Who is responsible for enrollment information of a continuing education center in Vietnam?
Who is responsible for enrollment information of a continuing education center in Vietnam?
Under Article 12 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the rules regarding enrollments are as follows:
1. Annually, the Center develops an enrollment plan based on the educational needs of the community, the local socio-economic development plan, the scale of operations, and the Center's capacity; publicly announces the training course information including curriculum, teaching materials, output objectives, learning conditions, teachers, methods of assessment, certification of academic results, commencement date, tuition fees, and other necessary information, and publicly notify before the course commencement.
The Center Director is responsible for the enrollment information of the training courses, ensuring truthful and accurate information, safeguarding the interests of learners.
Thus, under the above regulation, the Center Director is responsible for the enrollment information of the courses, ensuring truthful and accurate information and safeguarding the interests of learners.
Who is responsible for enrollment information of a continuing education center in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
Will learners who complete the lower secondary-level continuing education program receive a diploma?
Under Article 15 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the rules regarding assessment, certification, and diploma issuance are as follows:
Assessment, certification, and diploma issuance
1. The Center is responsible for conducting assessments of learners' academic results in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
2. Learners who complete the literacy program and meet the conditions as prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will be recognized for completing the literacy program.
3. Learners who complete the lower secondary-level continuing education program and meet the conditions as prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will be issued a lower secondary diploma by the head of the educational authority under the district-level People's Committee.
4. Learners who complete the upper secondary-level continuing education program and meet the conditions as prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training may take the exam, and if they meet the requirements, will be issued an upper secondary diploma by the head of the educational authority under the provincial-level People's Committee; if they do not take the exam or do not meet the requirements, the head of the Center will issue a certificate of completion of the general education program.
Therefore, according to the above regulation, learners who complete the lower secondary-level continuing education program and meet the conditions as prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will be issued a lower secondary diploma by the head of the educational authority under the district-level People's Committee.
What are the rights of learners at a continuing education center in Vietnam?
Under Article 25 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the rights of learners are specified as follows:
- To be respected and treated equally, to be provided with complete information about their studies.
- To choose suitable programs, methods, and locations for learning that match their abilities, conditions, and the Center's capabilities; to be facilitated in transferring programs, methods, and locations of learning if desired and accepted by the new destination.
- To participate in the Center's activities by the regulations.
- To protect their legal rights, directly or through lawful representatives, and to provide feedback on content, teaching methods, and other activities of the Center.
- To benefit from a portion of production labor results, technical practice, and other activities they participate in; to be considered for scholarships and social allowances as regulated by law.
- Learners who complete the continuing education programs under the regulations will be issued diplomas, certificates, and certificates of completion.

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