11:31 | 05/12/2024

What is the lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file? What are the standardized educational qualifications of primary school teachers in Vietnam?

What is the lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file? What are the standardized educational qualifications of primary school teachers in Vietnam?

What is the sample lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file?

The lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles is a detailed instructional document for teachers when teaching traffic safety to students. This lesson plan is specifically designed to assist students.

Teachers can refer to the sample lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file in Vietnam:

Lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file

Lesson Plan: Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles

Subject: Civic Education

Grade: primary (or as needed)

Duration: 45 minutes


Knowledge: Help students recognize the importance of adhering to traffic laws to protect themselves and the community.

Skills: Students learn how to walk, ride bicycles, and motorcycles in accordance with traffic rules.

Attitude: Students develop a serious, proactive attitude towards observing traffic safety regulations.


Poster boards, illustrative images about traffic safety.

A short video on traffic accidents and preventive measures.

I. Introduction (5 minutes)

Assign tasks to students:

Opening question: "Do you know why it is essential to follow traffic laws?"

Create a discussion atmosphere: Students provide answers related to safety and the importance of traffic.

II. Lesson Content (30 minutes)

Introduction to traffic safety (10 minutes):

Explain the concept of traffic safety and the importance of following traffic laws.

Illustrative images of vehicles like bicycles, motorcycles, cars, and traffic signs.

Basic Traffic Safety Rules (10 minutes):

Walking: Walk on sidewalks, do not run or jump on the road, cross streets at designated pedestrian crossings.

Bicycling: Wear a helmet, use bicycle lanes, do not push in.

Motorcycling: Wear a helmet, do not run red lights, comply with speed limits.

Traffic Accident Video (5 minutes):

Show a video on traffic accidents and the consequences of not following traffic rules.

After the video, students discuss lessons learned from the video.

III. Knowledge Consolidation (5 minutes)

Review the basic traffic rules learned with students.

Encourage students to share stories about observing or not observing traffic rules and the outcomes of those actions.

IV. Assignment (5 minutes)

Homework: Students will draw a picture of a safe traffic scene.

Remind students to always follow traffic laws and encourage them to spread traffic safety messages to family and friends.

*Note: The above sample lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file is for reference only./.

Traffic Safety Lesson Plan for Tomorrow's Smiles Word File? What is the standard qualification for elementary school teachers?

What is the lesson plan for Traffic Safety for Tomorrow's Smiles in the Word file? What are the standardized educational qualifications of primary school teachers in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the standardized educational qualifications of primary school teachers in Vietnam?

Under Article 72 of the Law on Education 2019, the standardized educational qualifications of primary school teachers in Vietnam are as follows:

Standardized educational qualifications of teachers

1. Standardized educational qualifications of teachers are regulated as follows:

a) Teachers of preschool education teachers must possess at least a pedagogical college diploma;

b) Teachers of primary education, lower secondary education and upper secondary education must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy training.

In case a subject is yet to acquire enough teachers with bachelor’s degree in pedagogy training, teachers of this subject must possess a bachelor's degree of suitable specialization and a certificate of pedagogy training;

c) Lecturers of higher education must possess a master’s degree; lecturers teaching or instructing master or doctor’s theses must possess a doctoral degree.

b) Standardized educational qualifications of teachers working in institutions of vocational education shall follow regulations in the Law on Vocational education.

2. The Government shall specify road maps for improving standardized educational qualifications of teachers of preschool education, primary education and lower secondary education as prescribed in point a and point b of clause 1 of this Article. Within the scope of their duties and authorities, the Minister of Education and Training and Minister of Labour - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall stipulate employment of teachers not meeting criteria prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.

Therefore, under the above regulations, primary school teachers must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy training.

What are the regulations on primary school teachers' attire when teaching in Vietnam?

According to Article 31 of the regulations issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, specific regulations on teachers' attire are as follows:

Manners and attire of teachers and staff

1. Prohibited acts for teachers and staff:

a) Strip students and coworkers of their honor or dignity; infringe upon bodily integrity of students and coworkers. 

b) Act dishonestly during an examination or admission process; act dishonestly during assessment of student performance; skip teaching or cut teaching or educational contents without permission.

c) Distort teaching or educational contents; teach wrong knowledge or contents that are against the education guidelines or viewpoints of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State.

d) Force students to take extra classes for money; take advantage of educational sponsorship or assistance to forcibly extract cash or kind contributions.

dd) Smoke or consume alcohol or other stimulants while participating in teaching or educational activities.

e) Hinder support given to teaching or educational activities and other activities.

2. Teachers and staff must have the language and manners that are appropriate to the education settings and help educate students.

3. Teachers and staff must wear attire that is appropriate to the education settings and in compliance with the Government’s regulations on attire of public employees.

4. Teachers and staff shall not commit other prohibited acts provided for by regulations of law.

Thus, according to the above regulations, primary school teachers' attire must be suitable and appropriate for educational activities.

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