What does metaphor mean? What are the examples of the rhetorical device of the metaphor? What is the grade at which students in Vietnam will learn the rhetorical question in the Literature curriculum?

What does metaphor mean? What are the examples of the rhetorical device of the metaphor? What is the grade at which students in Vietnam will learn the rhetorical question in the Literature curriculum?

What does metaphor mean? What are the examples of the rhetorical device of the metaphor?

Students should follow the following information on the rhetorical device of the metaphor:

A metaphor is a rhetorical device that names one object or phenomenon using the name of another similar object or phenomenon, aiming to enhance the imagery and emotive power of the text.

Examples of the rhetorical device of the metaphor:

"The golden hand in the world of football."

→ "Golden hand" is a metaphor that refers to a player with excellent skills.

"He is a tiger on the field."

→ "Tiger" is a metaphor for strength and bravery in competition.

"A mother's love is the flame warming the child's heart."

→ "Flame" is a metaphor for the warmth and boundless love of a mother.

"The river of childhood still flows within me."

→ "River of childhood" is a metaphor for beautiful memories of the past.

"He is the light of my life."

→ "Light" is a metaphor for a person who brings hope and joy.

"His heart turned icy since the day she left."

→ "Icy" is a metaphor indicating coldness and loneliness in the soul.

"She is the rose of our class."

→ "Rose" is a metaphor for the dazzling and graceful beauty of a girl.

"The little bird has flown far to find new horizons."

→ "Little bird" is a metaphor for a person leaving their homeland to seek new opportunities.

"The teacher is the lamp that illuminates the path of knowledge."

→ "Lamp" is a metaphor for the guidance and direction of a teacher.

"Youth is the spring of life."

→ "Spring" is a metaphor indicating the vitality and enthusiasm of youth.

"Under the beloved school roof, we are given wings to our dreams."

→ "Given wings to our dreams" is a metaphor for how learning nurtures ambitions and dreams.

"Time is the medicine that heals all wounds."

→ "Medicine" is a metaphor for the capability of time to alleviate pain.

"Future saplings are growing strong."

→ "Saplings" is a metaphor for the younger generation, those who will build the future.

"He is a sly fox in the business world."

→ "Sly fox" is a metaphor for a person who is experienced, cunning, and shrewd in business.

"Her eyes are a deep ocean."

→ "Deep ocean" is a metaphor for profound, emotional, and mysterious eyes.

Metaphors make a sentence more profound, rich in imagery and meaning.

The information about metaphors is for reference purposes only!

What is a metaphor? Example of metaphorical figure of speech? What grade is this rhetorical question learned in the Literature program?

What does metaphor mean? What are the examples of the rhetorical device of the metaphor? What is the grade at which students in Vietnam will learn the rhetorical question in the Literature curriculum? (Image from the Internet)

What is the grade at which students in Vietnam will learn the rhetorical question in the Literature curriculum?

Under the General Education Program issued along with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes after completing the 8th-grade Literature curriculum:


- Meaning of some relatively common idioms and proverbs

- Nuanced meanings of words and word choice

- Onomatopoeia and sound-imitating words: characteristics and effects

- Meaning of some common Sino-Vietnamese elements (e.g., vô, hữu) and the meanings of words with those Sino-Vietnamese elements (e.g., vô tư, vô hình, hữu quan, hữu hạn)

- Particles, interjections: characteristics and functions

- Independent components in a sentence: characteristics and functions

- Declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory sentences; affirmative and negative sentences: characteristics and functions

- Rhetorical devices of inversion, rhetorical questions: characteristics and effects

- Explicit and implicit meanings of sentences

- Types of paragraphs such as deductive, inductive, parallel, and coordinated: characteristics and functions

- Types of texts and genres

+ Narrative text: an essay recounting a trip or social activity

+ Expressive text: six-syllable, seven-syllable poems; a paragraph expressing thoughts on a six or seven-syllable poem

+ Argumentative text: theses, arguments, reasoning, and evidence; an essay discussing a life issue; an analysis of a literary work

+ Informative text: objective information, subjective opinions, and the purpose of the text; an explanatory text to clarify a natural phenomenon; an introduction to a book; an advocacy text

- General vocabulary and local terminology: functions and value

- Social jargons: functions and value

- Non-linguistic communication means: images, data, charts,...

Thus, it can be seen that rhetorical questions are learned in the 8th-grade Literature program.

Must the assessment of 8th-grade students in Vietnam ensure objectivity?

Under Article 4 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the assessment requirements for 8th-grade students include:

- Conduct assessment based on requirements under formal education program.

- Conduct assessment while ensuring accuracy, integrity, fairness, honesty, and objectivity.

- Conduct assessment via multiple methods, forms, techniques, and tools; combine regular assessment and periodic assessment.

- Conduct assessment for student’s improvement; prioritize motivating and encouraging efforts of students in training and learning; do not compare students with one another.

Thus, the assessment of 8th-grade students in Vietnam must ensure objectivity.

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