What are details of the Application for land registration and assets attached to land in 2025 in Vietnam?

What are details of the Application for land registration and assets attached to land in 2025 in Vietnam? What are the contents of the initial registration of land, assets attached to land in Vietnam?

What are details of the Application for land registration and assets attached to land in 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Form No. 04/DK issued along with Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, the Application for land registration and assets attached to land is stipulated as follows:

Download the latest Application for land registration and assets attached to land in 2025 in Vietnam

Instructions for filling out the form:

(1) Individual: Write full name in uppercase letters, birth year according to identity documents; for Vietnamese-origin individuals residing abroad, write full name, birth year, nationality; Community: Write the name of the community.

(2) Record the personal identification number or passport number, date of issue, and place of issue.

(3) Individual: Record the permanent residence address; for Vietnamese-origin individuals residing abroad, record the permanent residence address in Vietnam (if any); Community: Record the communal living area address.

(4) Record the parcel number and cadastral map sheet number or record the parcel number and specific cadastral map number (if information is available).

(5) Record the area name (field, residential point...); house number, street name (if any), village, residential group, name of the commune, district, provincial administrative unit where the parcel is located.

(6) Record the parcel area in Arabic numerals, rounded to one decimal place; "Common use" area is the parcel area under the use rights of multiple land users; "Private use" area is the parcel area under the use rights of a single land user (an individual, a community).

(7) Record the main current use purpose of the parcel. Since the date ... month ... year ...

(8) Record "up to date …/…/…" or "Long term" or marked as "-/-" if the term cannot be determined.

(9) Record whether the State allocates land with land levy or allocates land without land levy or leases land with one-time payment for the entire lease period or leases land with annual land rent or receives land use rights transfer (exchange, transfer, inheritance, gift, contribution) or other origins such as ancestral land, encroachment, unauthorized allocation, land reclamation...

(10) Record according to the document establishing the right to use.

(11) Record Detached house/apartment/office/factory...

(12) Record the name of the structure or building; area name (pond, residential point,...); house number, street name (if any), village, residential group, name of the commune, district, provincial administrative unit where the parcel is located.

(13) For detached houses, independent structures, record the land occupation area of the house, structure at the ground contact position along the outer wall edge of the house, structure rounded to one decimal place.

For apartments, offices, project categories within mixed-use buildings, record the floor area/apartment floor area, office, or project category usage area.

(14) For single-story houses, structures do not record this content. For multi-story houses, structures record the total floor area of all floors.

(15) "Common ownership" area is the area under the ownership of multiple persons; "Private ownership" area is the area under the ownership of a single person (an individual, a community).

(16) Record as self-investment construction, purchase, donation ...

(17) Record "up to date …/…/…" or marked as "-/-" if the term cannot be determined.

Latest Land and Attached Asset Registration Form in 2025?

What are details of the Application for land registration and assets attached to land in 2025 in Vietnam?​ (Image from Internet)

What does the initial registration of land and attached assets include?

Based on Article 18 of Decree 101/2024/ND-CP, the initial registration of land and attached assets includes the following contents:

- Information about land users, owners of attached assets, persons allocated land to manage includes name, personal identification document, legal entity, address of land users, owners of attached assets, persons allocated land to manage.

- Information about the parcel includes parcel number, cadastral map sheet number, address, area, type of land, form of land use, origin of land use, and other parcel information.

- Information about assets attached to the land includes type of asset, address, construction area, floor area, usage area, form of ownership, ownership duration, and other information about assets attached to the land.

- Requirements for registering land use rights, attached asset rights, or land management rights or issuing a Certificate of land use rights, ownership of assets attached to the land for parcels, assets attached to the land.

- Other requirements of land users, owners of assets attached to the land, persons allocated land to manage in accordance with laws on land (if any).

What is the place for submission of the registration dossier for land and attached assets with homestead land in Vietnam?

Based on Article 21 of Decree 101/2024/ND-CP regulating the receipt and resolution of land and attached asset registration procedures:

Article 21. Receipt and resolution of land and attached asset registration procedures

1. Agency receiving the dossier and returning results:

a) One-stop-shop unit according to the regulations of the provincial People's Committee on receiving dossiers and returning results for provincial, district, and commune level administrative procedures;

b) Office of Land Registration;

c) Branch of the Office of Land Registration.

  1. Methods of submitting the dossier:

The registration requester can choose to submit the dossier in the following ways:

a) Submit directly at the agencies stipulated in clause 1 of this Article;

b) Submit through postal services;

c) Submit at a location agreed upon by the registration requester and the Office of Land Registration, Branch of the Office of Land Registration;

d) Submit on the National Public Service Portal or provincial-level Public Service Portal;


According to the above regulations, individuals can submit the registration dossier for land and attached assets with homestead land at the following locations:

[1] One-stop-shop unit according to the regulations of the provincial People's Committee on receiving dossiers and returning results for provincial, district, and commune level administrative procedures.

[2] Office of Land Registration

[3] Branch of the Office of Land Registration

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