What are duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council of Preschool Education Programs in Vietnam?

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Question date: 04/12/2023

What are duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council of Preschool Education Programs in Vietnam? According to what principles does the preschool education program appraisal council work in Vietnam?

    • What are duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council of Preschool Education Programs in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Article 9 of Circular 49/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council as follows:

      1. Duties and powers of the Chairman of the Appraisal Council

      a) Be responsible to the Minister of Education and Training for the activities of the Appraisal Council;

      b) Organize program appraisal according to requirements and prescribed time;

      c) Assign specific tasks to members of the Appraisal Council;

      d) Convene and chair meetings of the council;

      e) Proposal to change members of the Appraisal Council;

      g) Authorize the Vice Chairman of the Council to appraise a number of specific work contents. Authorization content is expressed in writing and stored in the working records of the Appraisal Council;

      h) Coordinate with the unit in charge of organizing the appraisal to handle unusual situations that arise during the appraisal process;

      i) Perform other duties and powers as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article.

      2. Duties and powers of the Vice Chairman of the Appraisal Council

      a) Be responsible for the work content assigned or authorized by the Chairman of the Appraisal Council;

      b) Perform other duties and powers as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article.

      3. Duties and powers of the Secretary of the Appraisal Council

      a) Assist the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Appraisal Council to prepare content, work programs and organize meetings of the Appraisal Council;

      b) Prepare minutes and reports summarizing opinions and recommendations in meetings of the Appraisal Council; Responsible for the completeness and truthfulness of the minutes of meetings of the Appraisal Council;

      c) Draft conclusion of the Council Chairman on the level of program appraisal results;

      d) Within no more than twelve (12) working days after the Appraisal Council reports its conclusions, it must collect and transfer all relevant documents to the unit in charge of organizing the appraisal;

      d) Perform other tasks as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article.

      4. Duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council

      a) Have the right to request full provision of relevant documents to serve the appraisal work;

      b) Research the draft program and related documents provided by the appraisal unit;

      c) Fully participate in meetings of the Appraisal Council; present comments and assessments on the draft program in meetings of the Appraisal Council; Write reviews and comments on the draft program according to the Appraisal Council's forms. Each member of the Appraisal Council must not miss more than one-third (1/3) of the total number of meetings in a program appraisal process specified in Article 10 of this Circular. In case you do not attend the meeting of the Appraisal Council, you must report to the Chairman of the Appraisal Council and send comments and assessments in writing in a sealed envelope to the chairperson before the meeting;

      d) Responsible for comments and assessments during the program appraisal process;

      d) Have the right to reserve personal opinions; to send personal opinions to the unit in charge of organizing the appraisal in writing;

      e) Carry out tasks assigned by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Appraisal Council.

      What are duties and powers of members of the Appraisal Council of Preschool Education Programs in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

      According to what principles does the preschool education program appraisal council work in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Article 10 of Circular 49/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating working principles of the Appraisal Council as follows:

      1. The appraisal council works according to the principles of centralization, democracy, objectivity and honesty.

      2. A meeting of the Appraisal Council is considered valid when there is a Chairman or Vice Chairman (in case the Chairman is absent), a Secretary and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total members of the Appraisal Council participated, absent members sent written opinions in sealed envelopes to the meeting chairperson. During meetings of the Appraisal Council, there must be a representative of the unit presiding over the appraisal organization.

      3. The results of each meeting of the Appraisal Council must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Minutes of the meeting must be signed by the person chairing the meeting, the Secretary of the Appraisal Council, and the representative of the unit presiding over the appraisal organization.

      4. During the appraisal process, the Appraisal Council proposes to the appraisal organization to seek professional opinions from relevant agencies, organizations and individuals (if necessary).

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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