16:41 | 05/03/2025

What are the sample paragraphs showing thoughts on following trends among today's Vietnamese youth?

What are the sample paragraphs showing thoughts on following trends among today's Vietnamese youth?

What are the sample paragraphs showing thoughts on following trends among today's Vietnamese youth?

Below are 05 sample paragraphs showing thoughts on following trends among today's Vietnamese youth:

Sample 1: Following Trends – Good or Bad?

Nowadays, young people often follow new trends on social media such as fashion, music, or unique challenges. Keeping up with trends helps young individuals express their personalities and integrate into the community. However, blindly following without thinking can lead to negative impacts, even posing dangers to themselves and society. Therefore, we need to select healthy trends and steer clear of bad ones to avoid being swept along wastefully.

Sample 2: Following Trends – Stay Alert

Currently, many young people like to mimic trends on social media without thinking about the consequences. Some good trends like reading movements, or sports training offer benefits. But there are also dangerous trends like challenges of jumping from heights or unhealthy eating habits that are harmful to health. I think we need to stay alert, know how to select, so as not to be drawn into negative things.

Sample 3: Social Media Trends – Beneficial or Harmful?

The development of social media has led to the emergence of many new trends, attracting a large number of young participants. If these are good trends like environmental protection, or community assistance, they are highly commendable. However, there are many worthless, even dangerous trends, leading to wasted time or encounters with danger. I believe that instead of following blindly, we should think and select trends that are beneficial for oneself and society.

Sample 4: Are Young People Being Swept Away by Trends?

Today's youth can easily access new trends through social media and media channels. This is not entirely bad, as some trends offer positive values. However, quite a few young individuals follow blindly without thorough consideration, affecting their studies and lives. In my opinion, each person should know how to select appropriate trends to avoid being swept away meaninglessly.

Sample 5: Living According to Trends or Living for Oneself?

In the technology era, many new trends emerge, attracting young people's interest. Some beneficial trends help individuals develop themselves, but there are also numerous fleeting, meaningless trends. If one follows without thinking, they might lose themselves. I believe that instead of following the crowd, each person should live according to their own values, doing things that truly hold meaning.

The information is for reference only!

Thoughts on the Phenomenon of Following Trends Among Today's Youth?

What are the sample paragraphs showing thoughts on following trends among today's Vietnamese youth? (Image from the Internet)

What Vietnamese knowledge does the 10th-grade Literature curriculum cover?

Under Section 5 of the General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the 10th-grade Literature curriculum covers the following Vietnamese knowledge:

- Errors in word usage and correction methods

- Errors in word order and correction methods

- Rhetorical devices: interjection, enumeration: characteristics and effects

- Errors in linking paragraphs and texts: identifying signs and methods of correction

- Text types and genres

+ Argumentative texts: the purpose and perspective of the writer; arranging and presenting arguments, reasoning, and evidence; narrative and expressive elements in argumentative texts; essays on a social issue; essays analyzing or evaluating a literary work; essays about oneself

+ Information texts: the combination of linguistic and non-linguistic communication methods; the integration of different expression methods; methods of reporting and the writer’s perspective; comprehensive explanatory texts; rules and instructions in public places

- Methods for indicating omitted parts in texts, annotating citations, and making footnotes

- Non-linguistic communication tools: images, data, charts, diagrams,...

What are the general orientations in educational methods for the Literature subject in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the general orientations in educational methods for the Literature subject in Vietnam are as follows:

The Literature curriculum utilizes education methods oriented toward integrated and differentiated teaching; diversifying educational methods, means, and organizational forms; promoting active, proactive, and creative learning; and applying the knowledge and skills of students.

- Based on the program, teachers proactively and flexibly build and organize lessons according to the following orientations:

+ Implement intra-disciplinary integration requirements (both knowledge and skills), interdisciplinary integration, and integrate priority education content (cross-disciplinary); implement differentiated teaching according to student subjects at all levels and differentiation contributing to career orientation in high school education.

+ Train students in methods of reading, writing, speaking, and listening; practice, experience in receiving and applying knowledge of the Vietnamese language and literature through learning activities in and out of the classroom; focus on using teaching means, overcoming the traditional reading and copying teaching style, developing thinking, training skillful use of means for students.

+ Enhance and promote student activeness and self-reliance; allocate ample time for students to study textbooks and learning materials, practice, conduct presentations, discussions, and defend learning results to enable students to read, write, speak, and listen according to varying demands and levels; assess and evaluate student task fulfillment in their learning tasks.

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