What councils does a Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam have?
What councils does a Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam have?
Under Article 10 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the regulations regarding the councils in the Center are as follows:
(1) Emulation and Commendation Council
The Emulation and Commendation Council is established at the beginning of each school year to assist the Center's director in organizing emulation movements and proposing commendation lists for staff, teachers, employees, and students within the Center. This council is established and chaired by the Center's director. Members include: the secretary, committee members, deputy directors, several team leaders, and class homeroom teachers.
(2) Disciplinary Council
- The Student Disciplinary Council is established to review or erase disciplinary actions against students on a case-by-case basis. This council is established and chaired by the Center's director. Members include: the secretary, committee members, deputy directors, several team leaders, homeroom teachers of classes with violating students, experienced educators, and the head of the parents' representative committee (for students of school-going age).
- The Disciplinary Council for staff, teachers, and employees is established to review and propose disciplinary actions on a case-by-case basis. Its establishment, membership, and operations are conducted according to legal regulations.
(3) Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is established by the director as necessary for specific tasks. Its duties, composition, and operational duration are decided by the Center's director. Members participate on a case-by-case basis and do not receive a salary.
What councils does a Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam have? (Image from the Internet)
What positions does the organizational structure of the Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam include?
Under Article 5 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the organizational structure of the Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
Organizational Structure of the Center
The organizational structure of the Center includes: the director, deputy directors; professional teams; classes; production, business, and service teams serving education and training activities (if any); Emulation and Commendation Council, disciplinary council; scientific council, advisory council (when necessary).
Thus, the organizational structure of the Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center includes:
- Director, deputy directors;
- Professional teams;
- Classes;
- Production, business, and service teams serving education and training activities (if any);
- Emulation and Commendation Council, disciplinary council;
- Scientific council, advisory council (when necessary).
What are the duties and powers of the Director of the Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam?
According to Clause 4, Article 6 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers issued together with Circular 01/2023/TT-BGDDT, the duties and powers of the Director of the Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:
- Develop and approve the strategy and development plan for the Center;
- Set up regulations on the number of staff, labor structure, job positions, recruitment, management, employment, and development of the teaching staff, management personnel, and employees according to legal regulations;
- Decide on the establishment, merger, division, separation, and dissolution of the Center’s organizations; appoint, dismiss, and remove leaders of the Center’s organizations;
- Plan and develop the teaching workforce and management personnel; decide salaries based on job positions associated with work quality and efficiency, appropriate with autonomy levels; recruit employees according to the Center’s needs; manage, use public employees, and terminate contracts as per legal regulations. Annually evaluate and classify teachers, management personnel, and employees;
- Organize and direct the creation of a healthy educational environment; ensure political security and social order within the Center;
- Implement democratic regulations within the Center; apply State policies towards management personnel, teachers, employees, and students in the Center according to the law;
- Sign collaboration contracts with other educational institutions; production, business, and service establishments for educational activities or with production, business, and service organizations as per legal provisions;
- Issue academic reports, certificates, and certifications to learners who meet the requirements as stipulated;
- Make decisions regarding commendation and discipline towards management personnel, teachers, employees, and learners within the management scope and authority;
- Manage facilities, assets, and financial resources; effectively utilize mobilized resources to support educational and training activities of the Center according to legal regulations;
- Execute information policies, report, and undergo supervision, inspection, and auditing compliance with the law;
- Annually report on the outcomes of tasks and authorities to the direct management agency;
- Other duties and powers as prescribed by law.

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