What are methods for calculating admission scores for grade 10 of public schools in 2025 in Vietnam?

What are methods for calculating admission scores for grade 10 of public schools in 2025 in Vietnam? Which candidates are granted direct admission to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam?

What are methods for calculating admission scores for grade 10 of public schools in 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Article 13 of the Admission Regulations for lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating the organization of entrance exams:

Article 13. Organization of Entrance Exams


  1. Re-evaluation of exam papers

a) The re-evaluation of exam papers must ensure the safety and confidentiality of the test papers at all stages: retrieval, transfer, preservation, and re-evaluation; the re-evaluation process is carried out in the same manner as the examination process.

b) The composition, responsibility, and authority of the Re-evaluation Council for exam papers shall be implemented similar to that of the Examination Council as stipulated in Clause 4 of this Article. The evaluators of the Re-evaluation Council are not to be the same as the evaluators of the Examination Council.

  1. admission scores for Grade 10 in upper secondary schools are the total points of exam subjects, calculated on a 10-point scale for each exam subject. The announcement of the standard scores is conducted simultaneously with the announcement of exam results.
  1. The Department of Education and Training, based on these Regulations, specifies the exam propositions, invigilation, grading, re-evaluation of test papers suitable to the actual conditions. upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, research institutes with separate entrance exams shall follow the guidance of the respective managing body or as regulated by the Department of Education and Training where the school is located.

The admission scores for public Grade 10 are the total points of exam subjects, calculated on a 10-point scale for each exam subject. The announcement of the standard scores is conducted simultaneously with the announcement of exam results.

How to Calculate Admission Points for Public Grade 10 in 2025?

What are methods for calculating admission scores for grade 10 of public schools in 2025 in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

Which candidates are granted direct admission to grade 10 in 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Article 14 of the Admission Regulations for lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating direct admission, preferential policies for upper secondary school admissions:

Article 14. Direct admission, preferential policies for upper secondary school Admission

  1. Direct admission to upper secondary school for the following individuals:

a) Students of ethnic boarding schools at the lower secondary level.

b) Students belonging to very small ethnic minority groups.

c) Students with disabilities.

d) Lower secondary students achieving national level awards in competitions organized or co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Training with other Ministries and governmental bodies nationwide for competitions, exams, contests (hereafter collectively referred to as competitions) in culture, arts, sports; scientific or technical research competitions.

dd) Lower secondary students attaining awards in international competitions selected by the Minister of Education and Training.

  1. Individuals eligible for bonus points

Bonus points are added to the total admission score calculated on a 10-point scale for each exam subject. Group 1 receives an additional 2.0 points; group 2 receives an additional 1.5 points; group 3 receives an additional 1.0 point.

a) Group of individuals 1:


The individuals eligible for direct admission to Grade 10 in 2025 are as follows:

- Students of ethnic boarding schools at the lower secondary level.

- Students belonging to very small ethnic minority groups.

- Students with disabilities.

- Lower secondary students achieving national level awards organized or co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Training with other Ministries and governmental bodies nationwide for competitions, exams, contests (hereafter collectively referred to as competitions) in culture, arts, sports; scientific or technical research competitions.

- Lower secondary students attaining awards in international competitions selected by the Minister of Education and Training.

What are methods for admission to upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Based on Article 9 of the Admission Regulations for lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT regulating upper secondary school admission methods:

Article 9. Upper secondary school Admission Methods

  1. Annually, organize one (1) upper secondary school admission.
  1. Upper secondary school admission is organized by one (1) of three (3) methods: admission by evaluation, entrance exams, or a combination of entrance exams and evaluation.

a) Admission by evaluation: based on the evaluation results of behaviors and study results of academic years under the general education program at the lower secondary level or the continuing education program at the lower secondary level for the candidates, if any year is repeated, take the result of the repeated year for that grade.

b) Entrance exams: carried out under the provisions of Article 13 of these Regulations.

c) Combination of entrance exams and evaluation: implemented by combining the methods stated in points a and b of this clause.

Upper secondary school admission is organized by one (1) of three (3) methods: admission by evaluation, entrance exams, or a combination of entrance exams and evaluation.

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