One-time social insurance in 2022: Important information to know

The Law Clerk introduces you to important information you need to know about the conditions, benefits, and procedures for enjoying one-time social insurance (social insurance) in 2022.

One-time social insurance in 2022: Important information to know

One-time social insurance in 2022: Important information to know (Artwork)

1. Cases entitled to one-time social insurance contributions in 2022

An employee who is a Vietnamese citizen and is required to participate in compulsory social insurance shall be entitled to a lump-sum social insurance benefit if he/she falls into one of the following cases:

- Having reached the retirement age as prescribed, but have not had enough 20 years of payment of social insurance premiums (or less than 15 years of payment of social insurance premiums for female employees who are full-time or part-time workers in communes, wards or townships) and do not continue to pay social insurance contributions. continue to participate in voluntary social insurance.

- Employees participating in compulsory social insurance after one year off from work, those participating in voluntary social insurance after one year do not continue to pay social insurance but have not yet paid social insurance for 20 years.

- Going abroad to settle down.

- Persons suffering from one of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, cirrhosis of the liver ascites, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, HIV infection that has progressed to AIDS and other diseases as prescribed by the Ministry of Health. .

- An employee who falls into one of the following cases when serving, demobilizing or resigning but is ineligible for pension enjoyment:

+ Professional officers and soldiers of the People's Army; officers, professional non-commissioned officers, officers and technical non-commissioned officers of the People's Public Security; people doing cipher work receive salaries like military personnel;

+ Non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Army; non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security who serve a definite term; Military, police and cipher students who are studying are entitled to living expenses.

2. One-time social insurance allowance in 2022

2.1 Level of benefits for participants of compulsory social insurance

The one-time social insurance benefit for participants of compulsory social insurance is calculated according to the number of years of paying social insurance premiums, for each year is calculated as follows:

- 1.5 months the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment before 2014;

- 02 months the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment from 2014 onwards.

- The one-time social insurance allowance of employees who have paid social insurance premiums for less than one year is equal to 22% of the monthly salary for which social insurance premiums have been paid, and the maximum level is equal to 02 months of the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based.

Particularly, employees are officers and professional soldiers of the People's Army; officers, professional non-commissioned officers, officers and technical non-commissioned officers of the People's Public Security; people doing cipher work receive salaries like military personnel; non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Army; non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security who serve a definite term; Military, police, or cipher students who are studying and are entitled to a subsistence allowance and have paid social insurance premiums for less than one year, the level of social insurance allowance is equal to the paid amount, and the maximum level is equal to 02 months of the average monthly salary paid. Social insurance.

2.2 Benefits for participants of voluntary social insurance

The one-time social insurance benefit is calculated according to the number of years of paying social insurance premiums, each year is calculated as follows:

- 1.5 months the average monthly income on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment before 2014;

- 02 months the average monthly income on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment from 2014 onwards;

- In case the period of payment of social insurance premium is less than one year, the social insurance allowance shall be equal to the paid amount, the maximum level is equal to 02 months of the average monthly income for which social insurance is paid.

2.3 Notes

- When calculating the one-time social insurance benefit in case the period of payment of social insurance premiums has odd months, from 01 month to 06 months is counted as half a year, from 07 months to 11 months is counted as one year.

- In case there is an odd month of payment of social insurance contributions before and after January 1, 2014 but the payment period before January 1, 2014 has odd months, those odd months will be changed to the period of social insurance payment from January 1, 2014. 2014 onwards as a basis for calculating one-time social insurance benefits.

3. Procedures for enjoying one-time social insurance in 2022

3.1 Dossier for one-time social insurance benefits in 2022

(If the original is not specified, a valid copy can be submitted.)

** In case of one-time social insurance benefits:

- Original copy of social insurance book.

- Original application form (Form No. 14-HSB).

Application form (Form 14-HSB)


- For people going abroad to settle down, they must submit a copy of the certification of the competent authority on renunciation of Vietnamese nationality or a certified or notarized Vietnamese translation of one of the following papers:

Passport issued by a foreign country.

+ A visa issued by a competent foreign agency with confirmation of the entry permit for the reason of living abroad.

+ Papers certifying that they are carrying out procedures for naturalization of foreign countries; certification papers or permanent residence cards with a term of 5 years or more, issued by a competent foreign agency.

- In case of suffering from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, cirrhosis of the liver ascites, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, HIV infection that has progressed to AIDS, a copy/summary of the medical record is available. demonstrate non-self-service status; if suffering from other diseases, it shall be replaced with a report on assessment of the decrease of 81% or more of occupational disability of the Medical Family Council, showing that they cannot serve themselves.

- In case of payment of the inspection fee, there must be an invoice and receipt of the assessment fee together with the original list of the inspection contents of the facility performing the inspection.

- Original personal statement of time and area of ​​service in the Army with regional allowances (Form 04B - HBQP issued together with  Circular 136/2020/TT-BQP  dated October 29, 2020) for people who have served time in the Army before January 1, 2007 in the area receiving the regional allowance, the social insurance book code does not show enough information as a basis for calculating the regional allowance.

Personal declaration of time and area serving in the Army with regional allowances (Form No. 04B-HBQP)


**  For employees who are foreign citizens working in Vietnam and enjoying one-time social insurance:

- Original application form (Form No. 14-HSB).

- In case of suffering from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, polio, cirrhosis of the liver ascites, leprosy, severe tuberculosis, HIV infection that has progressed to AIDS, a copy/summary of the medical record is available. demonstrate non-self-service status; if suffering from other diseases, it shall be replaced with a report on assessment of the decrease of 81% or more of occupational disability of the Medical Family Council, showing that they cannot serve themselves.

- In case of payment of the inspection fee, there must be an invoice and receipt of the assessment fee together with the original list of the inspection contents of the facility performing the inspection.

3.2 How to carry out the procedure to receive one-time social insurance?

** Submission of application : Employees submit their application by one of the following methods:

- Via electronic transactions: Employees register to receive authentication codes and send electronic documents to the Vietnam Social Insurance Portal or through I-VAN organization (if they have registered to use I-VAN services); in case the paper application is not converted to electronic format, the entire paper application shall be sent to the social insurance agency via the public postal service;

- Through the public postal service;

- Directly at the social insurance agency.

** Receive results: Employees receive:

- Relevant documents: in the registered form (directly at the social insurance agency or through the public postal service or via electronic transactions);

- Subsidy:

+ Directly at the social insurance agency or through the public postal service or through a personal account;

+ In case of authorizing another person to receive on behalf of another person, comply with the procedure for "authorization to receive social insurance and unemployment benefits" or the original of the authorization contract as prescribed by law.

3.3 Procedure for receiving one-time social insurance

Step 1 .  Prepare and submit documents

The employee makes a dossier according to regulations and submits it to the social insurance agency of the place of residence.

Step  2 .  The social insurance agency receives the dossier and settles it according to regulations.

Time limit for settlement :  Maximum 05 working days from the date the social insurance agency receives the complete dossier as prescribed.

Step 3Get results

Employees receive settlement results, including: Decision on enjoying lump-sum social insurance; The process of paying social insurance premiums; Subsidy.

Legal grounds:

Law on Social Insurance 2014 .

Resolution 93/2015/QH13  dated June 22, 2015.

Decree 115/2015/ND-CP  dated 11/11/2015.

Circular 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH  dated December 29, 2015.

Circular 01/2016/TT-BLDTBXH  dated February 18, 2016.

- Decision 222/QD-BHXH dated February 25, 2021.

Joint Circular 105/2016/TTLT-BQP-BCA-BLDTBXH   dated June 30 , 2016



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