03/05/2024 16:03

What is COP assessment? What are the current COP assessment methods in Vietnam?

What is COP assessment? What are the current COP assessment methods in Vietnam?

What is COP assessment? What are the current COP assessment methods in Vietnam? Mr. Minh - Lao Cai

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What is COP assessment?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT (amended by Clause 3, Article 1 of Circular 23/2020/TT-BGTVT), the terms are explained as follows:

Assessing quality conformity of the products in manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as “COP assessment”) refer to the process of assessing quality management system, product manufacturing, assembling process and operation of quality control system in manufacturers during manufacturing and assembling process to ensure technical safety quality and environmental protection for types of vehicles registered with quality certification, technical standards, technical regulations and regulations for types of products.

Thus, COP assessment the process of assessing quality management system, product manufacturing, assembling process and operation in manufacturers during manufacturing process to ensure technical safety quality and environmental protection for types of vehicles registered with quality certification, technical standards, technical regulations and regulations for types of products.

2. Current COP assessment methods in Vietnam

Vietnam Register shall rely on requirements specified under ISO 9000 Standards and requirements of technical standards and technical regulations applied to the products to perform COP assessment based on details specified under Clause 1 of Article 12 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT in manufacturers in following methods:

- First-time assessment: performed prior to issuance of the certificate of technical safety quality and environmental protection for manufactured and assembled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as “type approval certificates”) on the basis of considering and assessing

+ Manufacturing and assembling technologies, procedures for product quality inspection,

+ Regulations on storing and controlling quality dossiers;

+ Personnel serving manufacturing, assembly and quality inspection;

+ Equipment for final quality inspection, operation of quality control systems in manufacturing, assembly and quality control processes and introducing products to the market;

- Regular assessment: performed to assess quality maintenance and assurance in manufacturers issued with type approval certificates, assessment shall be conducted every 24 months. Expansion of inspection and assessment range shall be implemented in case of unconformity during product manufacturing, assembly and quality inspection processes;

- Irregular assessment: performed in case of receiving written request of authorities of well-grounded complaints about quality of products on the market. Vietnam Register shall decide to form inspectorates and perform irregular assessment for manufacturers regarding the compliance with Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT. If inspections suggest that manufacturers violate any regulation on maintaining product quality assurance and quality control; release products that fail to meet quality or conform to applications for certification; issue release record in a manner that is unsatisfactory to regulations and law or contradictory to this Circular, conform to Clause 4 and 5 Article 15 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT.

3. Procedures for issuance of type approval certificates in Vietnam

Vietnam Register shall rely on consideration of applications, reports on representative sample test and inspection results and COP assessment results in manufacturers to issue type approval certificates for products of similar types as specified. To be granted type approval certificates, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of Article 13 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT amended by Point a, Clause 7, Article 7 of Circular 49/2023/TT-BGTVT as follows:

- Manufacturers shall prepare 1 application for certification as specified under Article 11 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT and submit in person, via postal service or other appropriate methods to Vietnam Register;

- Vietnam Register shall receive and check the components of the application. If the application does not contain adequate documents as prescribed, within 01 working day, in case of direct submission, or within 02 days from the receipt of the application which is submitted through the online public service system, Vietnam Register shall return it and give specific instructions to the applicant for modification. If the application contains adequate documents as prescribed, Vietnam Register shall accept it for further consideration.

Vietnam Register shall check the received application and COP assessment results within 07 working days. If the application is adequate and valid and COP assessment results are satisfactory, Vietnam Register shall issue a Certificate using the corresponding form in Appendix XIII enclosed herewith within the time limit prescribed in clause 3 of this Article. If the received application is invalid, Vietnam Register shall give a notice to the applicant for modification. If COP assessment results are not available, Vietnam Register shall give a notice requesting the applicant to carry out COP assessment as prescribed in Article 12 of Circular 89/2015/TT-BGTVT.

Best regard!

Pham Thi Thu Ha

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