16 regulations for candidates taking the civil servant recruitment exam in Vietnam

What are the regulations for candidates taking the civil servant recruitment exam in Vietnam? - Thuy My (Tien Giang)

16 regulations for candidates taking the civil servant recruitment exam in Vietnam

16 regulations for candidates taking the civil servant recruitment exam in Vietnam  (Internet image)

1. 16 regulations for candidates taking the civil servant recruitment exam in Vietnam

16 regulations for candidates participating in the civil servant recruitment exam according to Article 1 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 6/2020/TT-BNV are as follows:

(1) Must be at the exam room on time. Dress neatly, civilly, and politely. If a candidate arrives more than 30 minutes late from the start of the exam, he or she will not be allowed to take the exam.

(2) Present your identity card, citizen identification card, or one of your other legal identification papers with a photo attached for the examiner to compare before entering the examination room.

(3) Sit in the correct seat according to the registration number and put the ID card, citizen identification card, or one of the other legal identification papers with photos on the table for examination by examination room supervisors and members of the Examination Council.

(4) Only a ruler, pens, and some drugs are allowed into the examination room, which must be carried by candidates with medical records;

Cell phones, recorders, cameras, computers, other technical means of receiving and transmitting information, data backup media, and other information storage and transmission devices are not allowed into the examination room. and papers and documents related to the exam content (unless otherwise specified in the exam questions).

(5) Use only the type of test paper that is given out to take the test; you must write all the items specified for candidates on the test paper.

(6) The test must be written in blue or black ink only. Not to use other color inks, emulsion ink, reflective ink, or pencil to take the test (unless otherwise specified in the exam paper); Do not mark the test paper separately.

(7) Except for the mandatory inscription on the beat page, a candidate may not write his or her name, signature, title, agency name, or other markings on the test.

(8) Obey all instructions given by your supervisor; Keep order and do not smoke or use drugs in the exam room.

(9) Do not communicate with others during the test, do not exchange test papers, scratch paper, copy or look at other test takers' work; or commit any other act of cheating.

Any act of copying or transmitting information related to the exam is strictly prohibited outside the examination room, as is receiving information from outside into the examination room.

(10) If you need to ask anything, you must ask the test room proctor publicly.

(11) In case it is necessary to rewrite, cross out, or strike out the part written in the test (unless the exam question says otherwise).

(12) Not to go out of the exam room for the exam subject or the test part with a test time of less than 60 minutes, except for the case specified at Point b, Clause 15, Article 1 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 6/2020/TT-BNV.

For the writing test, you can only leave the exam room at the earliest after 2/3 of the test time. Cases involving the necessity of leaving the examination room must be handled by the head of the examination committee.

(13) During the period of not being allowed to go out of the exam room as prescribed in Clause 12, Article 1 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 6/2020/TT-BNV, if a candidate has an unusual illness or pain, he/she must notify the examination room supervisor, and the examination room superintendent must immediately notify the head of the examination committee for consideration and settlement.

(14) Stop taking the test and return it to the test room proctor as soon as the proctor declares the test time is over. The total number of test papers submitted must be clearly stated and signed on the test submission list. If the candidate fails to pass the test, he or she must also return the exam paper.

(15) In case the exam is held on a computer:

+ It is strictly forbidden to damage the computer system serving the exam; when detecting unusable computers, they must promptly notify supervisors for consideration and settlement;

+ Candidates are only allowed to leave the exam room when they have submitted their papers and signed the test results sheet.

If a candidate does not sign the test result sheet before leaving the exam room, he/she must receive a score of zero (0).

In case the proctor discovers that a candidate is signing on behalf of another candidate, these candidates must receive a score of zero (0).

The decision to score zero (0) for these cases shall be decided by the Chairman of the Council based on the report of the Head of the Examination Board.

(16) Contestants have the right to denounce violators of the rules and regulations to the examination room supervisor, the head of the examination committee, members of the examination council, and members of the supervisory board.

2. Form, content, and time of civil servant recruitment exam

The form, content, and time of the civil servant recruitment exam according to Article 8 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP are as follows:

The civil service exam is conducted in two rounds, as follows:

* Round 1: General knowledge and ability test

- Exam format: Computer-based multiple-choice test.

In the event that the agency competent to recruit civil servants is not able to organize the computer-based exam, the multiple-choice test will be on paper.

If the exam is held on a computer, the content of the multiple-choice test does not include the computer exam.

- The exam content consists of 3 parts, and the exam time is as follows:

Part I: General Knowledge: 60 questions for general understanding about the political system, the organization of the Party and State apparatus, socio-political organizations; Government administrative management; civil servants, and other knowledge to assess capacity. Exam time: 60 minutes;

Part II: Foreign language, 30 questions required by the job position in one of five languages: English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or other foreign languages decided by the head of the agency competent to recruit civil servants. Exam time: 30 minutes;

Part III: Informatics, 30 questions required by the job position. Exam time: 30 minutes.

- Exemption from the foreign language test for the following cases:

Having a diploma in a foreign language major with the same training level or at a higher level of training than the professional training level required by the applied job position;

Having a diploma with the same training level or at a higher level of training than the professional training level required by the job position issued by a foreign educational institution and recognized in Vietnam according to regulations;

Having a certificate of ethnic minority language or being from an ethnic minority, in case of applying for a job as a civil servant working in ethnic minority areas.

- Exemption from the informatics exam for those who have an intermediate or higher diploma in a discipline related to informatics and information technology;

- The results of the 1st round exam are determined according to the number of correct answers for each part of the exam specified at point b of this clause, if they answer correctly 50% of the questions or more for each part of the test, the candidate will be allowed to continue the 2nd round.

* Round 2: Exam for specialized professional subjects

- Exam form: Based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the job position to be recruited, the head of the agency competent to recruit civil servants shall decide one of three forms of examination: Interview; write; combination of interview and writing.

- Exam content: To test knowledge about the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws on the recruitment industry and field; job performance skills of the candidate according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

The content of the specialized professional exam must be based on the responsibilities and professional standards of the civil servant rank and must match the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

In the same entrance exam, if there are job positions with different professional requirements, the agency competent to recruit civil servants must organize the development of different professional exam questions corresponding to the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

- Exam time: 30 minutes for the interview (before the interview, candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare); 180 minutes for the writing exam (not including the time to copy the question). In the case of choosing a combination of interview and writing exam forms, the time for the interview and the writing exam shall comply with the provisions of this Point.

- Scoring scale (interview, writing test): 100 points. In the case of choosing a combination of interview and writing exam forms, the ratio of interview and written scores shall be decided by the Chairman of the Examination Council but must ensure a total score of 100 points.

- In case the civil servant management agency has higher specific requirements on the content, form and time of the exam in round 2, it shall reach agreement with the Ministry of Home Affairs before implementation.

3. Form, content, and time of public employee recruitment exam in Vietnam

The form, content, and time of the public employee recruitment exam according to Article 9 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP are as follows:

The recruitment exam is conducted in 2 rounds, as follows:

* Round 1: General knowledge test

- Exam format: Computer-based multiple-choice test.

If the exam is held on a computer, the content of the multiple-choice test does not include the computer exam.

In case the competent recruitment agency or unit is not able to organize the computer-based exam, the multiple-choice test will be on paper.

- The exam content consists of 3 parts, and the exam time is as follows:

Part I: General Knowledge: 60 questions on understanding the law on public employees, the Party's guidelines, and policies and laws on the recruitment industry and field. Exam time: 60 minutes;

Part II: Foreign Languages: 30 questions required by the job position in one of five languages: English, Russian, French, German, Chinese, or another foreign language decided by the head of the agency or unit competent to recruit. Exam time: 30 minutes;

Part III: Informatics, 30 questions required by the job position. Exam time: 30 minutes.

- Exemption from the foreign language test for the following cases:

Having a diploma in a foreign language major with the same training level or at a higher level of training than the professional training level required by the applied job position;

Having a diploma at the same training level or at a higher level of training than the professional training level
at the request of the job position applicant applying to study abroad or study in a foreign language in Vietnam, recognized by a competent authority;

Having a certificate of ethnic minority language or being an ethnic minority person to apply for a position as an officer working in ethnic minority areas.

- Exemption from the informatics exam for those who have an intermediate or higher diploma in a discipline related to informatics and information technology.

- The results of the 1st round exam are determined according to the number of correct answers for each part of the exam specified at point b of this clause, if they answer correctly 50% of the questions or more for each part of the test, the candidate will be allowed to continue the 2nd round.

* Round 2: Exam for specialized professional subjects

- Examination form: Based on the nature, characteristics, and requirements of the job position to be recruited, the head of the agency or unit competent to recruit shall decide one of three forms of examination: Interview; practice; writing exam.

- Exam content: Test the candidate's knowledge and skills in professional activities according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

The content of the specialized professional exam must be based on the tasks and standards of professional competence of the public employee's professional title and must match the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

In the same entrance exam, if there are job positions with different professional requirements, agencies and units competent to recruit public employees must organize the development of various professional exam questions corresponding to the requirements of the job position to be recruited.

- Exam time: 30 minutes for the interview (before the interview, candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare); 180 minutes for the writing test (not counting the time to copy questions); The duration of the practical exam shall be decided by the head of the agency or unit competent to recruit, based on the nature and characteristics of the professional activities of the job position to be recruited.

- Scoring scale (interview, practical, and writing test): 100 points.

- In case the agency competent to manage public employees has higher requirements on the content, form and time of the exam in round 2, it shall reach agreement with the Ministry of Home Affairs before implementation.

Quoc Dat


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