What is the sample exam paper of Chemistry for High School Graduation from 2025 in Vietnam? What are the requirements for exam papers of High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam?

What is the sample exam paper of Chemistry for High School Graduation from 2025 in Vietnam? What are the requirements for exam papers of High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam?

What is the sample exam paper of Chemistry for High School Graduation from 2025 in Vietnam?

The Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has just announced the sample Chemistry exam, part of a set of 18 sample exams for the High School Graduation Exam from 2025.

The structure of the sample exam includes 3 parts as follows:

- Part 1 consists of 18 multiple-choice questions with various options;

- Part 2 consists of 4 true/false multiple-choice questions;

- Part 3 consists of 6 short-answer multiple-choice questions.

Additionally, the answers to the sample exam are attached on page 5 of the exam document.

Below is the sample exam paper of Chemistry with answers for High School Graduation from 2025:

Download the sample exam paper of Chemistry with answers for High School Graduation.

Sample Chemistry Exam for High School Graduation from 2025? What are the requirements for the high school graduation exam?

What is the sample exam paper of Chemistry for High School Graduation from 2025 in Vietnam? What are the requirements for exam papers of High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the eligibility criteria and conditions for participating the High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam?

Based on Article 12 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 4, Article 1 Circular 05/2021/TT-BGDDT), the eligibility and conditions for participating the High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Eligible candidates include:

- Individuals who have completed the high school program in the year the exam is held;

- Individuals who have completed the high school program but have not taken the graduation exam or have taken it but not graduated in previous years;

- Individuals who already have a High School Diploma or a Intermediate-level Diploma taking the exam to gain results as a basis for university admission registration;

- Certain special cases decided by the Minister of Education and Training.

(2) Conditions for examination:

- Individuals who completed the high school program in the year the exam is held must have been evaluated to have conduct graded at least average in grade 12 and academic performance not graded weak;

For those not required to have conduct grades and those self-studying under the guidance of the continuing education program, no conduct grade is required;

- Individuals who have completed the high school program but have not taken the graduation exam or have not graduated in previous years:

+ Must have a Secondary School Diploma and have conduct graded at least average and academic performance not graded weak in grade 12;

+ In cases not eligible in previous years due to weak academic performance in grade 12, they must register and take end-of-year tests for subjects with an average score below 5.0 (five) (at the high school where they studied grade 12 or the high school where they registered for the exam), ensuring that using the test scores to replace subject average scores recalculates to meet the examination eligibility regarding academic performance grading as prescribed;

+ In cases not eligible to take the exam in previous years due to weak conduct grading in grade 12, they must have confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee of residence on enforcement of policies and local regulations for the high school where they studied grade 12 to confirm eligibility regarding conduct grading as prescribed;

- Individuals with a High School Diploma or a Intermediate-level Diploma taking the exam for university admission registration must ensure that they have studied and passed the requirements for the high school level cultural knowledge volume according to the Education Law and current guiding documents of the Ministry of Education and Training;

- Candidates must register for the exam and submit all required documents by the deadline.

What are the requirements for exam papers of High School Graduation Exam in Vietnam?​

Based on Article 15 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 5, Article 1 Circular 05/2021/TT-BGDDT), the requirements for the exam paper are as follows:

Requirements for the Exam Paper

  1. The exam for each subject/test of the examination must meet the following requirements:

a) The content of the exam paper must comply with Clause 2, Article 4 of this Regulation;

b) Ensure accuracy, scientific value, and educational value; the wording and phrasing must be clear;

c) Align with the knowledge and skill standards of the high school program; ensure candidate differentiation;

d) Essay exam papers must clearly state the point value of each question; the scores for essay and multiple-choice exam papers are standardized to a 10-point scale for the entire exam and for each component subject of the combined tests;

e) The exam paper must clearly state the number of pages (for exams with 02 or more pages); clearly mark "THE END" at the conclusion of the exam.

  1. In one exam session, each subject/test has an official exam paper and a backup exam paper meeting the requirements outlined in Clause 1 of this Article; each exam paper must have an accompanying answer key, and essay exam papers must include additional scoring guidelines.

According to the above regulation, there are 5 requirements for the exam papers of high school graduation exam as follows:

- The content of the exam paper complies with Clause 2, Article 4 of the High School Graduation Exam Regulations issued with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT;

- Ensure accuracy, scientific value, and educational value; the wording and phrasing must be clear;

- Align with the knowledge and skill standards of the high school program; ensure candidate differentiation;

- Essay exam papers must clearly state the point value of each question; the scores for essay and multiple-choice exam papers are standardized to a 10-point scale for the entire exam and for each component subject of the combined tests;

- The exam paper must clearly state the number of pages (for exams with 02 or more pages); clearly mark "THE END" at the conclusion of the exam.

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