What are answers to the Mathematics subject of the National Excellent Student Examination for the 2024 - 2025 academic year in Vietnam?
What are answers to the Mathematics subject of the National Excellent Student Examination for the 2024 - 2025 academic year in Vietnam?
Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the exam questions and answer keys for 13 subjects in the National Excellent Student Examination. The answer key for the mathematics subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the 2024 - 2025 academic year is as follows:
Download the answers to the Mathematics subject of the National Excellent Student Examination for the 2024 - 2025 academic year in Vietnam.
What are answers to the Mathematics subject of the National Excellent Student Examination for the 2024 - 2025 academic year in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
How many extra points are awarded in the High School Graduation Examination for winning the first prize in the National Excellent Student Competition in Vietnam?
Based on Article 43 of the Regulations on High School Graduation Examinations issued together with Circular 24/2024/TT-BGDDT on extra points:
Article 43. eExtra points
Students participating in the following contests and activities during their high school studies are awarded extra points for recognition of high school graduation:
- Winning individual prizes in excellent student competitions: Winning first, second, third prizes in national competitions or first prize at the provincial level will be awarded 2.0 points; consolation prizes in national competitions or second prize at the provincial level will be awarded 1.5 points; third prize at the provincial level will be awarded 1.0 point;
- Winning individual and team prizes in experimental activities in Physics, Chemistry, Biology; arts; physical education; national defense education sports ; science and technology competitions; international letter writing organized by the education sector in collaboration with professional sectors from the provincial level upwards.
a) For individual prizes: Winning first, second, third national prizes or first prize at the provincial level or Gold Medal will be awarded 2.0 points; consolation national prizes or fourth prize in national science and technology competitions or second prize at the provincial level or Silver Medal will be awarded 1.5 points; third prize at the provincial level or Bronze Medal will be awarded 1.0 point;
b) For team prizes: Points are only awarded for national-level prizes; the number of players, athletes, actors in the team prize follows specific regulations of the Organizing Committee for each competition; the extra points awarded to individuals in the team prize are implemented as for individual prizes specified in this section.
- Students winning multiple prizes in different contests/competitions are only entitled to one level of extra points for the highest-ranking prize.
According to the above regulations, an individual who wins the first prize in the National Excellent Student Examination is awarded 2.0 extra points for high school graduation.
What is the goal of general education in Vietnam?
Based on Article 39 of the Education Law 2019 on the goal of general education:
Article 29. The Goal of General Education
- General education aims to comprehensively develop learners in ethics, intellect, physical fitness, aesthetics, basic skills, personal capabilities, dynamism, and creativity; to form the socialist Vietnamese citizen's personality and responsibility; to prepare learners for continuing higher education programs, vocational education, or participating in labor, construction, and protection of the motherland.
According to the above regulations, the goal of general education is to comprehensively develop learners in terms of ethics, intellect, physical fitness, aesthetics, basic skills, personal capabilities, dynamism, and creativity; to form the socialist Vietnamese citizen's personality and responsibility; to prepare learners for continuing higher education programs, vocational education, or participating in labor, construction, and protection of the motherland.
General education includes primary education, lower secondary education, and upper secondary education. The specific objectives of each educational level are as follows:
- Primary education aims to establish the initial foundation for the development of students in ethics, intellect, physical fitness, aesthetics, and capabilities; to prepare students for continuing lower secondary education.
- Lower secondary education aims to consolidate and develop the outcomes of primary education; to ensure students acquire a foundational general education, have basic necessary technical understanding and career orientation for continuing upper secondary education or vocational education programs.
- Upper secondary education aims to equip students with civic knowledge; to ensure students consolidate and develop the outcomes of lower secondary education, complete general education and have basic technical understanding and career orientation; to provide conditions for personal capability development for choosing development pathways, continuing higher education programs, vocational education, or participating in labor, construction, and protection of the motherland.