07/02/2025 15:49

Which offices and departments are under the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the Office of the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam?

Which offices and departments are under the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the Office of the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam?

The article below will provide information related to offices and departments are under the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam established by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court.

On December 31, 2024, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court promulgated Circular 04/2024/TT-TANDTC, which stipulates the functions, duties, and powers of the Offices and Departments of the People's Courts of provinces, cities directly under central authority; and the assisting apparatus of People's Courts of districts, towns, district-level townships, cities of provinces, and central-affiliated cities.

Which offices and departments are under the Provincial People's Court in Vietnam?

According to Article 2 of Circular 04/2024/TT-TANDTC regarding the Offices and Departments belonging to the Provincial People's Court:

Article 2. Offices and Departments of the Provincial People's Court

1. The Offices and Departments of the Provincial People's Court include:

a) Office;

b) Personnel Organization Department;

c) Inspection, Examination, and Judgment Execution Department.

2. Positions and titles in the Offices and Departments of the Provincial People's Court include: Head of Department or equivalent, Deputy Head of Department or equivalent, People's Court Judge, Court Inspector, Court Clerk, other officials, and staff;

Thus, according to the above regulations, the Offices and Departments of the Provincial People's Court include the Office, the Personnel Organization Department, and the Inspection, Examination, and Judgment Execution Department. Positions in these departments include Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department, Court Judge, Court Inspector, Court Clerk, official, and staff.

What are the functions of the Provincial People's Court Office in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 04/2024/TT-TANDTC, the Provincial People's Court Office has the following functions:

Article 3. Provincial People's Court Office

1. The Provincial People's Court Office functions as an advisor, assisting the Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court in judicial administrative work, office management, ensuring funds, equipment, means, and working conditions to serve the operations of the Provincial People's Court; and carrying out emulation and commendation work according to the hierarchical delegation.


Thus, the Provincial People's Court Office functions as an advisor, assisting the Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court in judicial administrative tasks, office management, ensuring funds, equipment, means, and working conditions to support the operations of the Provincial People's Court. It also conducts emulation and commendation work according to hierarchical delegation.

What are the duties and powers of the Provincial People's Court Office in Vietnam?

Clause 2, Article 2 of Circular 04/2024/TT-TANDTC stipulates that the Provincial People's Court Office performs the following duties and powers:

(1) Performing administrative tasks, clerical work, and managing seals as prescribed by law and the Supreme People's Court;

(2) Receiving and processing lawsuits, requests, accepting cases under jurisdiction;

(3) Organizing trials, citizen receptions as regulated;

(4) Developing work plans, programs, compiling and reporting on the activities of the Provincial People's Court and the district-level people's courts under management authority;

(5) Monitoring, urging units to perform tasks assigned by the Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court;

(6) Conducting financial, accounting activities, ensuring effective management and use of funds as regulated;

(7) Managing assets, facilities; ensuring equipment, working conditions; conducting protection, security, order, fire prevention, and medical tasks of the Provincial People's Court;

(8) Managing, mobilizing means of service for the activities of the Provincial People's Court as regulated;

(9) Conducting emulation and commendation work as regulated;

(10) Conducting archival work, exploiting professional files and documents as regulated;

(11) Reviewing, searching, verifying, and providing information regarding judicial records in accordance with the law on judicial records;

(12) Organizing the deployment of information technology applications; exploiting the electronic information portal and database to serve the management and administration of the Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court;

(13) Proactively monitoring information, grasping public opinion, reflecting on the organization and activities of the Provincial People's Court and the district-level people's courts under the management authority;

(14) Performing other duties and powers as assigned by the Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court.


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