According to the provisions of Article 1 of Decree 26/2025/ND-CP regarding the position and function of the State Bank of Vietnam:
Article 1. Position and function
The State Bank of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as the State Bank) is a ministry-equivalent agency of the Government of Vietnam, serving as the Central Bank of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; it performs the state management function regarding currency, banking activities, and foreign exchanges (hereinafter referred to as currency and banking) and public services within the scope of management by the State Bank; it carries out the Central Bank's function of issuing currency, acting as a bank for credit institutions, and providing monetary services to the Government of Vietnam.
Thus, the State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-equivalent agency of the Government of Vietnam, functioning as the Central Bank of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; it performs the state management function regarding currency, banking activities, foreign exchanges, and public services under the management of the State Bank; it serves the Central Bank's role of currency issuance, serving as a bank for credit institutions, and supplying monetary services to the Government of Vietnam.
The Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam issued Decree 26/2025/ND-CP on February 24, 2025, governing the functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam.
Article 3 of Decree 26/2025/ND-CP regulates the organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam as follows:
(1) Monetary Policy Department.
(2) Payment Department.
(3) Credit Department for Economic Sectors.
(4) Forecasting and Statistics Department - Monetary and Financial Stability.
(5) International Cooperation Department.
(6) Legal Department.
(7) Finance and Accounting Department.
(8) Personnel and Organization Department.
(9) Office.
(10) State Bank Inspection Department.
(11) Transaction Center.
(12) Information Technology Department.
(13) Issuance and Vault Department.
(14) Foreign Exchange Management Department.
(15) Anti-Money Laundering Department.
(16) Credit Institutions Supervision Department.
(17) Credit Institutions System Safety Department.
(18) State Bank branches in Regions (Regional State Bank).
(19) National Credit Information Center of Vietnam.
(20) Bank News Time.
- Units numbered 1 to 18 are administrative organizations aiding the Governor of the State Bank in executing state management and Central Bank functions. Units 19 and 20 are public service providers serving the state management function of the State Bank.
- The Monetary Policy Department and the Forecasting and Statistics Department - Monetary and Financial Stability have 6 divisions each. The Credit Department for Economic Sectors, International Cooperation Department, Finance and Accounting Department, and Personnel and Organization Department have 5 divisions each. The Payment Department has 4 divisions. The Legal Department has 3 divisions.
- The Governor of the State Bank submits to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the list of other public service providers under the State Bank of Vietnam.
- The Governor of the State Bank issues decisions defining functions, tasks, powers, and the organizational structure of departments and units within the State Bank according to laws.
According to Clause 14, Article 2 of Decree 26/2025/ND-CP, the State Bank exercises its responsibilities and powers as stipulated in the Law on State Bank of Vietnam, Law on Government Organization, and regulations of the Government of Vietnam regarding the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of ministries and ministerial-level agencies, specifically relating to state management of foreign exchange, foreign exchange activities, and gold trading, as follows:
- Manage foreign exchange activities in current transactions, capital transactions, and foreign exchange use in Vietnam; business activities, provision of foreign exchange services, and other transactions relating to foreign exchange; border zone foreign exchange operations according to legal provisions;
- Manage State foreign exchange reserves according to legal regulations; purchase and sell foreign exchange in the domestic market for national monetary policy objectives; purchase and sell foreign exchange with the state budget, international organizations, and other sources; purchase and sell foreign exchange in the international market and conduct other foreign exchange transactions as per legal provisions;
- Announce exchange rates; determine exchange rate policies and exchange rate management mechanisms;
- Issue and revoke licenses for foreign exchange business and service provision for credit institutions, branches of foreign banks, and other organizations as stipulated by law;
- Manage foreign exchange for foreign investment activities in Vietnam and outbound investment from Vietnam according to legal stipulations;
- Manage gold trading activities as provided by law;
- Oversee activities of borrowing and repayment of foreign debts by residents who are permitted to independently negotiate external loans and repay debts under legal provisions.
Guide procedures and organize the implementation of registration or changes in foreign loans guaranteed by the Government of Vietnam according to legal regulations;
- Manage lending activities, foreign debt recovery, and guarantees for non-residents by credit institutions and economic organizations as per legal stipulations.
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