11:26 | 09/10/2024

What is the template of the disciplinary report form for upper secondary school students in Vietnam? What are disciplinary measures for upper secondary school students' misconduct?

According to the current regulations, what is the template of the disciplinary report form for upper secondary school students in Vietnam? What are the forms of disciplinary measures for upper secondary school students committing violations or shortcomings during their studies in Vietnam?

What is the template of the disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students in Vietnam?

A disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students is a type of document that students write themselves to acknowledge their mistakes and commit to correcting them, often required when students violate school regulations. For upper lower secondary school students, the disciplinary report is not merely a form of discipline but also an opportunity for self-reflection and positive change.

General structure of a disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students:

Title: Disciplinary report form

Personal Information: Full name, class, date of birth, date of writing the report.

Violation Details: Detailed description of the violation, time, and place of occurrence.

Reason for Violation: Analysis of the causes leading to the violation (could be subjective or objective).

Consequences: Clearly state the consequences the violation has caused to oneself, others, and the class community.

Pledge to Correct: Commitment not to repeat the violation and specific actions to rectify the mistake.

Signatures of the student, parent/guardian, and the homeroom teacher.

Template for a disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students:


Họ và tên:.................................................................................................


Ngày sinh:..................................................................................................

Ngày viết:..................................................................................................

Em xin nhận lỗi về hành vi vi phạm nội quy nhà trường như sau:

Nội dung vi phạm: .......................................................................................

Thời gian, địa điểm: .......................................................................................

Nguyên nhân: .................................................................................................

Hậu quả: .................................................................................................

Em xin hứa sẽ:

Không tái phạm: .......................................................................................

Khắc phục: .................................................................................................

Em xin chân thành cảm ơn thầy cô và nhà trường đã nhắc nhở và tạo điều kiện cho em sửa chữa lỗi lầm.

Học sinh

(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)

Phụ huynh/Người giám hộ

(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)

Giáo viên chủ nhiệm

(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)

Guidelines for writing a disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students for 2024

- Name, date of birth, place of residence, position of the person writing the disciplinary report form.

- Content of the disciplinary report, clearly stating the violation, reasons, and consequences of the violation.

- Promise to correct and rectify the consequences.

- Signature and full name of the person writing the disciplinary report.

Here is a guideline for writing a disciplinary report form for upper lower lower secondary school students for simple situations:

[1] Kính gửi: Clearly indicate the recipient of the disciplinary report. Example: Thầy (Cô) GVCN Nguyễn Văn A... or Ban Giám hiệu Trường....

[2] Information of the student writing the disciplinary report. Example:

Em tên là Nguyễn Văn A...Học sinh lớp 9B

[3] Reason for writing the disciplinary report:

Example: Đi học trễ vào ngày..... Nguyên nhân: do xe buýt bị hư xe giữa đường.

Nói chuyện trong giờ học hay trốn học ngày...... Nguyên nhân: do bị bạn bè lôi kéo, rủ rê.

[4] Promise: Need to show sincere attitude and awareness to correct mistakes. The student also needs to propose measures to rectify the consequences of their violation.

Example: Em xin hứa sẽ không tái phạm nữa và hứa sẽ đi học đúng giờ, không để xảy ra tình trạng đi học muộn/ sẽ cố gắng học tập, không nghe lời rủ rê của bạn. Nếu có tái phạm, em xin chịu mọi hình thức kỷ luật từ phía nhà trường.

[5] Student's signature.

>>> Download the latest disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students in 2024.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

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What is the template of the disciplinary report form for upper lower secondary school students in Vietnam? What are disciplinary measures for upper lower secondary school students' misconduct?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are prohibited behaviors for upper lower secondary school students  in Vietnam?

According to Article 37 of the Charter of lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and multi-level schools issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT

[1] Insulting the dignity, honor, and infringing on the physical body of teachers, staff, other school personnel, and other students.

[2] Cheating in learning, testing, examinations, and admissions.

[3] Buying, selling, and using alcohol, beer, tobacco, narcotics, other stimulants, fireworks, or explosives.

[4] Using mobile phones and other devices in class not serving learning purposes and without teacher permission.

[5] Fighting, disturbing order, and security in schools and public places.

[6] Using and exchanging cultural products with violent or pornographic content; using toys or playing games detrimental to one's healthy development.

[7] Students must not commit other prohibited behaviors according to legal regulations.

What are disciplinary measures for upper lower secondary school students' misconduct?

Based on Clause 2, Article 38 of the Charter of lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and multi-level schools issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT:

Rewards and Discipline


2. Students committing mistakes during the learning and training process are educated or disciplined by the following methods:

a) Remind, support, and directly help students to correct mistakes.

b) Reprimand, notify parents to collaborate in helping students correct mistakes.

c) Temporarily suspend school attendance and implement other educational measures according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

When upper lower secondary school students make mistakes during the learning process, they will be disciplined by the following methods:

[1] Remind, support, and directly help students to correct mistakes.

[2] Reprimand, notify parents to collaborate in helping students correct mistakes.

[3] Temporarily suspend school attendance and implement other educational measures according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

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