30/11/2024 14:33

Quang Nam Province: Questions and answers for week 5 of the Contest on Understanding the Book of the Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

 Quang Nam Province: Questions and answers for week 5 of the Contest on Understanding the Book of the Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

The article below will provide the content concerning the questions and answers for week 5 of the competition on understanding the Book of Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong organized in Quang Nam Province.

 Quang Nam Province: Questions and answers for week 5 of the Contest on Understanding the Book of the Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

The competition on understanding the book about anti-corruption by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Quang Nam province is organized by the Provincial Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption and Negative Phenomena.

Participants answer multiple-choice questions directly on computers or mobile devices with Internet access by visiting the Communist Party's electronic information page of Quang Nam province at http://thitructuyen.qti.vn/login.aspx.

Below are the questions and answers for week 5 of the competition on understanding the book of late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Quang Nam province:

1. In the case where a party member finds that a resolution is wrong or has errors, according to late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, what is the most appropriate attitude?

Timely and frankly present one's opinion to the competent organization

Submit to the organization and must implement the organization's resolution

Frankly present one's opinion to the competent organization

Must implement the organization's resolution

2. In the article “High Determination, Decisive Measures, Creating Clear Transformations in Communist Party Building,” late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong concluded that the construction and rectification of the Communist Party are for what purpose?

To make our Communist Party stronger; cadres and party members more exemplary

To make the organization have higher combat strength; improve internal unity

To foster closer ties with the People; to enhance the execution of political tasks with higher results

All of A, B, and C

3. What content did late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong identify as a significant obstacle to strengthening and consolidating our cadre team?

Degradation, severe decline in ethical conduct, and losing credibility with the People

Reluctance to study, train, lack of humility, and absence of democracy

Incompetence, committing many wrong deeds, and not being trusted by the mass of the People

Compromise, concealment, lack of criticism, and self-criticism

4. “The ideology, ethics, and style of President Ho Chi Minh are invaluable spiritual assets of our Communist Party and People, illuminating the revolutionary career, leading each step forward and victory of the Vietnamese revolution,” is a content mentioned in which writing by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong?

Endeavor to study, strive and train according to Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style

The leadership role of the Communist Party in the country's renovation

Determination, perseverance to execute with the highest political resolution, preventing, and pushing back decline

Building a clean, strong Communist Party – a condition ensuring the maintenance and strengthening of the Communist Party's leadership role

5. From 2012 to now, how many documents have the Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and Communist Party advisory bodies issued on Communist Party building, rectification, and anti-corruption work?

Over 150 documents

Over 250 documents

Over 350 documents

Over 450 documents

6. Currently, what is the "comradeship of the communists" according to the view of late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong?

It is the combat friendship of revolutionary fighters enlightened with communist ideals, sharing the same struggle orientation and tested in the revolutionary process.

It is the solidarity in fighting for the successful building of socialism and firmly defending the socialist fatherland.

It is an important manifestation of the communist's quality, the dignity, and conscience of a communist.

It is the kindness, altruism, fighting, and sacrifice for the People and the revolution, the greatest and highest ethics throughout a communist's life.

7. What did late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong require for "matters needing time for preparation"?

Timely propose consultative opinions from the competent level

Proactively research, aggregate, and propose implementation

Urgently research, summarize, propose to decide and execute

All A, B, and C

8. "Eating leads to mountain erosion; long drizzles cause floods" and "if it's flooded, the whole village is flooded" is a proverb mentioned in which writing by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong?

“Public and Private Interests”

“A Distressing Truth”


“What Makes a Party Member's Prestige”

9. What is the rule of existence, development, and operation of the Communist Party, an essential condition in the struggle for socialism and defending the socialist fatherland?

Renew the leadership method

Contact with the masses

Respect and promote the people's mastery

Care for the people's life

10. According to late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, what is the fundamental direction for the current renewal and rectification of the Communist Party?

Focus on building the cadre team at all levels, especially strategic levels and key leaders with adequate quality, competence, and prestige matching their tasks

Continue to be steadfast, apply, and creatively develop Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought

Promote glorious traditions, enhance the working-class nature and pioneering character of the Communist Party, build the Communist Party truly strong in politics, thought, quality, organization, renew leadership methods, strengthen the Party-people relationship, ensuring the Communist Party fulfills its role as the vanguard leading the Vietnamese revolutionary mission in the new phase

Improve the efficiency of ideological work, create unity within the Communist Party, social consensus; further focus on fighting to protect the ideological foundation of the Communist Party

11. How did late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong explain the term "fight" in the writing “Strengthen Communist Party Building – An Important Factor in Building a Rule of Law State and a Socialist-oriented Market Economy”?

Fight here is not "physical fighting”, it is fighting against negatives, obstructing our development both within the Communist Party and society, and within each of us

Fight here is fighting against the enemy

Fight here is against stagnation, lack of development, wrongdoing

Fight here is personal combat to overcome manifestations of individualism

12. What is the consistent guiding viewpoint of late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Central Steering Committee meetings on anti-corruption work?

