What is the structure of the present perfect tense?

What is the structure of the present perfect tense? What are some examples? In which educational level in Vietnam will the English present perfect tense be taught?

What is the structure of the present perfect tense?

The Present Perfect tense is used to describe actions that have occurred in the past but still have relevance to the present.

Structure of the Present Perfect tense

*General Strcture:

Affirmative: S + have/has + V3/ed

Negative: S + have/has + not + V3/ed

Interrogative: Have/Has + S + V3/ed?


S: Subject

have/has: auxiliary verb

V3/ed: past participle of the verb


Affirmative: I have lived in Ho Chi Minh City for 5 years.

Negative: She hasn't finished her homework yet.

Interrogative: Have you eaten dinner?

*Indicators of the Present Perfect tense:

Question words: ever (bao giờ), never (chưa bao giờ), just (vừa mới), already (rồi), yet (chưa), so far (cho đến nay), recently (gần đây), lately (gần đây)

Time adverbs: for (trong khoảng), since (từ khi)

What is the formula for the Present Perfect tense?

What is the structure of the present perfect tense? (Image from the Internet)

In which educational level in Vietnam will the English present perfect tense be taught?

Based on the General Education Curriculum for the subject of English issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the English present perfect tense will be taught at the upper secondary school level (grades 10-11-12), including:

Phonetics will include content such as:

- The phonetics teaching content at the upper secondary school level includes diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters, word stress, strong and weak forms, sound omission, assimilation, linking sounds, sentence stress, rhythm, intonation.

Vocabulary will include content such as:

- The vocabulary teaching content at the upper secondary school level includes common words used in both spoken and written language relevant to the topics and themes in the Curriculum. The number of vocabulary words prescribed for the upper secondary school level is about 600 - 800 words at Level 3 (excluding words learned at elementary and lower secondary school levels). Upon completion of the general education program, students should know approximately 2500 words.

Grammar will include content such as:

- The grammar teaching content at the upper secondary school level continues to reinforce and expand upon the content learned at the elementary and lower secondary school levels, including structures that support the development of communication skills at Level 3 such as relative clauses, conditional sentences (types 2 and 3), active and passive voice, direct and indirect speech, compound and complex sentences, present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple, past continuous, past perfect, future simple, future continuous, near future, conjunctions, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, passive forms…

Therefore, the Present Perfect tense in English will be taught in the grammar section of the English program for grade 10.

What are regulations on assessment of educational results of English subject in grade 10 in Vietnam?

Based on the General Education Curriculum for the subject of English issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the assessment of educational results of English subject in grade 10 in Vietnam is as follows:

Assessment is a crucial factor in the teaching process, providing feedback on the English communication skills that students achieve during the process and at the end of a learning phase.

This contributes to encouraging and guiding students in the learning process, helping teachers and schools assess students' learning outcomes, thereby adjusting teaching methods effectively at each educational level.

Assessing student learning activities must closely adhere to the goals and teaching content of the Curriculum, based on the required communication skills for each grade level, aiming to help students achieve the competencies specified for primary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school completion.

Assessment activities should be conducted in two forms: continuous assessment and periodic assessment.

Continuous assessment is carried out consistently through classroom activities.

During the teaching process, special attention should be given to continuous assessment to help students and teachers monitor the progress of the objectives outlined in the Curriculum. Periodic assessment is conducted at prescribed times during the school year to evaluate the level of achievement compared with the requirements set for each grade level.

Assessment at the end of primary, middle, and upper secondary school levels must be based on the foreign language proficiency requirements according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam, specifically Level 1 for primary school, Level 2 for lower secondary school, and Level 3 for upper secondary school.

Assessment is carried out through various forms such as quantitative, qualitative, and a combination of both throughout the learning process, combining teacher assessment, peer assessment, and self-assessment.

Forms of tests and assessments should be appropriate to the teaching methods applied in the classroom, including oral tests (dialogue, monologue) and written tests that integrate language skills and knowledge, combining objective questions, essays, and other forms of assessment.

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What is the structure of the present perfect tense?
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