From January 1, 2025, is it mandatory to install two rearview mirrors on motorcycles in Vietnam?

From January 1, 2025, is it mandatory to install two rearview mirrors on motorcycles in Vietnam? What actions are motorcycle operators in Vietnam prohibited from performing?

From January 1, 2025, is it mandatory to install two rearview mirrors on motorcycles in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 2.11, Section 2 of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 14:2024/BGTVT on technical specifications:



2.11. Rearview Mirrors

2.11.1. For vehicles in groups L1, L2, at least one rearview mirror must be installed on the left side of the driver. For vehicles in groups L3, L4, L5, rearview mirrors must be installed on both the left and right sides of the driver.

2.11.2. The rearview mirror used must meet the requirements of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 28:2024/BGTVT.

2.11.3. The rearview mirror must be securely installed. The driver must be able to adjust the viewing area from the driving position.

2.11.4. The reflective surface of the rearview mirror must be convex and clearly reflect images of objects at least 50 meters away on both the right and left, or the center of the reflective surface of the mirror must be at least 280 mm away from the vehicle's longitudinal midplane.

2.11.5. In the case of a circular mirror, the diameter of the reflective surface must not be less than 94 mm and not more than 150 mm.

2.11.6. In the case of a non-circular mirror, the size of the reflective surface must accommodate an inscribed circle with a diameter of 78 mm, and it must fit within a rectangle of dimensions 120 mm x 200 mm.


Based on Subsection 1.3, Section 1 of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 14:2024/BGTVT on general regulations:



1.3.3. Vehicles in these regulations are classified as follows:

Group L1: Two-wheeled motorcycles;

Group L2: Three-wheeled motorcycles;

Group L3: Two-wheeled motorcycles;

Group L4: Three-wheeled motorcycles asymmetrically arranged against the vehicle’s longitudinal midplane (vehicles with side cars);

Group L5: Three-wheeled motorcycles symmetrically arranged against the vehicle’s longitudinal midplane.


Based on Point a, Clause 1, Article 14 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP on penalties and license point deduction for operators of motorcycles, motorcycles, and similar vehicles violating vehicle conditions when participating in traffic:

Article 14. Penalties and license point deduction for operators of motorcycles, motorcycles, and similar vehicles violating vehicle conditions when participating in traffic

  1. A fine ranging from 400,000 VND to 600,000 VND for any of the following violations:

a) Operating a vehicle without a horn, license plate light, brake lights, left rearview mirror, or having them but they are ineffective;


According to the above regulations, two-wheeled motorcycles and three-wheeled motorcycles must have at least one rearview mirror on the left side of the operator.

Furthermore, a motorcycle without a left rearview mirror or having one but non-functional will be fined from 400,000 VND to 600,000 VND.

Thus, from January 1, 2025, it is not mandatory for motorcycles to have rearview mirrors on both sides, but it is mandatory to have one on the left side.

From January 1, 2025, is it mandatory to have rearview mirrors on both sides?

From January 1, 2025, is it mandatory to install two rearview mirrors on motorcycles in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What actions are motorcycle operators in Vietnam prohibited from performing?

Based on Article 33 of the Law on Road Traffic Safety and Order 2024 regarding operators, passengers, and goods on motorcycles and motorcycles:

Article 33. Operators, passengers, and goods on motorcycles and motorcycles

  1. A two-wheeled motorcycle or motorcycle operator is allowed to carry only one person, except in the following cases where carrying up to two people is permitted:

a) Transporting a sick person for emergency care;

b) Escorting a person committing legal violations;

c) Children under 12 years old;

d) Elderly or disabled persons.

  1. The operator and passengers on two-wheeled motorcycles, three-wheeled motorcycles, and motorcycles must wear helmets according to national technical standards and fasten the strap properly.
  1. Two-wheeled motorcycle, three-wheeled motorcycle, and motorcycle operators are prohibited from the following actions:

a) Riding abreast;

b) Riding into lanes designated for pedestrians and other vehicles;

c) Using umbrellas, audio devices, except hearing aids;


Thus, motorcycle operators are prohibited from conducting the following actions:

- Riding abreast

- Riding into lanes reserved for pedestrians and other vehicles

- Using umbrellas or audio devices, except for hearing aids

- Letting both hands off the handlebars; riding on one wheel for two-wheeled motorcycles and motorcycles; riding on two wheels for three-wheeled motorcycles and motorcycles

- Using the vehicle to tow or push other vehicles or objects, leading animals, carrying or transporting cumbersome items; carrying standing passengers, items on a rear carrier, or sitting on the handlebars; loading goods beyond the prescribed limits

- Sitting sideways while operating; standing, lying on the vehicle while operating; switching drivers while the vehicle is moving; turning back to operate or operating the vehicle blindfolded; using the kickstand or other objects to scrape the ground while the vehicle is moving

- Other actions that cause road traffic order and safety disturbance

What are the conditions for motorcycle operators when participating in road traffic in Vietnam?

Based on Article 56 of the Law on Road Traffic Safety and Order 2024 on conditions for operators participating in road traffic:

Article 56. Conditions for operators participating in road traffic


  1. motorcycle operators participating in road traffic must have knowledge of road traffic rules, possess vehicle handling skills; meet the minimum age and health requirements as stipulated in point a, clause 1 and clause 2, Article 59 of this Law.
  1. Car driving trainees and test takers participating in road traffic must practice on a training vehicle, test route, with a driving instructor or examiner supervising the steering. The instructor or examiner must carry documents as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.

According to the above regulations, conditions for motorcycle operators participating in road traffic are as follows:

- Comprehension of road traffic rules, possessing vehicle handling skills

- Individuals aged 16 years or older are permitted to operate a motorcycle

- Must ensure appropriate health conditions

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