15:55 | 27/12/2024

What do verb and verb phrase mean? What is the grade at which verbs are taught in the Vietnamese language curriculum?

What do verb and verb phrase mean? What is the grade at which verbs are taught in the Vietnamese language curriculum?

What do verb and verb phrase mean?

Verb: Denotes an action or a state.

verb phrase: A group of words consisting of a verb combined with other words, clarifying the action or state.

Students can refer to the following information on verbs and verb phrases:

What do verb and verb phrase mean?

Verbs are words used to indicate actions or states of people or things. They answer questions like: what, how

*Examples: run, jump, eat, drink, study, sleep, love, hate...

What does verb phrase mean?

A verb phrase is a group of words consisting of a verb combined with one or more other words (nouns, adjectives, adverbs...) to form a phrase with a more complete meaning. verb phrases often denote a complex action or a specific state.


Run very fast: (verb "run" combined with adverb "very fast")

Finish eating rice: (verb "eat" combined with noun "rice" and adverb "finish")

Sit reading a book: (verb "sit" combined with verb "read" and noun "book")

*Functions of a verb phrase

Acts as the predicate in a sentence: verb phrases often act as the predicate, stating the main action of the subject.

Expresses actions more specifically and in detail: verb phrases make sentences more vivid and rich in imagery.

*Structure of a verb phrase

A verb phrase usually consists of three parts:

Pre-part: Includes words that complement the meaning of the verb such as: already, currently, will, very, too...

Central part: The main verb.

Post-part: Includes words that complement the meaning of the verb such as: what, where, how, in what way...

*Illustrative Example:

She is diligently doing homework. (verb phrase: is diligently doing homework)

We will go out together on the weekend. (verb phrase: will go out together)

He has already finished dinner. (verb phrase: has finished)

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

What is a Verb? What is a Verb Phrase? Verbs are taught in which grade in the Vietnamese program?

What do verb and verb phrase mean? What is the grade at which verbs are taught in the Vietnamese language curriculum? (Image from the Internet)

What is the grade at which verbs are taught in the Vietnamese language curriculum?

According to Section 5 of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT regarding 4th-grade Vietnamese knowledge:


1. Rules for writing proper names of agencies and organizations

2.1. Vocabulary according to themes

2.2. Use of dictionaries, how to find words and meanings in dictionaries

2.3. Meaning of some easily understandable idioms

2.4. Meaning of some common Sino-Vietnamese elements

2.5. The effect of word choice in meaning expression

3.1. Nouns, verbs, adjectives: characteristics and functions

3.2. Proper nouns and common nouns: characteristics and functions

3.3. Sentences and main components of sentences: characteristics and functions

3.4. Adverbial phrases of sentences: characteristics and functions (additional information)

3.5. Use of dashes (placed at the beginning of lines to mark listed ideas); hyphens (to connect words in a compound name); quotation marks (to mark the title of a work, document); parentheses (to mark explanatory parts)


Thus, according to the above regulations, verbs are taught in the 4th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum.

In Vietnam, what are the general outcomes required for reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the Literature curricula?

According to Section 5 of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT regarding educational content:

* General Content

The teaching content is determined based on the required achievements for each grade, including: reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities; knowledge (Vietnamese language, literature); and text corpus.

Outcomes required for reading, writing, speaking, and listening

- Reading

+ Reading techniques: include requirements for reading posture, skills in reading aloud, silent reading, skimming, and note-taking while reading,...

+ Reading comprehension: reading objects include literary texts, argumentative texts, and informational texts. Reading comprehension of each type of text and genre, in general, has the following required achievements:

++ Understanding the content of the text expressed through details, topics, themes, ideas, messages,...;

++ Understanding the form of expression through the characteristics of types and genres of texts, components of each type and genre (story, plot, narrative, character, space, time, narrator, perspective, rhyme, rhythm, reasoning, evidence,...), expressive language,…;

++ Relating, comparing texts, connecting texts with historical, cultural, social contexts, connecting texts with the reader's personal experience; comprehending multi-modal texts,…;

++ Extensive reading, memorizing selected passages and literary texts.

- Writing

+ Writing techniques: include requirements for writing posture, skills in writing letters and spelling, presentation of written works,...

+ Writing sentences, paragraphs, texts: include requirements for the process of creating texts and writing practice according to the characteristics of text types.

- Speaking and listening

+ Speaking skills: include requirements for volume, speed, continuity, expression, presentation, attitude, a combination of gestures, body language, and supportive means while speaking,...

+ Listening skills: include requirements for listening methods, note-taking, Q&A, attitude, a combination of gestures, body language when listening, and listening through technical means,…

+ Interactive speaking and listening skills: include requirements for the attitude, respect for conversational principles and regulations in discussions, interviews,…

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