Vietnam: What is the function of the optic nerve? What are the regulations on student health education?
What is the function of the optic nerve?
Under Specialization 1, Section 2 of the Guidance Document for School Medical Staff on Eye Care and the Prevention and Control of Visual Impairment for Children in Preschool Education Institutions issued alongside Decision 56/QD-BGDDT of 2023:
2. Normal characteristics and function of each part
- The lens is a transparent spherical structure located behind the pupil, acting as a converging lens that adjusts the focus to help see objects both far and near. The parts of the eye outlined below can only be examined with specialized equipment such as slit lamps or ophthalmoscopes (by an ophthalmologist):
+ Aqueous humor is a fluid primarily located in front of the lens. The vitreous humor is a transparent gel-like structure located behind the lens. Both aqueous humor and vitreous humor are clear, providing nutrients, maintaining the shape of the eyeball, and allowing light to pass through and focus on the retina.
+ The choroid is a vascular membrane located between the sclera and retina. The choroid helps to nourish the eyeball.
+ The retina is a neural membrane spreading over the inner surface of the eyeball. The retina has two important areas: the macula and the optic disc. The retina functions to receive images and transmit nerve signals to the brain.
+ The optic nerve is a system of nerve fibers grouped into a band connecting the eyeball to the brain. The optic nerve functions to transmit nerve signals.
+ The tear production and drainage system: tears are produced from the lacrimal gland, spread evenly over the surface of the eyeball, gather at the inner corner of the eye, and drain through the upper and lower puncta, into the lacrimal canal and then through the nasolacrimal duct to the nose.
Therefore, the optic nerve functions to transmit nerve signals.
What is the function of the optic nerve? (Image from the Internet)
How do schools in Vietnam organize activities for student health protection and care?
Under Article 9 of Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDDT on school health management and education:
- Carry out health examination at the beginning of every academic year to assess student’s physical and nutritional status by measuring the height and weight of students of under 36 months olds; and measuring the height and weight, blood pressure, heart rate and visual acuity of students of older 36 months old .
- Monthly and quarterly measure the height and weight and record physical developmental milestone charts of under-24- month students and above-24-month students, respectively; measure BMI at least twice an academic year to provide advices on nutrition and physical exercises for high school students.
- Regularly examine student’s health, visual acuity, curvature of spine, oral diseases, metal health and other diseases to cure and apply a proper learning environment and physical exercises.
- Cooperate with qualified medical facilities to carry out specialty examination and treatment.
- Administer first aid and emergency treatment under current regulations of the Minister of Health.
- Provide students, their parents or guardians and teachers with advice on common diseases, student physical and mental development and healthcare; in case of disabled students, assist them in inclusive education.
- Provide instructions on healthy meal and diversified foods according to student’s age ( for boarding schools and semi-boarding schools)
- Cooperate with local medical facility to administer vaccines to students.
- Notify students’ parrents or guardians of their child’s health at least once an academic year or where necessary. Medical staff shall assess students’ health status by the graduation as the basis for health recording in the higher level.
- Record the student health in health examination record, health record and integrated health record.
- Regularly inspect and supervise the study environment, school hygiene, food safety, drinking water and hand wash. Implement measures for preventing and controlling diseases under the Circular No.46/2010/TT-BYT and other instructions of medical authorities.
- Conduct medical programs and hygiene campaign, participate in physical exercises, healthy meal, and create smoke-free, alcohol-free and addictive-free schools.
What are the regulations on student health education in Vietnam?
Under Article 10 of Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDDT regulating the student health education in Vietnam:
- Compile and use documents on health education according to student age and the local reality.
- Educate students, their parents or guardians about infectious disease and food poisoning prevention measures ; nutrition, physical exercises, cigarette and alcohol effect, compulsory schooling diseases, oral health, eye diseases and other injuries; propagate and participate in health education programs launched by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health and Training.
- Include health education in lectures.
- Get students participate in personal hygiene, school and environment cleaning, infectious healthy meal, physical exercises, prevention of tobacco and alcohol adverse effects, compulsory schooling diseases, eye diseases and injuries via proper models and methods
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