and professional standards and salary classification for candidates. ranks of civil servants specializing in administration or regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on codes, professional and professional standards and salary classification for ranks of specialized civil servants in market management.

- Satisfy the requirements on the minimum working time for each civil servant rank specified in the professional and professional standards of the competition category;

Trường hợp công chức trước khi được tuyển dụng hoặc được tiếp nhận đã có thời gian công tác có đóng bảo hiểm xã hội bắt buộc theo đúng quy định của Luật bảo hiểm xã hội, làm việc ở vị trí có yêu cầu về trình độ chuyên môn nghiệp vụ phù hợp (nếu thời gian công tác không liên tục mà chưa nhận trợ cấp bảo hiểm xã hội một lần thì được cộng dồn) và thời gian đó được cơ quan có thẩm quyền tính làm căn cứ xếp lương ở ngạch công chức hiện giữ thì được tính là tương đương với ngạch công chức hiện giữ.

Trường hợp có thời gian tương đương thì phải có ít nhất 01 năm (đủ 12 tháng) giữ ngạch dưới liền kề với ngạch dự thi tính đến ngày hết thời hạn nộp hồ sơ đăng ký dự thi nâng ngạch.

Lưu ý:

+ The promotion to the rank of civil servant must be based on the job position, in accordance with the civil servant rank structure of the administrative agencies under the Ministry, which has been approved by the competent authorities.

+ Based on the number of quotas for rank promotion of the administrative agencies of the Ministry approved by the competent authorities, the Department of Organization and Personnel (for rank promotion exams organized by the Ministry) or the public affairs advisory agency The staff of the General Department of Market Management (for the rank promotion exam organized by the General Department) is responsible for reviewing, determining and making a list of civil servants who fully meet the criteria and conditions for taking the rank promotion exam.

Decision 222/QD-BCT takes effect from February 22, 2022.



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