What are the regulations on secondary school health to protect and care for students' health in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on secondary school health to protect and care for students' health in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on secondary school health to protect and care for students' health in Vietnam?

According to Article 9 of the Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT, secondary school health management and protection work is organized to take care of students' health as follows:

- Secondary schools conduct health checks at the beginning of the school year to assess nutritional status and health:

+ Measure height and weight for children under 36 months old;

+ Measure height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and vision for students aged 36 months and older.

- Measure height, weight, record growth charts, and monitor physical development for children under 24 months monthly and for children from 24 months to 6 years quarterly;

- Monitor Body Mass Index (BMI) at least twice per school year to provide advice on proper nutrition and physical activity for general students.

- Regularly monitor students' health, detect vision impairment, spinal deviations, dental diseases, mental health disorders, and other illnesses to manage and refer them to medical facilities as per regulations and apply suitable learning and exercise policies based on their health status.

- Coordinate with qualified medical facilities to organize specialized examinations and treatments for students.

- Provide first aid and emergency care according to current regulations of the Ministry of Health.

- Counsel students, teachers, parents, or guardians regarding health, physical, and mental development; guide students in self-care; for schools with students with disabilities, offer consultation and support for their integration.

- Guide the organization of school meals ensuring balanced nutrition, diverse foods, and suitability for the students' age and group, especially in boarding schools.

- Collaborate with local health facilities to organize vaccination campaigns and disease prevention for students.

- Periodically inform at least once per school year and as necessary about students' health status to their parents or guardians. School health staff assess students' health at the end of each education level to form a basis for health monitoring in the subsequent level.

- Document and record in the health checkbook, student health monitoring book, and summary of students' health status book.

- Regularly inspect and supervise learning conditions, school hygiene, food safety, drinking water provision, and hand-washing soap. Proactively implement hygiene and disease prevention measures according to Circular 46/2010/TT-BYT and other guidelines from health authorities.

- Organize and implement health programs, disease prevention activities, physical exercise promotion, proper nutrition, and build a smoke-free, alcohol-free, and drug-free environment.

How does secondary school healthcare work to protect and care for students' health?

What are the regulations on secondary school health to protect and care for students' health in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

What are the regulations on secondary school health communication and health education in Vietnam? 

According to Article 10 of the Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT, healthcare communication and health education in secondary schools are carried out through four main activities:

[1] Compile and use health education communication materials suitable for each target group and specific local conditions.

[2] Organize communication and health education for students and their parents or guardians on measures such as:

- Disease and infectious disease prevention;

- Food poisoning prevention;

- Proper nutrition;

- Physical activity;

- Prevention of the harmful effects of tobacco;

- Prevention of the harmful effects of alcohol;

- Prevention of school-related diseases;

- Oral care;

- Eye disease prevention;

- Accident and injury prevention and other health education campaigns launched by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Training.

[3] Integrate health education and disease prevention content into teaching hours.

[4] Organize student practice on behaviors such as:

- Personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, infectious disease prevention;

- Food poisoning prevention; proper nutrition; physical activity;

- Prevention of the harmful effects of tobacco; prevention of the harmful effects of alcohol;

- Prevention of school-related diseases;

- Oral care; eye disease prevention;

- Accident and injury prevention through suitable forms and models.

Do secondary schools conduct self-assessments of their healthcare in Vietnam?

According to Article 11 of the Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDĐT, regulations on statistics, reporting, and evaluation of school health work are as follows:

Statistics, reporting, and evaluation of school health work

1. Periodic reports, ad hoc reports

a) Submit periodic health activity reports for the school year no later than May 30 according to the report form outlined in Appendix 02 issued with this Joint Circular to the commune health station in the area, the Education and Training Department, and the Department of Education and Training according to management hierarchy;

b) Submit ad hoc reports as required by the higher management authorities.

2. Evaluation of school health work

Schools self-evaluate their school health work at the end of each school year: Preschool institutions evaluate according to the form provided in Appendix 03 issued with this Joint Circular; primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, multi-level schools, and special schools evaluate according to the form provided in Appendix 04 issued with this Joint Circular.

Therefore, secondary schools must conduct a self-assessment of their healthcare work at the end of each school year.

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