27/09/2024 11:07

Which individuals are exempt from all exams in the 2024 High School Graduation Examination in Vietnam?

Which individuals are exempt from all exams in the 2024 High School Graduation Examination in Vietnam?

Which candidates are exempt from all exams in the 2024 High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam? Will candidates who violate the exam regulations receive a score of 0?

1. Which individuals are exempt from all exams in the 2024 High School Graduation Examination in Vietnam?

Based on the regulations in Article 36 of the Regulations issued along with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (Exam Regulations), there are 03 subjects who are exempt from all exams in the High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam including:

Category 1: Individuals selected to participate in national teams taking part in international or regional Olympic competitions in cultural subjects are exempt from all exams in the High School Graduation Exam if they meet the following conditions:

- Selected in the 2nd semester of Grade 12;

- Achieved "Good" conduct and "Fair" or higher academic performance for the entire Grade 12;

- Listed in the exemption list by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Category 2: Individuals on teams participating in international or regional Olympic competitions in science and technology, culture, or arts are exempt from all exams in the High School Graduation Exam if they meet the following conditions:

- Selected in the 2nd semester of Grade 12;

- Achieved "Average" or higher conduct and academic performance for the entire Grade 12;

- Listed in the official communication requesting exemption and confirmation of training and competition participation by the selecting agency, submitted to the Department of Education and Training before the High School Graduation Exam date.

Category 3: Individuals with severe or particularly severe disabilities as regulated in Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 28/2012/ND-CP; participants in resistance movements affected by chemical agents with labor capability reduction of 61% or more; biological children of resistance participants affected by chemical agents, personally having a labor capability reduction of 61% or more, must meet the following conditions:

- For individuals with disabilities studying a general education program: Completed the high school program; meet the qualification criteria for exams as defined in Clause 2, Article 12 of the Exam Regulations; have a disability certificate issued by a competent authority;

- For individuals with disabilities not adaptable to the general education program: The high school principal where they are enrolled certifies their Individual Education Plan achievements annually; have a disability certificate issued by a competent authority;

- For resistance participants and their biological children affected by chemical agents: Completed the high school program; meet the qualification criteria for exams as defined in Clause 2, Article 12 of the Exam Regulations; have a certificate of exposure to chemical agents with 61% or more reduction in labor capability issued by a competent authority.

2. Will candidates violating university entrance exam regulations in Vietnam receive a score of 0?

Candidates violating exam regulations will have their exam scores deducted according to Clause 4, Article 54 of the regulations issued along with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT:

(1) Candidates reprimanded during an exam will have 25% of their total exam score deducted for that exam;

(2) Candidates warned during an exam will have 50% of their total exam score deducted for that exam;

(3) Exams found with marking signs during grading will have 50% of the total score deducted;

(4) Score 0 (zero): Exams copied from unauthorized materials brought into the exam room; exams with more than one answer for a question; exams with handwriting from more than one person; parts of the exam written on scrap/non-conformable paper.


- Candidates suspended from an exam will receive 0 (zero) for that exam and will not be allowed to continue with subsequent exams;

- The score deductions mentioned in points (3) and (4) will be decided by the chief examiner of written exams based on written reports from the head subject examiner.

Thus, candidates violating the 2024 High School Graduation Exam regulations will be penalized with score deductions according to the specific violation level as follows:

- Reprimand: Deducted 25% of the total exam score.

- Warning: Deducted 50% of the total exam score.

- Discovered marked exams during grading: Deducted 50% of the total score.

- Score 0 (zero) for instances of: Copying from materials; Multiple answers for a question; Handwriting from more than one person; Written on scrap/non-conformable paper.


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