In 2025, what are the fines for driving a car exceeding the speed limit by over 35 km/h in Vietnam?
In 2025, what are the fines for driving a car exceeding the speed limit by over 35 km/h in Vietnam?
Based on point a, clause 7; point a, clause 10; point c, point d, clause 16 of Article 6 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP on regulations for penalties and point deductions from the driving license of operators of cars, four-wheeled motor vehicles carrying people or goods, and other similar automobile vehicles violating road traffic regulations:
Article 6. Penalties and point deductions from the driving license of operators of cars, four-wheeled motor vehicles carrying people or goods, and other similar automobile vehicles violating road traffic regulations
- A fine ranging from 12,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND shall be imposed on vehicle operators for committing one of the following violations:
a) Operating a vehicle exceeding the speed limit by more than 35 km/h;
- In addition to the administrative penalty, vehicle operators committing such violations shall have their driving license points deducted as follows:
c) Committing the acts specified at point p, clause 5; point a, point c, clause 7; clause 8 of this Article shall result in a deduction of 6 points from the driving license;
Operators of cars exceeding the speed limit by more than 35 km/h shall be fined from 12,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND and have 6 points deducted from their driving license.
In the event the operator causes a traffic accident while exceeding the speed limit by more than 35 km/h, they shall be fined from 20,000,000 VND to 22,000,000 VND and have 10 points deducted from their driving license.
In 2025, what are the fines for driving a car exceeding the speed limit by over 35 km/h in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
Which traffic warning sign indicates the maximum permissible speed according to the law in Vietnam?
Based on Appendix B of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 41:2024/BGTVT on traffic warning signs indicating maximum permissible speed:
[1] Sign P.127 "Maximum Permissible Speed"
- To indicate the maximum permissible speed for motor vehicles, place sign P.127 "Maximum Permissible Speed"
- The sign is effective in prohibiting motor vehicles from traveling at speeds exceeding the value marked on the sign, except for vehicles given priority as regulated. Vehicle operators should also consider other specific conditions such as weather, road surface conditions, traffic situation, vehicle condition, and health to drive at a safe speed that does not exceed the value indicated on the sign
- The number on the speed signs is measured in km/h and should be regulated according to the technical standard or actual operating conditions of the road. In absence of specific research, a reference chart as shown in Diagram B.27a may be used to determine the maximum permissible speed for each road direction
- Do not use sign P.127 indiscriminately without specific research
- In cases transitioning from greater to smaller speed values with significant differences, intermediate maximum speed signs should be placed. The transition segments are defined as not less than 250 m from 120 km/h to 100 km/h; 200 m from 100 km/h to 80 km/h; 150 m from 80 km/h to 60 km/h; and 180 m from 90 km/h to 60 km/h or from 80 km/h to 50 km/h
- In cases of roads passing temporary bridges, weak bridges, pontoon bridges, ferry entrances, traffic inspection stations, tunnels, toll booths, load control constructions, the maximum permissible speed is regulated according to technical requirements.
- In cases of roads passing construction sites using construction warning signs, where necessary, temporary maximum speed limit signs can be used. Upon leaving the construction site, an end restriction sign should be placed. Once the construction site is completed or suspended, temporary prohibition signs should be immediately removed to restore normal traffic
[2] Sign P.127a "Maximum Permissible Night Speed"
- When maximum night speed regulations are needed for vehicles, place sign P.127a “Maximum Permissible Night Speed”
- Sign P.127a is applicable in some cases through densely populated areas at night to increase operating speeds when the road has less traffic. The sign is effective during the times indicated on the sign and within the range from the position of the P.127a sign to the position of sign R.421 "End dense residential area". It is placed after sign R.420 "Start dense residential area".
- The maximum night speed shown on the sign is in km/h and does not exceed 80 km/h. Nighttime traffic participants must not exceed the speed indicated on the sign, except for specified priority cases. Within the effect range of sign P.127a, if encountering sign P.127 "Maximum Permissible Speed," drivers must comply with the maximum speed value shown on sign P.127.
[3] Sign P.127b "Composite Maximum Permissible Speed on Each Lane"
- When setting maximum permissible speed on each lane, if only using a roadside sign or on cantilever post or gantry, use sign P.127b. Vehicles must comply with the maximum permissible speed on the lane they are traveling in.
- Sign P.127b is a rectangular sign with a blue background, showing the maximum speed on each lane. It is placed on the side of the road or on a gantry or cantilever post.
[4] Sign P.127c "Composite Maximum Permissible Speed by Vehicle Type, on Each Lane"
- When setting maximum permissible speed by vehicle type on each lane, use sign P.127c. Different vehicle types must drive in the correct lanes and comply with the maximum permissible speed on that lane.
- Sign P.127c is a rectangular sign with a blue background, showing the maximum speed on each lane. It is placed on the side of the road or hung on a cantilever post or gantry. Symbols on the sign may vary according to practical use conditions.
[5] Sign DP.127 "End of Composite Maximum Permissible Speed"
- At the end of a segment with maximum permissible speeds marked by composite signs P.127b, P.127c, place sign DP.127 “End of Composite Maximum Permissible Speed” according to traffic organization options. For the "End of all prohibitions," place sign DP.135.
- The sign indicates that the effect of sign P.127(b,c) has ceased. From this sign onward, vehicles are permitted to travel at the maximum speeds as stipulated in the Road Traffic Law and Traffic Safety and Order Law.
What is the maximum allowable operating speed for motor vehicles on roads outside densely populated areas in vietnam?
Based on clause 2, Article 6 of Circular 38/2024/TT-BGTVT on the maximum allowable operating speed for motor vehicles on roadways outside densely populated areas, excluding highways: