What is back-to-school? In 2024, what is the age of grade 10 students in Vietnam?
What is back-to-school?
Back-to-School or school opening is understood as the return of students to school after a summer break. Broader than that, the back-to-school day is not only the day when students return to school but also a day when students and teachers gather at school to prepare for a new academic year.
For the upcoming school year 2024-2025, according to Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on August 1, 2024, regarding the Framework Plan for the school year 2024-2025, the Back-to-School and school opening schedules for the school year 2024-2025 are as follows:
[1] The earliest back-to-school date is one week before the school opening ceremony. Particularly for first-grade students, the earliest back-to-school date is two weeks before the school opening ceremony.
For the school opening ceremony at all education levels, it will be organized on September 5, 2024.
[2] The first semester must end before January 18, 2025, and the school program and academic year must be completed before May 31, 2025.
[3] The primary school completion recognition and secondary school graduation recognition must be completed before June 30, 2025.
[4] Admissions for new grade levels should be completed before July 31, 2025.
[5] The high school graduation examination for 2025 is expected to take place on June 26 and June 27, 2025.
[6] Other national examinations will be organized according to regulations and guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Training.
*Note: To know the exact back-to-school date for the school year 2024-2025, parents and students should follow the announcements from the school or local authorities.
What is back-to-school? In 2024, what is the age of grade 10 students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
In 2024, what is the age of grade 10 students in Vietnam?
Based on Clause 1, Article 28 of the Education Law 2019, the educational levels and ages of general education are as follows:
Educational Levels and Ages of General Education
1. The educational levels and ages of general education are stipulated as follows:
a) Primary education is conducted over 5 academic years, from grade one to grade five. Students entering grade one must be 6 years old, calculated by the year;
b) Lower secondary education is conducted over 4 academic years, from grade six to grade nine. Students entering grade six must have completed primary education. The age for grade six is 11 years, calculated by the year;
c) Upper secondary education is conducted over 3 academic years, from grade ten to grade twelve. Students entering grade ten must have a lower secondary school graduation certificate. The age for grade ten is 15 years, calculated by the year.
2. Students can study above or below the standard age in the following cases:
a) Students who develop early intellectually can skip grades;
b) Students can study at an age older than the stipulated age if they are retained a year, if they live in areas with extreme socioeconomic difficulties, if they belong to ethnic minority groups, if they are disabled, if they are underdeveloped physically or mentally, if they are orphans, if they come from low-income households, if they return from abroad, or in other cases as stipulated by law.
According to the above regulation, the age of 10th grade students is 15 years old. As of 2024, 10th grade students would be born in 2008.
What are responsibilities of 10th grade students in the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam?
Based on Article 34 of the Regulation on Lower Secondary Schools, Upper Secondary Schools, and Schools with Multiple Educational Levels issued under Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the responsibilities of secondary school students are as follows:
- Fulfill the tasks of study and training according to the program and educational plan of the school.
- Respect parents, school officials, teachers, staff, and elders; solidarity and mutual help in study and training; comply with school rules and regulations; adhere to state laws.
- Exercise, maintain personal hygiene.
- Participate in collective activities of the school, classroom, Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; support family, participate in labor and social activities, environmental protection activities, and ensure traffic safety.
- Preserve and protect school property and public places; contribute to building, protecting, and promoting school traditions.
Besides, 10th grade students also have the following rights:
According to Article 35 of the Regulation on Lower Secondary Schools, Upper Secondary Schools, and Schools with Multiple Educational Levels issued under Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the rights of secondary school students are as follows:
- Be equally entitled to comprehensive education, have conditions guaranteed for study time, physical facilities, hygiene, safety for classroom learning and self-study at home, be informed about their study and training, and use equipment and facilities for learning, cultural, and sports activities of the school as regulated.
- Be respected and protected, treated equally and democratically, have the right to lodge complaints to the school and educational management levels about decisions affecting themselves; have the right to transfer schools when justified as per current regulations; have the right to learn ahead of the standard age, skip grades, and study at an age older than the standard as per Article 33 of the Regulation on Secondary Schools, Upper Secondary Schools, and Schools with Multiple Educational Levels issued under Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT.
- Participate in activities to develop talents in subjects, sports, and arts organized by the school if qualified.
- Receive scholarships or other allowances if they are under social policy, have difficult living conditions, or have special abilities.
- Transfer schools if qualified as per the regulations; the transfer procedure follows the Ministry of Education and Training guidelines.
- Enjoy other rights as stipulated by law.

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