What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity? In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric field intensity?

What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity? In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric field intensity?

What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity?

Students can refer to the following information on the formula for calculating electric field intensity:

What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity?

The formula for calculating electric field intensity

Electric field intensity is a physical quantity that characterizes the force effect of the electric field at a point. It is determined by the ratio of the magnitude of the electric force F acting on a test charge q (positive) at that point to the magnitude of q.

General Formula:

E = F/q


E: Electric field intensity (unit: V/m)

F: Magnitude of the electric force (unit: Newton, N)

q: Magnitude of the test charge (unit: Coulomb, C)

The formula for calculating electric field intensity due to a point charge:

E = k.|Q|/r²


k: Coulomb's constant (k ≈ 9.10⁹ N.m²/C²)

Q: Magnitude of the point charge (C)

r: Distance from the point charge to the point considered (m)

Physical meaning:

The larger the electric field intensity at a point, the larger the electric force acting on a charge placed at that point.

The vector of electric field intensity at a point has a direction coinciding with the direction of the electric force acting on a positive charge placed at that point, oriented from a positive charge to a negative charge, and it has a magnitude equal to the electric field intensity at that point.

*Note: The information on the formula for calculating electric field intensity is for reference only./.

What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity? In which class is the formula for calculating electric field intensity learned?

What is the formula for calculating electric field intensity? In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric field intensity? (Image from the Internet)

In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric field intensity?

Under Section 5 of the General education program in Physics issued under Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum are as follows:

Concept of Electric Field

- Define the concept of an electric field as a force field created by a charge, a form of matter existing around the charge and transmitting interactions between charges.

- Use the expression E = Q/4πεor^2 to calculate and describe the electric field intensity caused by a point charge Q placed in a vacuum or in the air at a point a distance r away from it.

- State the significance of electric field intensity and define the electric field intensity at a point as the ratio between the force exerted on a positive charge placed at that point and the magnitude of that charge.

- Use instruments to create (or draw) the electric field in some simple cases.

- Apply the expression E = Q/4πεor^2.

Thus, the formula for calculating electric field intensity is taught in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum.

What are the general orientations on teaching methods in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum in Vietnam?

Under Section 6 of the General education program in Physics issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the teaching methods in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum in Vietnam are as follows:

- General orientation: The teaching method in Physics is implemented according to the following general orientations:

+ Develop essential traits, general competencies, and scientific competencies for students through practical activities, experiences, exploration, and discovery of natural phenomena and processes; apply knowledge and skills to detect and solve practical problems.

Emphasize organizing for students to learn independently according to a plan and under the guidance of the teacher, in accordance with the psychological development and capabilities of each student.

+ Flexibly apply teaching methods, techniques, and organizational forms to promote activeness, initiative, creativity, and the knowledge and living experience of students in learning; avoid unilateral imposition, mechanical memorization. Besides primarily teaching in the classroom or laboratory, organize some experiential activities for students outside the classroom, such as in the field, at production facilities, craft villages, on a class or group scale.

Focus on utilizing and leveraging the advantages of information and communication technology and experimental and practical equipment in organizing learning activities for students.

+ Implement integrated education, especially integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM education); integrate environmental protection, economical and efficient use of energy, disaster prevention, adaptation to climate change, and meeting the sustainable development requirements of society.

- Orientation on methods for forming and developing essential traits and general competencies

+ Physics significantly contributes to forming and developing a scientific worldview for students, creating opportunities for students to appreciate the beauty of nature through systems of physical laws, while educating students on civic responsibility in respecting the laws of nature, knowing how to appreciate, preserve, protect, and interact with nature in line with sustainable development requirements.

+ During practical, experimental, and scientific exploration activities, along with opportunities to acquire knowledge and hone skills, students are also trained in and develop many virtues such as carefulness, diligence, honesty, and responsibility,…

+ Self-control and self-learning abilities are formed and developed in Physics through practical activities, project work, designing, and conducting measurements of physical quantities; especially in carrying out scientific inquiry activities.

+ In Physics, students frequently execute learning projects, practical tasks, and internships in groups. While performing these learning tasks, students exchange, present, and share ideas and learning content. These are great opportunities for students to build and develop communication and collaboration skills.

+ Problem-solving and creativity are characteristic of scientific exploration activities. In Physics, these abilities are formed and developed through proposing problems, planning, and executing projects to explore the natural world from a physics perspective—contents that run throughout from elementary to high school and are actualized through practical and experiential circuits with varying levels.

These competencies are also formed and developed by applying knowledge and skills in physics to solve practical problems.

- Orientation on methods for forming and developing physics competency

+ Develop cognitive physics skills, teachers need to create opportunities for students to mobilize existing understanding and experience to engage in forming new knowledge and skills. Pay attention to organizing activities where students can express or describe in their own ways, analyze, explain, compare, systematize, and directly apply learned knowledge and skills to successfully address situations and problems in learning; thereby connecting new knowledge and skills with existing knowledge and skills.

+ Develop the ability to explore the natural world from a physics perspective, teachers need to apply some advantageous teaching methods such as visual methods (especially practice, experiments, ...),

The problem-posing and problem-solving teaching methods, project-based teaching methods,... allow students to ask questions, identify issues to explore, find evidence to analyze information, verify predictions, and hypotheses through experiments, or search and gather information through books, the Internet,...;

Simultaneously emphasize assignments that require critical thinking and creativity (open-ended assignments with multiple solutions,...), assignments related to practical content showing the nature of physics, reducing computational exercises,...

+ Develop the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills, teachers need to create opportunities for students to positively interact through the process of detecting, proposing ideas, and solving problems by making judgments and building hypotheses; planning execution; searching for information through printed and multimedia materials; collecting, storing data from laboratory experiments or observations in nature; analyzing, processing, evaluating data based on simple statistical parameters; comparing results with hypotheses, explaining and drawing conclusions; writing, presenting reports, and discussions; applying knowledge and skills in physics to provide reasonable responses or successfully solve new situations and problems in learning and life.

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