The latest form of HIV-positive test result in 2023 in Vietnam

What are regulations on the latest form of HIV-positive test result in 2023 in Vietnam? - Question from Thanh Phuong (Nam Dinh).

What are regulations on the latest form of HIV-positive test result in 2023 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the Appendix (Sample form of the HIV-positive test result) sheet issued together with the Circular 04/2023/TT-BYT (effective from May 1, 2023) stipulating the latest form of HIV-positive test result in 2023 in Vietnam as follows:


Independence - Freedom - Happiness


QR Code




HIV-positive Test Result

Full name: …………………….. Gender: ……………………. ..........

Year of Birth: ............................................... ................................. ..........................

ID/CCCD/Passport number 5 : ................................................................. ................................. ..

Address of permanent residence: house number………… group………… street/street ..................................................... …………..
commune/ward ……………….. district/district …………. province/city ................................

Address of temporary residence/current place of residence (if different from address of permanent residence): house number …………
group ………….. street/street …… ……………………….. wards .................................... ...
district/district …………………… province/city ................................ ..........................

Test date: ................................................................................................ ................................. ..........

Name of test biological products/Test technique: ..................................................................................... .................

................................. ................................. ..........................

Conclusion (Specify in words or stamp): ................................................................. .................


(Signature, full name and stamp) 6

Date ... month ... year ....
(Signature, full name)



1 Enter the name of the issuer

2 Enter the name of the establishment performing the HIV confirmatory test

3 Address of establishment performing HIV confirmation test

4 Phone number of the facility that performs the HIV confirmatory test

5 Write the number of the people's identity card (ID card), citizen identification card (CCCD), passport or other papers with photo, personal information issued by a competent state agency and still valid for use before the that does the test. In case children under 15 years of age take an HIV test, write down the full name and ID number of the father/mother/guardian instead of the ID/CCCD/Passport of the person being tested.

6 In case the head of the unit authorizes the person in charge of the laboratory to use the seal of the unit to issue the HIV positive test result card, the confirmation of the head of the unit is not required.

Does the HIV testing facility in Vietnam have to retain the HIV-positive test result form?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Circular 04/2023/TT-BYT (effective from 01/05/2023) stipulating making, delivery and receipt of HIV test reports with positive results as follows:

Making, delivery and receipt of HIV test reports with positive results

1. The HIV testing facility collects information about the person who has been tested for HIV and confirmed as HIV positive according to the content specified in the Appendix Form of HIV test report with positive result attached to this Circular, compares it with the document specified in Clause 2, Article 29 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Virus causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), which is amended in Clause 9, Article 1 of the Law on amendments to the Law on Prevention and Control of Virus causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) (hereinafter referred to as the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control) and the preparation of HIV test reports with positive results (hereinafter referred to as the Reports) for facilities qualified forconducting confirmatory HIV test, or send it to facilities qualified for conducting confirmatory HIV test so as to enable the Reports to be made.

2. Making of a HIV test report with positive resuls

a) The HIV test report with positive result is made according to the Appendix - Form of HIV test report with positive result enclosed with this Circular;

b) The HIV test report with positive result is made in at least 03 copies: 01 copy is kept at the facility that orders the confirmatory HIV test, 01 copy is kept at the facility that conducts the confirmatory HIV test, and 01 copy is kept by the person tested for HIV.

3. Delivery and receipt of HIV test reports with positive results

a) Delivering and receiving HIV test reports with positive results between departments and wards in a medical facility: the head of the testing facility is responsible for developing the Process of delivery and receipt of Reports in each facility provided that the confidentiality of test results, information and HIV infection status of people tested for HIV is respected;

b) Delivering and receiving the HIV test report with positive result from the HIV confirmatory testing facility to the person in charge specified in Clause 2, Article 30 of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control: the Report must be put in a sealed envelope, clearly stating the name of the agency/organization/individual, address, phone number (if any) and bearing the seal of the testing facility from which the Report is sent;

c) Delivering the Report through the hospital information management system or HIV/AIDS information management system.

As regulations above, HIV testing facilities in Vietnam have to retain the HIV-positive test result form.

What are methods of notification of HIV positive test results in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Circular 04/2023/TT-BYT (effective from 01/05/2023) stipulating methods of notification of HIV positive test results in Vietnam as follows:

Methods of notification of HIV positive test results

1. Directly notify and return the Report to the entities specified at Points a and b, Clause 2, Article 30 of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control.

2. Directly notify or return the Report to the entities specified at Points c, d and dd, Clause 2, Article 30 of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control.

3. Deliver the Report to the entities specified at Points e and g, Clause 2, Article 30 of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control.

4. Other appropriate methods of notification at the request of people tested for HIV.

Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 30 of the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in 2006 (amended by Clause 10 Article 1 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS in 2020) stipulating as follows:

Notification of positive HIV test results and access to information about HIV-positive persons


2. Positive HIV test results shall only be notified to the following persons:

a) Persons getting tested for HIV;

b) Spouses of persons getting tested for HIV; parents, guardians or lawful representatives of persons getting tested for HIV who are persons aged under 18, incapacitated persons, persons with limited cognition or behavior control, or persons with limited legal capacity;

c) Persons who are assigned to provide counseling or notify positive HIV test results to persons getting tested for HIV;

d) Heads of agencies/units assigned to carry out HIV/AIDS epidemiological surveillance; persons assigned to carry out HIV/AIDS epidemiological surveillance;

dd) Heads and chief nurses of departments, wards and other divisions of health facilities where HIV-infected persons are receiving treatment; healthcare workers who give direct care and treatment to HIV-infected persons at health facilities;

e) Heads, persons in charge of healthcare tasks, and healthcare workers who are assigned to give direct care to HIV-infected persons at correctional institutions, reform schools, rehabilitation centers, social protection facilities, prisons and detention centers;

g) Heads and officials who are assigned with tasks of the agencies mentioned in Clause 1 Article 28 of this Law.

As regulations above, methods of notification of HIV positive test results in Vietnam are:

- Directly notify and return the Report to the following entities:

+ Persons getting tested for HIV;

+ Spouses of persons getting tested for HIV; parents, guardians or lawful representatives of persons getting tested for HIV who are persons aged under 18, incapacitated persons, persons with limited cognition or behavior control, or persons with limited legal capacity;

- Directly notify or return the Report to the following entities:

+ Persons who are assigned to provide counseling or notify positive HIV test results to persons getting tested for HIV;

+ Heads of agencies/units assigned to carry out HIV/AIDS epidemiological surveillance; persons assigned to carry out HIV/AIDS epidemiological surveillance;

+ Heads and chief nurses of departments, wards and other divisions of health facilities where HIV-infected persons are receiving treatment; healthcare workers who give direct care and treatment to HIV-infected persons at health facilities;

- Deliver the Report to the following entities:

+ Heads, persons in charge of healthcare tasks, and healthcare workers who are assigned to give direct care to HIV-infected persons at correctional institutions, reform schools, rehabilitation centers, social protection facilities, prisons and detention centers;

+ Heads and officials who are assigned with tasks of an investigative body, a people's procuracy or a people's court.

- Other appropriate methods of notification at the request of people tested for HIV.

Best regards!

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