Procedures for Receiving Occupational Accident and Disease Benefits Due to Recurring Injuries or Illnesses in Vietnam

If I want to receive benefits for occupational accidents and diseases due to disability or recurring illnesses, what are the procedures and documents required to be submitted in Vietnam? - This question was sent by Mr. Ho Manh Khoa from Da Nang to Lawnet on April 19, 2020.

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Regarding Mr. Khoa's issue, Lawnet has detailed guidance on dossiers and procedures in Vietnam as follows:

1. Implementation Sequence

Step 1: Employees in Vietnam submit the prescribed documents to the district or provincial Social Security where the allowance is being paid (for cases receiving monthly allowances); in case of receiving one-time injury compensation, submit the documents to the district/province Social Security where they reside.

In case of electronic transactions: Employees register to receive an authentication code and send electronic documents to the Vietnam Social Security Portal or through the I-VAN organization. If the paper documents are not converted to electronic format, send paper documents to the Social Security agency via public postal service.

Step 2: The Social Security agency receiving the documents: Receives the employee's documents for review and payment of the allowance to the employee.

2. Methods of Implementation

- Employees can choose to submit documents through one of the following methods:

+ Via electronic transactions (with or without accompanying paper documents);

+ Via public postal service;

+ Directly at the Social Security agency.

- Employees receive the allowance through one of the following methods:

+ Directly at the Social Security agency (for receiving a one-time allowance) or via public postal service;

+ Through the employee's bank account.

3. Dossier Components

According to the guidance in Decision 777/QD-BHXH on the announcement of administrative procedures for social insurance benefits and unemployment insurance replaced and abolished, the dossier for receiving occupational injury and occupational disease allowances due to recurring injuries and illnesses includes:

- Social insurance book (in case of reserving the contribution period without data in the system or not assigned a Social Insurance number for cases of occupational injury or occupational disease that have been medically assessed but do not meet the qualification for a reduction in working capacity to receive the allowance).

- For cases treated and discharged before July 1, 2016, where the previous assessment did not meet the qualification for a reduction in working capacity to receive occupational injury and disease allowances: A copy of the accident scene investigation report, the accident scene diagram, or a copy of the traffic accident report from the police or military criminal investigation agency.

- The original of the latest medical examination report on the reduction in working capacity by the Medical Assessment Council for cases assessed but did not qualify for a reduction in working capacity to receive the allowance.

- The original of the medical reassessment report on the reduction in working capacity after treating the recurring injuries or illnesses by the Medical Assessment Council.

- The original prescription from the medical examination and treatment, orthopedics, rehabilitation facilities under the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, or provincial-level hospitals or higher on the provision of assistive devices (if any).

- The original of the invoice and payment receipt for the medical assessment fee attached to the list of assessed contents from the Medical Assessment facility (in case of reimbursement of the medical assessment fee).

4. Number of Dossiers

01 set (applied for direct transactions and electronic transactions without converting paper dossiers to electronic format).

5. Processing Time

A maximum of 06 working days from the date of receipt of complete dossiers as prescribed.

6. Eligibility Conditions

- Employees participating in mandatory social insurance, suffering an occupational injury with a reduction in working capacity of 5% or more, when the injury recurs and has been treated stably.

- Employees suffering an occupational injury with impaired body function and are provided with assistive devices according to tenure based on the injury situation.

Legal Basis: Decision 777/QD-BHXH on the announcement of administrative procedures for social insurance benefits and unemployment insurance replaced and abolished, effective from June 24, 2020.

Nguyen Trinh


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