01/12/2023 09:00

Criteria for selecting and calling citizens to enlist in 2024 in Vietnam

Criteria for selecting and calling citizens to enlist in 2024 in Vietnam

How does the Ministry of National Defense guide the age of enlistment in 2024? What are the criteria for selecting and calling citizens to enlist in 2024 in Vietnam? “Duc Huy-Dong Thap”

Hello, Lawnet would like to answer as follows:

Time to recruit and call citizens to enlist in 2024 in Vietnam

On November 6, 2023, the Ministry of National Defense issued Official Dispatch 4267/BQP-TM on recruiting and calling citizens to join the army in 2024.

In it, it is mentioned "Implementing the Law on Military Service 2015; Decision 82/QD-TTg dated October 4, 2023 of the Prime Minister on calling citizens to join the army in 2024; Accordingly, in 2024, one round of recruiting and recruiting citizens will be conducted; The military delivery time is 3 days, from February 25 to February 27, 2024 (from January 16 to January 18, Giap Thin year).

Accordingly, the military delivery period in 2024 is 3 days, from February 25 to February 27, 2024 (from January 16 to January 18, Year of the Dragon).

Criteria for selecting and calling citizens to enlist in 2024 in Vietnam

To implement military recruitment in 2024 to ensure sufficient quantity and good quality in accordance with the Law on Military Service 2015 and current legal documents, based on the summary results of 08 years of implementing the Law on Military Service 2015 associated with the results of military recruitment in 2023, the Ministry of National Defense recommends localities and requires military units to well implement key contents.

The requirements for localities assigned troops are as follows:

- Direct the promotion of democracy at the grassroots level, organize elections, and nominate from villages, hamlets, and residential groups to propose good-quality male citizens of military service age to participate in military service to ensure democracy, openness, quality, and efficiency.

Conduct pre-qualification and approval at the commune level strictly and in accordance with regulations; Direct the public posting at the headquarters of the Commune People's Committee and notify each village about: District military recruitment quotas assigned to communes; conditions and standards for military recruitment; cases of temporary postponement of military call-up and exemption from military call-up; list of citizens eligible for military service; List of citizens temporarily postponed or exempted from military service; list of citizens eligible for military service; Health classification results according to the conclusion of the Medical Examination Council for military service; list of citizens admitted to military service ready to enlist in accordance with the provisions at Point c, Clause 4, Article 6 of Circular 148/2018/TT-BQP dated October 4, 2018; Focus on selecting citizens who have graduated from universities and colleges with occupations suitable to the deployment and use needs of the Army and children of ethnic minority areas (under 10,000 people) to create a source of grassroots officials for the locality; ensure all communes, wards, and towns have citizens enlisting in the army.

Continue to carry out "round-the-clock" military recruitment with the motto "recruit someone for sure." Pay attention to the age of enlistment, which must be 18 years old by the date of military delivery. Minimize exchange compensation, post-paid delivery, and the receipt of troops; Allocate military recruitment targets to localities associated with mobilization areas at the district level. Create conditions to help units that are regulated to penetrate "see three, know four" and units assigned to select female citizens to join the army comply with regulations.

Thus, the drafting requirements in 2024 is implemented according to Circular 148/2018/TT-BQP dated October 4, 2018 as follows:

- Age:

+ Citizens from the age of 18 to under 26.

+ Graduate male citizen who enters university or college and postpones conscription for a training course of a level will be drafted until he turns 28.

- Political requirements:

+ Comply with Joint Circular No. 50/2016/TTLT-BQP-BCA dated April 15, 2016 of the Minister of National Defense – the Minister of Public Security on provisions for political requirements for conscripting citizens into the Vietnamese People’s Army.

+ Drafting for crucial and classified agencies, units and positions in the Army; ceremonial battalion; professional National Guards and Military shall comply with regulations and law of the Ministry of National Defense.

- Health requirements:

+ Draft citizens with health type 1, 2, 3 as specified in Joint Circular No. 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP dated June 30, 2016 of the Minister of Health – the Minister of National Defense on provisions for pre-enlistment check-up.

+ Drafting for agencies, units and positions specified in Point b Clause 2 of this Article must ensure separate standards as regulated by the Ministry of National Defense.

+ Do not conscript citizens with health type 3 and eye disorders (1.5 dioptre myopia or higher, hypermetropia at all degrees); drug addicts, those contracted with HIV, AIDS.

- Cultural requirements:

+ Draft citizens who finished 8th grade or higher in descending order. In areas where the drafting quota cannot be guaranteed due to hardship, request the competent authorities to consider and decide to draft citizens who finished 7th grade.

+ Communes in remote and isolated areas, in areas with economic - social hardships according to regulations and law; ethnic minorities below 10,000 people shall draft no more than 25% of the citizens who finished primary education and the citizens who finished lower secondary education are drafted to fill the rest.

At the same time, focus on selecting citizens who have graduated from universities and colleges with occupations suitable to the deployment and use needs of the Army and children of ethnic minority areas (under 10,000 people) to create a source of grassroots officials for the locality; ensure all communes, wards, and towns have citizens enlisting in the army.

Criteria for selecting and calling female citizens to join the army in 2024

In addition to general conditions and standards such as selecting and calling male citizens to join the army, female citizens must have a voluntary application to serve in the Army, confirmed by their family representative and the Commune People's Committee of their permanent residence, and meet some of the following specific conditions and standards:

+ Age: From 18 to 25 years old; citizens who have graduated from college or university must be over 27 years old; not married and have no children.

+ Health: meets health standards levels 1 and 2 according to regulations in Joint Circular 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP dated June 30, 2016; The height is 1.60m or more, and the appearance is balanced and cheerful.

+ Technical qualifications: Graduated from intermediate-level training or higher; Priority is given to citizens who have graduated from universities and colleges with training occupations suitable to the needs of the Army. In the case of talent, follow separate regulations of the Ministry of National Defense.

+ Units assigned quotas for recruiting female citizens to join the army are recruited (recruited) in localities nationwide and are counted in the 2024 military recruitment targets of localities and units; coordinate and hand over to Hanoi Capital Command (for Northern units) and Military Region 7 Command (for Southern units) for strict training, ensuring on-time and absolute safety.

Heads of agencies and units under the Ministry assigned targets for recruiting female citizens shall direct agencies and units under their authority to coordinate closely with localities to organize the recruitment of female citizens to join the army to strictly ensure the prescribed conditions and standards and be responsible to the Minister of National Defense for the quality of the unit's female citizens enlisting in the army.

Best regards!

Bui Thi Nhu Y

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