How many Vietnam Communist Party badges are there in 2024? What is the accompanying reward amount?
How many Vietnam Communist Party badges are there in 2024? What is the accompanying reward amount? Thank you! - Mr. Phuc (Ca Mau)
How many Vietnam Communist Party badges are there in 2024?
According to Subsection 27.1, Section 27 of the Regulation 24-QD/TW in 2021, the forms of commendation within the Vietnam Communist Party is regulated as follows:
Article 34: Commendation for Vietnam Communist Party organizations and Vietnam Communist Party members.
27.1. Forms of commendation within the Vietnam Communist Party.
27.1.2. For Vietnam Communist Party members: Commendation, award certificates, badges for 30 years, 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years, 70 years, 75 years, 80 years, 85 years, and 90 years of Vietnam Communist Party membership; awarding medals, badges, and other honorary titles of the Vietnam Communist Party and the State.
Therefore, the Vietnam Communist Party badge is a reward for long-serving Party members. It is a prestigious form of recognition, honoring the efforts, training, and dedication of Vietnam Communist Party members within the Party organization.
Currently, there are twelve types of Vietnam Communist Party badges, including the badges for 30 years, 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years, 70 years, 75 years, 80 years, 85 years, and 90 years of Vietnam Communist Party membership.
How many Vietnam Communist Party badges are there in 2024? What is the accompanying reward amount? - image from internet
When shall Vietnam Communist Party badges be awarded?
Based on Subsection 18.4, Section 18 in Guideline 01-HD/TW in 2021, the awarding of Vietnam Communist Party badges is stipulated as follows:
Awarding Vietnam Communist Party badges
18.4. Awarding, using, and managing Vietnam Communist Party badges
- The awarding of Vietnam Communist Party badges is organized timely on the occasion of commemorating major holidays such as February 3rd, May 19th, September 2nd, November 7th, and other important commemorative occasions at the grassroots Vietnam Communist Party organizations. In special cases, the Provincial Vietnam Communist Party Standing Committee shall consider and decide.
- Vietnam Communist Party members use Party badges on Party holidays, national holidays, during Party congresses, conferences, and on the anniversary of their own Party admission.
- Vietnam Communist Party members are awarded Party badges which are then kept as mementos by their families upon their passing.
- If a Vietnam Communist Party member loses their Party badge, they may be considered for a replacement if there is a valid reason.
- Vietnam Communist Party members who are expelled from the Party must return their Party badges to the Party organization.
Therefore, Vietnam Communist Party badges are awarded when:
- The awarding of Vietnam Communist Party badges is organized timely on the occasion of commemorating major holidays such as February 3rd, May 19th, September 2nd, November 7th, and other important commemorative occasions at the grassroots Vietnam Communist Party organizations.
- In special cases, the Provincial Vietnam Communist Party Standing Committee shall consider and decide.
- Vietnam Communist Party members use Party badges on Party holidays, national holidays, during Party congresses, conferences, and on the anniversary of their own Party admission.
- Vietnam Communist Party members are awarded Party badges which are then kept as mementos by their families upon their passing.
- If a Vietnam Communist Party member loses their Party badge, they may be considered for a replacement if there is a valid reason.
- Vietnam Communist Party members who are expelled from the Party must return their Party badges to the Party organization.
What is the amount of the reward accompanying the Vietnam Communist Party badge?
Based on Subsection 2, Section 4 in Guideline 56-HD/VPTW in 2015, the level of reward accompanying commemorative medals and Vietnam Communist Party badges for Party members:
2- Level of bonus accompanying the Vietnam Communist Party badge
- Party badge for 30 years of Party membership: The bonus is 1.5 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 40 years of Party membership: The bonus is 2.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 50 years of Party membership: The bonus is 3.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 55 years of Party membership: The bonus is 3.5 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 60 years of Party membership: The bonus is 5.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 65 years of Party membership: The bonus is 6.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 70 years of Party membership: The bonus is 8.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 75 years of Party membership: The bonus is 10.0 times the basic salary.
- Party badge for 80 years of Party membership: The bonus is 15.0 times the basic salary.
As regulations above, the Vietnam Communist Party badge reward is calculated using the formula: Vietnam Communist Party badge reward = Coefficient x Basic salary
Therefore, the specific current amounts of the Vietnam Communist Party badge bonus are as follows:
- Party badge for 30 years of Party membership: 2,700,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 40 years of Party membership: 3,600,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 50 years of Party membership: 5,400,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 55 years of Party membership: 6,300,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 60 years of Party membership: 9,000,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 65 years of Party membership: 10,800,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 70 years of Party membership: 14,400,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 75 years of Party membership: 18,000,000 VND/month.
- Party badge for 80 years of Party membership: 27,000,000 VND/month.
Best regards!