09:07 | 17/09/2024

What is the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association?

Which song is considered the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association?

What is the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association?

Origin History: The author of the song is Mr. Tran Hoang Tien. In March 1985, “Bài ca sinh viên” was born and was officially performed for the first time in the “Tiếng hát làng Sen” held in President Ho Chi Minh's hometown.

After that, it was widely disseminated, especially in the famous SV 96 Program of Vietnam Television.

The 9-1 Student group also brought the “Bài ca sinh viên” to the 12th World Youth and Student Festival held in 1985 in Moscow (former Soviet Association), and this song became the official song of the Vietnamese Student Association.

Currently, Vietnamese law does not have any specific legal document stipulating which song is considered the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association.

The designation of a song as the "traditional song" is usually determined through the usage process of the song and must have the general consensus of the student Association.

It can be said that the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association is the “Bài ca sinh viên”.

*Note: This information is for reference purposes only./.

Based on Article 2 of the Charter of the Vietnamese Student Association promulgated together with Decision 1739/QD-BNV in 2009 (Download), the principles and goals of the Student Association are stipulated as follows:

The Vietnamese Student Association is a socio-political organization of Vietnamese students, uniting and gathering broadly all Vietnamese students to strive in studying and training for the goals and ideals of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh. It contributes to building a peaceful, independent, strong, equal, democratic, and civilized socialist Vietnam in the orientation of socialism, for the legitimate and lawful rights of students.

It unites and cooperates equally with other student, youth organizations, and progressive people worldwide for the goals of peace, national independence, democracy, and social progress.

What is the Traditional Song of the Vietnamese Student Union?

What is the traditional song of the Vietnamese Student Association? (Image from the Internet)

Who are the members of the Vietnamese Student Association?

Based on Article 5 of the Charter of the Vietnamese Student Association promulgated together with Decision 1739/QD-BNV in 2009 (Download), the regulations regarding members of the Association are as follows:

- Vietnamese citizens who are university and college students in and outside the country, who agree to the Charter of the Association, and voluntarily join the Association can be admitted to the Vietnamese Student Association.

- Officials, teachers, political, scientific, economic, social, cultural, and artistic activists with prestige among students and society, in and outside the country, who actively contribute to the Association and voluntarily participate in its activities, can be admitted as honorary members of the Vietnamese Student Association.

- Those who have completed university or college, if elected to the leadership body of the Association, continue to operate within the organization of the Association.

The procedure for admitting members; rights and obligations of honorary members are regulated by the Central Secretariat of the Association.

Additionally, the organization of the Vietnamese Student Association follows Article 8 of the Charter of the Vietnamese Student Association promulgated together with Decision 1739/QD-BNV in 2009 (Download), which stipulates as follows:

* The organization of the Association includes:

+ Central Vietnamese Student Association.

+ Student Associations of provinces and cities.

+ Student Associations of universities, colleges, academies, and training institutes of university, college levels.

+ Student Associations of schools that establish affiliated units include: Branch Student Associations, student clubs, teams, and task groups.

* The establishment, merger, dissolution, and financial settlement of the assets, finances of the Association levels shall be implemented in accordance with the law, the Charter of the Association, and the guidance of the Central Secretariat of the Vietnamese Student Association.

The tasks of the Executive Committee, the Secretariat of the National University, Regional University Student Associations, and the tasks of the Branch Association Executive Committee shall be regulated by the Central Secretariat of the Association.

What are regulations on the Congress of the Vietnamese Student Association at Various Levels?

Based on Article 10 of the Charter of the Vietnamese Student Association promulgated together with Decision 1739/QD-BNV in 2009 (Download), the regulations on the Congress of the Student Association at various levels are as follows:

* Term of the Congress of the Student Association at various levels

+ National, provincial, city under central authority, National University, Regional University: once every 5 years.

+ University, Branch Association levels: once every 2.5 years.

+ Branch level: once a year.

- The number of delegates at each level is decided by the Executive Committee of the Association at that level, consisting of the members of the Executive Committee at the level convening the Congress, delegates elected by the congress or representative conference at the lower level by democratic consultation, and appointed delegates (the number of appointed delegates to attend the Congress does not exceed 5% of the total number of convened delegates).

- Tasks of the Delegate Congress of the Student Association at various levels:

+ Summarize the work of the Association and student movements of the term of the Association at the same level.

+ Decide on the objectives and action programs for the new term of the Association.

+ Elect the Executive Committee, the Inspection Committee of the Association at the same level by democratic consultation.

+ Discuss contributions to documents.

+ Elect delegates to attend the congress, representative conference at the higher level (if any).

- The Executive Committee of the Student Association at various levels may convene a representative conference to consolidate the Executive Committee, discuss the documents for the congress at the higher level, and elect representatives to attend the Congress of the Student Association at the higher level.

The composition of the representative conference includes the members of the Executive Committee at the level convening the conference and representatives elected by the Executive Committee at the lower level; the number of representatives is decided by the Executive Committee convening the conference but not more than the number of delegates of the term Congress.

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