26/08/2022 11:27

Recruitment of public employees in form of admission without examination in Vietnam

Recruitment of public employees in form of admission without examination in Vietnam

Mr. Minh-Quang Ngai, Vietnam, works at an enterprise with 100% charter capital held by the State and would like to know if he can apply for public employment. What does the application consist of?

Thank you for your answer. LAWNET would like to answer your question as follows:

Cases of recruitment of public employees without having to take an entrance exam or admission examination

Clause 1, Article 13 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP stipulates that heads of agencies or units with recruitment competence may be considered for admission as public employees in the following cases:

- Cases with at least 05 years of working in a position requiring university training or higher in accordance with the requirements of the job position to be recruited and pay compulsory social insurance (excluding the probationary period and if there is an intermittent period of work with compulsory social insurance payment but you have not yet received a lump-sum social insurance allowance, it will be accumulated, including the working time), including:
+ People who are cadres and civil servants at commune level.

+ Individuals who sign labor contracts to perform professional work in public non-business units or non-public non-business units as defined by law.

+ People receiving salaries according to the people's armed forces; people working in cipher organizations.

+ Employees of enterprises in which the state owns 100% of the charter capital, enterprises in which the state owns more than 50% of the charter capital, or total voting shares.

- People who are working in political-social-professional organizations, social organizations, and socio-professional organizations.

- People with special talents and aptitudes suitable for employment positions in the following industries and fields: culture, art, physical training and sports, and traditional occupations.

- People who used to be cadres, civil servants, or public employees and then were approved by competent authorities to move to work in the armed forces, ciphers, socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations, enterprises in which 100% of charter capital is held by the state, or enterprises in which more than 50% of charter capital is held by the state, or total voting shares.

Procedures for considering admission to public employees 

The process of considering admission to public employees shall comply with the provisions of Clause 2, Article 13 of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP, specifically as follows:

- When considering admission to the position of public employees who do not hold managerial positions for the cases specified in Section 1, situation 15, heads of agencies or units competent to recruit public employees must establish examination and examination councils.

- The Examination and Examination Council shall perform the following tasks: check the conditions, standards, diplomas, and certificates of the person proposed to be accepted at the request of the job position to be recruited; organize a test on the general knowledge level and professional and professional capacity of the person proposed to be admitted. The examination and the examination council must report to the head of the agency or unit competent to recruit public employees to agree on the form and content of the test before conducting it.

The examination and examination councils work on the principle of collective action and make decisions by majority; in the case of equal votes, the opinion voted by the Chairman of the Examination and Examination Council shall be approved; report to the head of the agency or unit competent to recruit on the results of the examination and test. The examination and examination council are self-dissolved after completing their tasks.

- Heads of agencies or units competent to recruit public employees shall decide according to their competence or report in writing to the heads of agencies competent to manage public employees for consensus before deciding to accept them according to their competence. What are the documents and papers of the person proposed to be accepted as an official?

The dossier of the person proposed to be admitted to the officer 

The dossier of the person proposed to be admitted to the public servant position includes the following papers and documents:

Curriculum vitae of public employees according to current regulations shall be made no later than 30 days before the date of application submission, certified by the agency, organization, or unit where they work.

-Copies of diplomas and certificates as required by the job position to be recruited.

-A health certificate issued by a competent health authority at least 30 days before the date of submission of the application for receipt.

-The self-review and assessment of the person proposed to receive on political qualities, ethical qualities, qualifications and professional capacity, work history, certified by the head of the agency, organization, or unit where you work.

Nhu Y

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