What are the duties of public community learning centers in Vietnam?

What are the duties of public community learning centers in Vietnam? What are the functions of public community learning centers in Vietnam?

What are the duties of public community learning centers in Vietnam?

Under Article 4 of the Regulations on the Organization and Operation of Community Learning Centers at the commune, ward, and township, issued together with Decision 09/2008/QD-BGDDT, the duties of community learning centers in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:

- Effectively implement literacy eradication and continuous education after literacy, strengthen the quality of educational universalization; enhance the propagation, and dissemination of knowledge to expand understanding, raise awareness, and improve the quality of life for the people in the community; coordinate the implementation of industrial promotion, agricultural promotion, fishery promotion programs and projects at localities.

- Organize cultural exchanges, art performances, sports activities, reading newspapers and books, educational counseling, education for the children of local people, and prevention of social evils.

- Survey the learning needs of the community, and develop suitable learning content and forms for the specific conditions of each target group.

- Manage the finances, physical facilities, and equipment of the center according to legal regulations.

What are the tasks of public community learning centers?

What are the duties of public community learning centers? (Image from the Internet)

What are the functions of public community learning centers in Vietnam?

Under Article 3 of the Regulations on the organization and operation of Community Learning Centers at the commune, ward, and township, issued together with Decision 09/2008/QD-BGDDT, the functions of public community learning centers in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:

- Operate for facilitating lifelong learning for everyone of all ages;

- Disseminate knowledge and innovative experiences in production and life, contributing to poverty alleviation, increasing labor productivity, and solving employment;

- Improve the quality of life for each citizen and the community; act as a venue for disseminating policies, guidelines, and laws to the populace.

What are the conditions for establishing public community learning centers in Vietnam?

Under Article 37 of Decree 125/2024/ND-CP, the conditions for establishing public community learning centers in Vietnam are as follows:

- Have a site, classrooms, working offices and educational equipment meeting requirements for educational activities at a community learning center.

- Develop education plans, syllabuses and learning materials that meet requirements for educational activities at the center according to regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Employ adequate administrative officers and teachers that meet standards in order to conduct educational activities at the center according to regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

What are the procedures for establishing public community learning centers in Vietnam?

Under Article 38 of Decree 125/2024/ND-CPthe procedures for establishing public community learning centers in Vietnam are specified as follows:

(1) An application includes:

- A written request for establishment or permission for establishment of the community learning center (according to Form No. 01 Appendix I enclosed with Decree 125/2024/ND-CP);

- Copies of legal documents proving land use rights and house ownership or agreement on rental of location for the center;

- A legal confirmation document on the amount of investment in establishment of the private center, ensuring legitimacy and conformity with the estimated scale at the time of application for establishment.

(2) Procedures:

Step 1: The commune-level People’s Committee (in case of establishment of a public center) shall submit an application specified in (1) in person, via online public service portal or by post, to the district-level People’s Committee;

Step 2: Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the sufficient application, if the application is unsatisfactory, the district-level People’s Committee or the Subdepartment of Education and Training shall give a written notification of contents to be amended to the applicant for establishment or permission for establishment of the center.

If the application is satisfactory, the district-level People’s Committee or the Subdepartment of Education and Training shall assess the application and realistic conditions concerning establishment of the center, and prepare an assessment report to assess the fulfillment of requirements mentioned in Article 37 of Decree 125/2024/ND-CP within 10 days;

Step 3: Within 05 working days from the date of receipt of the assessment report, if the requirements are fulfilled, the Subdepartment of Education and Training shall request the President of the district-level People’s Committee to issue a decision on establishment of the public community learning center or the Head of Subdepartment of Education and Training to issue a decision on permission for establishment of the private community learning center; if the requirements are not fulfilled, a written notification in which reasons should be clearly specified shall be sent to the applicant.

The decision on establishment or permission for establishment of the community learning center (according to Form No. 10 Appendix I enclosed with Decree 125/2024/ND-CP) shall be publicly announced on mass media.

Note: The President of the district-level People’s Committee shall issue a decision on establishment of a public community learning center; the Head of Subdepartment of Education and Training shall issue a decision on permission for establishment of a private community learning center.

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