What is the eligibility age of 9th-grade students in Vietnam? Are 9th-grade students in Vietnam eligible to be issued with electronic identification?
What is the eligibility age of 9th-grade students in Vietnam?
Based on the provisions of Clause 1, Article 28 of the Education Law 2019:
Educational levels and entry ages
1. Educational levels and age groups of general education are regulated as follows:
a) Primary education lasts for 05 school years, from the first to the fifth grade. The entry age for the first grade is 06;
b) Lower secondary education lasts for 04 school years, from the sixth to the ninth grade. Students must complete the primary educational programme before entering the sixth grade. The entry age for the sixth grade is 11;
c) Upper secondary education lasts for 03 school years, from the tenth to the twelfth grade. Students must complete the lower secondary educational programme before entering the tenth grade. The entry age for the tenth grade is 15;
Based on the above regulations, the age chart for grades in 2024 in Vietnam is as follows:
Grade 1 | 6 |
Grade 2 | 7 |
Grade 3 | 8 |
Grade 4 | 9 |
Grade 5 | 10 |
Grade 6 | 11 |
Grade 7 | 12 |
Grade 8 | 13 |
Grade 9 | 14 |
Grade 10 | 15 |
Grade 11 | 16 |
Grade 12 | 17 |
Note: The age chart above does not apply in cases of grade skipping or studying at an age higher than the regulation.
According to the regulations and the table above, 9th-grade students in 2024 is 14 years old.
What is the eligibility age of 9th-grade students in Vietnam? Are 9th-grade students in Vietnam eligible to be issued with electronic identification? (Image from the Internet)
Do 9th-grade students in Vietnam receive a lower secondary diploma after completing the program?
Based on Clause 2, Article 34 of the Education Law 2019, certification for completion of primary education and issuance of lower secondary diploma and upper secondary diploma is as follows:
Certification for completion of primary education and issuance of lower secondary diploma and upper secondary diploma
1. Students who complete the primary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be certified in their official academic records by a primary school principal that they have completed primary education.
2. Students who complete the lower secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be issued with diplomas of lower secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
3. Students who complete the upper secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who pass the examination are issued with diplomas of upper secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
Students who complete upper secondary education and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who do not take the examination or fail the examination are issued with certificates by the school principal that they have completed general education.
Certificate for completion of general education is used to register for the examination for the upper secondary diploma per learners' wish or per the requirements to continue studying in vocational education and is used in specific cases as prescribed by law.
Students who have completed the lower secondary education program and meet the conditions as stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training are granted the lower secondary diploma by the head of the specialized education agency under the district-level People's Committee.
Therefore, 9th-grade students will be granted the lower secondary diploma if they complete the program and meet the conditions as stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training.
What are prohibited acts of 9th-grade students in Vietnam?
Based on Article 37 from the Charter of lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and schools with multiple educational levels issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, 9th-grade students in Vietnam are not allowed to perform the following actions:
[1] Insult the dignity, honor, or physically harm teachers, staff of the school, others, and other students.
[2] Cheat in studying, testing, exams, enrollment.
[3] Buy, sell, or use alcohol, beer, cigarettes, addictive substances, other stimulants, and fireworks, explosive substances.
[4] Use mobile phones or other devices during class time that are not for learning purposes and not permitted by the teacher.
[5] Fight or cause disorder or insecurity in the school and public places.
[6] Use or exchange cultural products with violent or pornographic content; use toys or play games detrimental to healthy development.
[7] Commit other prohibited acts according to the provisions of the law.
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