03/12/2024 15:37

Detailed instructions for writing the Individual Achievement Report (Form 03) for the End of the Year 2024 in Vietnam

Detailed instructions for writing the Individual Achievement Report (Form 03) for the End of the Year 2024 in Vietnam

How to write an Individual Achievement Report according to Form 03 of Decree 98 in Vietnam? Where to download the Individual Achievement Report according to Form 03?

What are principles for individuals in evaluating emulation titles and commendations in Vietnam?

According to Article 4 of Decree 98/2023/ND-CP regarding the principles in evaluating emulation titles and commendation forms:

(1) Commendation must be based on conditions, criteria, and achievements, and it is not necessary to receive a lower level of commendation before being awarded a higher level.

(2) The level with authority for commendation or proposition to a higher authority to commend emulation titles and commendation forms for cases meeting the conditions, standards, procedures, and documentation as prescribed.

(3) Occasional achievements and thematic emulation results are not used as the basis to propose commendation for merit to a higher authority.

(4) Do not commend or propose to a higher authority to commend individuals or collectives during the time a competent authority is considering disciplinary actions or investigating, inspecting, or checking when signs of violations arise, or there are complaints, accusations, or issues of corruption or negativity raised by the press that are being verified.

In case an individual or collective is disciplined, after serving the disciplinary period, if achievements are accomplished, commendation will be considered from the time of completing the disciplinary period.

(5) Maternity leave for individuals as regulated is counted for evaluating emulation titles and commendation forms.

(6) When there are multiple individuals or collectives with identical qualifications and criteria, prioritize selecting female individuals or collectives with a female composition of 70% or more for commendation consideration.

(7) The tenure for considering commendation for dedication for female leaders or managers is reduced by 1/3 of the general regulation time. For female leaders or managers entitled to a higher retirement age, the time for commendation consideration follows the general regulation.

Detailed instructions for writing the Individual Achievement Report (Form 03) for the End of the Year 2024 in Vietnam

Newest Form 03 for individual achievement reports: (downloadable file attached at the end of the article)

Below is the guide for filling out Form 03 for achievement reports in recommending awards or posthumous awards for Orders, Certificates of Merit by the Prime Minister, National Emulation Soldier award; Emulation Soldier, Certificates of Merit by ministries, agencies, provinces, and Certificates of Commendation for individuals with the latest achievements in task performance as regulated in Appendix I issued with Decree 98/2023/ND-CP:

(1) Location.

(2) Clearly state the achievements proposed for commendation.

(3) Administrative unit: Commune (ward, commune-level town); district (district-level town, city under province; district, city under central city); province (central city).

(4) Continuous achievement reports for 10 years or more at the time of recommendation for the Ho Chi Minh Order, Independence Order, Military Merit Order; continuously for 5 years or more up to the time of recommendation for the Order of Defender of the Country, Labor Order; continuously for 5 years or more up to the recommendation time for the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit; 6 continuous years for National Emulation Soldier title, 3 continuous years for ministries, agencies, provincial Emulation Soldier title; 2 continuous years for the Certificate of Merit by ministries, agencies, provinces; 1 year for Grassroots Emulation Soldier, Advanced Labor and Certificate of Commendation.

(5) List personal achievements in executing assigned tasks (results achieved in productivity, quality, task execution efficiency; methods, solutions in innovating management work, initiatives, scientific research topics; innovation and application of science and technology into practice; execution of policies and laws of the Communist Party and the State; fostering, learning to improve professional skills, ethics; caring for the lives of officers, employees; individual role in building the Communist Party and organizations; participating in social, charitable activities...).

- For those in leadership, management: Summarize unit achievements; business unit leaders compare criteria: total production value, revenue, profit, budget contribution, reproduction investment, average income; technical improvement initiatives, scientific applications (benefit value); social welfare during the achievement calculation period for commendation proposals.

- For schools: Reports must clearly show results in school management and administration; staff development; financial, infrastructural and teaching equipment; educational activities and results; scientific research, international cooperation (for educational institutions), with comparison to pre-commendation period.

- For hospitals: Compile a comparison table of criteria: total patients examined, treated; total inpatient, outpatient treated; total beds utilized; number of patients receiving free examination, treatment; number of scientific research topics, initiatives, scientific applications (economic, social benefit values...).

- For associations: Focus on results of key task execution and working programs from central associations and organizations.

- For state management agencies: Rely on results in executing main tasks in state management, specialized tasks and advising leaders in unit, sector, local development...

(6) List types of commendations granted or posthumously granted by the Communist Party, the State, ministries, agencies, provinces (clearly specify decision number, date, month, year of decision).

- Clearly specify decision number recognizing emulation titles within 5 years before the recommendation time for Labor Order, the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit, etc...

- For National Emulation Soldier title proposals:

+ Clearly specify decision numbers, dates, months, years of two consecutive times receiving ministries, agencies, provincial Emulation Soldier titles and 6 times achieving "Grassroots Emulation Soldier" title before recommendation;

+ Clearly state content of initiatives or scientific topics, scientific proposals, scientific and technological works (participating as member or lead of scientific topics), with certification from authorized bodies (specify document, date, month, year) for initiatives, scientific topics, scientific proposals, scientific and technological works with the dossier.

- For Emulation Soldier by ministries, agencies, provincial title reporting, clearly specify 3 continuous times before recommendation; initiatives or scientific topics, scientific proposals, scientific and technological works recognized by competent authorities.


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