Guide research, supplements, amendments, and perfect the economic and social management institution to prevent corruption and regulations for discovering and handling corruption

The Steering Committee and each member must "play the right role, know the lesson"

Committee members executing assigned tasks need to work proactively with ministries, central authorities, and local authorities allotted to monitor and urge anti-corruption work.

Fighting corruption, negative phenomena must be determined, persistent, without rest, without stop, no forbidden zones, no exceptions, regardless of who the person is

13. "Firmly grasp and flexibly apply the lessons from our ancestors 'Building the country goes hand in hand with defending it', 'Defending the country from when it is not yet threatened', having strategies to prevent, eliminate the danger of war, conflict from early, from far…” is a content excerpted in which writing by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong?

Some Lessons on Party Building in the Renovation Era

Internal agencies must truly be "sharp swords" and "firm shields" to protect the fatherland, uphold social order, and discipline

The leadership of the Communist Party is the foremost decisive factor for all our revolutionary victories

High Determination, Decisive Measures, Creating Clear Transformations in Communist Party Building

14. What did late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong require to have grounds to understand cadres more clearly, evaluate, consider, and sift the cadre team of the whole political system, and prepare the planning of party committees and key positions at all levels?

Perform review, self-criticism, and criticism well

Carry out annual cadre evaluation well

Build and consolidate the cadre team at all levels

Regularly organize for the People through the Fatherland Front and political-social organizations at all levels to contribute to Party building

15. Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated that in our social opinion, the term “juggling” is used to imply and criticize what contents?

Actions, local interests of a group of people, agencies, or units

The incompetence or bureaucratism of some responsible officials at various levels

Actions with tricky and crafty nature for personal interests, local interests of some individuals, some agencies, or units

Rationing manipulation, fraudulent measurement, deduction in customer standards, stealing state goods, and then mixing it back to keep the weight.

16. What is the content that late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong identified as "eroding the revolutionary essence of degraded and corrupted cadres and party members"?

Bureaucratism, commandism, aloofness from reality, aloofness from the masses

Compromise, avoidance, not being strict with comrades' faults

Profit, position, safeguarding and gathering for self-interest

Competing, jostling, vying for position, and rights with comrades

17. Which of the following contents did late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirm as "a principle aspect, a factor ensuring the success of the renovation process, and the country's development in the socialist orientation"?

It is necessary to build the Communist Party equivalent to the political tasks of a ruling Party leading the People in the socialist revolution

Renew thinking, renew leadership style and working methods

Overcome bureaucracy, corruption, waste, enhance the combat strength of grassroots party organizations, consolidate the cadre team, renew the leadership method of the Communist Party

In conducting the renovation process, always remain steadfast in the leadership role, the ruling position of the Communist Party; also, perform well in Party building, continually renewing and rectifying the Party

18. Why do the Communist Party and our People frequently condemn and criticize the evil of collusion?

Because this evil causes the loss of much property of the State and collectives, obstructing economic and social management work

Adding difficulties to production and people's lives

Corrupting cadres and affecting the masses' trust in the Communist Party and the State.

All of A, B, and C

19. Late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated: "The Communist Party and the State have issued many directives and resolutions to strengthen the management of materials, market management, combat all acts of collusion, stealing public properties, infringing on the property of the people and the State." What should be done to halt the phenomenon of collusion?

Truly engage in execution, carry out decisively, thoroughly; execute without any “but” attached

Execute strictly, thoroughly; execute without any “but” attached

Truly engage in execution, rigorously, and thoroughly; execute without any “but” attached

Execute decisively, thoroughly, strictly

20. In the writing "Enhancing the Leadership Capacity and Combat Strength of the Communist Party," comrade late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong identified caring to maintain unity and consensus in the Communist Party's leadership bodies as a basis for what?

Strengthening unity and consensus throughout the entire Communist Party

Enhancing the combat strength of party organizations

Upholding working regulations according to the principle of democratic centralism and collective leadership

Enhancing the leadership capacity of party organizations

Note: The answers above are for reference only.

Regulations on the supervision of anti-corruption in Vietnam

According to Article 7 of the Anti-Corruption Law 2018 on the supervision of anti-corruption work:

- The National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly supervise the anti-corruption work nationwide.

- The Ethnic Council, and Committees of the National Assembly, within their assigned duties and powers, supervise anticorruption work in their responsible fields.

- The Judicial Committee of the National Assembly, within its duties and powers, supervises the detection and handling of corruption.

- Delegations of National Assembly members, and National Assembly members, within their duties and powers, supervise anti-corruption work.

- People's Councils, Standing Committees of People's Councils, Committees of People's Councils, Groups of People's Council deputies, and People's Council deputies, within their duties and powers, supervise anti-corruption work locally.


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