What is the template of the Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment in accordance with Decree 175 in Vietnam?
What is the template of the Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment in accordance with Decree 175 in Vietnam?
Based on Template No. 01, Appendix 1 issued together with Decree 175/2024/ND-CP, the template of the Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment is stipulated as follows:
Download the template of the Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment in accordance with Decree 175 in Vietnam.
What is the template of the Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment in accordance with Decree 175 in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What does the dossier for Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment at the specialized construction agency in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 17 of Decree 175/2024/ND-CP, the dossier for Report for appraising the feasibility study for construction investment at the specialized construction agency in Vietnam includes the following documents:
[1] Submission for appraisal of the Feasibility Study Report for construction investment
[2] The Feasibility Study Report dossier for construction investment and accompanying legal documents, specifically:
- Documents on the investment policy in construction projects (for projects requiring a decision/approval of investment policy according to legal regulations on investment, public investment, or public-private partnership), or decision approving an eco-tourism, relaxation, and entertainment scheme in forest according to forestry law for such projects.
- Investment license, Investment incentive certificate, Investment certificate, Investment registration certificate; Decision approving land use rights auction results, land use project bidding for projects transferred under investment laws which do not require investment policy approval.
- Decision on selection of architectural design option through competition and accompanying drawings (if competition is required).
- Documents/decisions approving and accompanying maps, drawings (if available) of planning used as a basis for preparing the Feasibility Study Report for construction investment, Technical-economic report for construction investment.
- Documents/decisions approving and related drawings or extracts of related drawings (if any) of planning used as a basis for preparing the Feasibility Study Report for construction investment, Technical-economic report for construction investment.
- Decision approving environmental impact assessment or environmental permit according to environmental protection law (if required).
- Agreements, confirmations on technical infrastructure network connections of the project; approval document for construction height according to the Government of Vietnam regulations on managing aviation obstacle heights and defense zone management (for projects not in areas requiring consensus on construction height management during planning approval phase) (if applicable).
- Other related legal documents and materials (if available).
- Approved construction survey dossier; explanation of the Feasibility Study Report for construction investment; basic or alternative design according to international practice serving the preparation of the Feasibility Study Report for construction investment (including drawings and explanations); main standard list applied for the project; Report on the results of basic design verification (if available).
- List of contractors with competency certificate codes of survey contractors, basic design preparation contractors, verification contractors (if available); code of practice certificates for construction activity positions of construction survey leaders; discipline heads, investment total estimation preparers; verification heads (if available).
- For projects using public investment funds, non-public state investment funds, beside the stipulated contents above, the dossier for submission for appraisal must include the following: total investment estimation; related information and data on price, norms, quotations, valuation results (if available) to determine total investment.
- For projects with administrative violations in construction that have been sanctioned with measures requiring appraisal, adjustment, construction permit or construction permit adjustment, the appraisal dossier must include:
+ Report by the investor on the project implementation process, current construction status of the project up to the time of appraisal submission.
+ Record, administrative sanction decision by the competent authority.
+ Verification report by a construction verification organization assessing the structural capability of the constructed works.
- For repair, renovation projects, the dossier for appraisal must also include: Current survey dossier, verification report by a construction verification organization assessing the structural capability of the works (in case the repair, renovation content is related).
How many stages are there in the construction investment procedure in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 50 of the Construction Law 2014 (amended by Clause 9 Article 1 of the Amended Construction Law 2020), the construction investment process consists of:
Article 50. Construction Investment Process
- The construction investment process consists of 3 stages: project preparation, project execution, and completion of construction to put the project works into operation, except for individual housing construction.
- The division of a construction investment project into component projects and phased investment is regulated as follows:
a) A construction investment project is divided into component projects when each component can operate independently. Component projects, once divided, are managed as independent projects. For projects using public investment capital, the division into component projects is carried out according to the law on public investment. For other projects, the division into component projects is decided by the investment decision maker before the project establishment or when deciding on construction investment, ensuring the requirements stated in the investment decision or investment policy approval or relevant legal regulations (if any), unless otherwise specified by law;
According to the above regulations, the construction investment process consists of 3 stages: project preparation, project execution, and completion of construction to put the project works into operation, except for individual housing construction.