27/02/2024 14:51

What are the standards for multi-spurred chickens used for breeding purposes in Vietnam?

What are the standards for multi-spurred chickens used for breeding purposes in Vietnam?

What are the standards for multi-spurred chickens used for breeding purposes in Vietnam? Mr. Van Chien (Kien Giang).

Hello, Lawnet would like to answer as follows:

1. What are the standards for multi-spurred chickens used for breeding purposes in Vietnam?

According to TCVN 12469-8:2020, multi-spurred chickens raised for breeding purposes need to meet the following standards:

Requirements for physical characteristics

Requirements for the appearance of Multi-Spur chickens include characteristics of shape, feather color, skin color, beak color, leg skin color, crest color, wattle color, number of spurs, crest type at 1 day old, 8 weeks old and 38 weeks of age is specified according to the table below:


01 day old

8 weeks old

Adult living in urban areas (38 weeks old )







The front body is small, gradually getting bigger towards the back

The front body is small, gradually getting bigger towards the back

The front body is small, gradually getting bigger towards the back

The front body is small, gradually getting bigger towards the back

Fur color

Black, light yellow, brown stripes, black stripes

Plum color, black color, apricot color, brown color

Black, dark brown

Plum color, black color, apricot color, brown color

Black, dark brown

Skin color






Beak color

Black, yellow

Yellow; dusky

Yellow; dusky

Yellow; dusky

Yellow; dusky

Leg color

Black, yellow

Black gold

Black gold

Black gold

Black gold

Crest color


Red gold

Red gold



Cum color


Boat gold

Red gold



Crest type




Bud a , strawberry b

Bud, strawberry, flag

Number of spurs




≥ 2

≥ 2

a  Inverted lemon wedge shape;

b  Strawberry shape.

 Table: Appearance characteristics of multi-spurred chickens

Growth requirements

The growth ability of multi-spurred chickens is evaluated by the measurements at 8 weeks of age and 38 weeks of age. Specifically, the measurements are specified in the following table:


weeks old

38 weeks old





1. Body length, measured in centimeters

15 ÷ 20

13 ÷ 18

23 ÷ 28

19 ÷ 24

2. Chest circumference, in centimeters

17 ÷ 22

17 ÷ 22

35 ÷ 40

27 ÷ 32

3. Chest circumference/body length

1.2 ÷ 1.5

1.2 ÷ 1.5

1.2 ÷ 1.5

1.2 ÷ 1.5

4. Length of the keel, in centimeters

7 ÷ 12

7 ÷ 12

14 ÷ 19

13 ÷ 18

5. Wing feather length, measured in centimeters

≥ 12

≥ 11

≥ 16

≥ 15

6. Foot height, in centimeters

4 ÷ 6

3 ÷ 5

8 ÷ 10

7 ÷ 9

 Table: Measurement of multi-spurred chicken

Requirements for reproductive performance

The reproductive performance of multi-spurred chickens is evaluated by criteria on egg laying and indicators on egg quality and hatching rate.

- Indicators of the reproductive performance of multi-spur chickens need to meet the following requirements:

+ Childbirth age in weeks: 22 ÷ 24

+ Average birth rate, calculated in %: ≥ 32%

+ Egg yield/number of hens at the beginning of the period/48 weeks of laying, calculated in eggs: ≥ 105 eggs

+ Egg yield/average number of hens/48 weeks of laying, calculated in eggs: ≥ 109 eggs

+ Food consumption for 10 eggs, calculated in kg: ≤ 4.9 kg

+ Death rate, type/month, in %: ≤ 2%

- Egg quality and hatchability criteria need to meet the following requirements:

+ Egg weight, in grams: 40 ÷ 50 g

+ Large diameter (D), in mm: 45 ÷ 55 mm

+ Small diameter (d), in mm: 35 ÷ 45 mm

+ Morphological index (D/d): 1.30 ÷ 1.42

+ Percentage of eggs with embryos, calculated in %: ≥ 90%

+ Hatching rate/eggs with embryos, calculated in %: ≥ 95%

+ Hatching rate/total number of eggs incubated, calculated in %: ≥ 80%

+ Percentage of type 1 chickens/total number of chickens hatched alive, calculated in %: ≥ 95%

2. Sampling method for multi-spurred chickens in Vietnam

TCVN 12469-8:2020 regulates the sampling method of multi-spurred chicken specifically as follows:

Chicken sample

Randomly take 10% of the multi-spurred chickens in the total flock (minimum 30 chickens), at 1 day old, 8 weeks old, and 38 weeks old (adult chickens).

Egg sampling

Randomly take at least 30 multi-spurred chicken eggs at the time the chickens are laid at 37 to 38 weeks of age.

 Best regards!

Do Minh Hieu

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