11:37 | 22/08/2024

What are the details of experiential activities for primary education from Grade 2 to Grade 5 in Vietnam?

What are the details of experiential activities for primary education from Grade 2 to Grade 5 in Vietnam?

What are the details of experiential activities for primary education from Grade 2 to Grade 5 in Vietnam?

Based on sub-item 1.1, Section 1, Official Dispatch 3535/BGDDT-GDTH in 2019 guiding the Experiential Activities Program for primary school students, the contents include:

- The Experiential Activities Program specifies three content strands for grade 1: Activities oriented towards oneself, activities oriented towards society, and activities oriented towards nature. For grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, there are four content strands: Activities oriented towards oneself, activities oriented towards society, activities oriented towards nature, and career-oriented activities.

- The 2018 General Education Program specifies that local educational content is integrated into experiential activities, including fundamental or current issues related to culture, economy, society, environment, career orientation, etc.

Thus, experiential activities for primary school students from grade 2 to grade 5 will include content about activities oriented towards oneself, activities oriented towards society, activities oriented towards nature, and career-oriented activities.

Are flag-raising sessions considered experiential activities for primary school students in Vietnam?

Based on sub-item 1.2, Section 1, Official Dispatch 3535/BGDDT-GDTH in 2019, it is regulated as follows:

Experiential activities for primary school students in the 2018 General Education Program are implemented starting from the 2020 - 2021 school year


1.2. Types, scales, and locations of experiential activities

- Experiential activities are conducted through four main types of activities: flag-raising sessions, class activities, themed educational activities, and club activities, where clubs are optional.

- Experiential activities are organized on the scales of groups, classes, grades, or the entire school.

- Experiential activities are organized inside and outside the classroom, inside and outside the school.

According to this regulation, the organization of experiential activities for primary school students is implemented through the following four main types of activities:

- Flag-raising sessions;

- Class activities;

- Themed educational activities;

- Club activities, where clubs are optional.

Thus, flag-raising sessions are one of the four types of activities to organize experiential activities for primary school students.

What contents are included in experiential activities for primary school students from grade 2 to grade 5?

What are the details of experiential activities for primary education from Grade 2 to Grade 5 in Vietnam? (Internet image)

How many flag-raising sessions are flag-raising should be organized as experiential activities for primary school students in Vietnam?

According to sub-item 1.3, Section 1, Official Dispatch 3535/BGDDT-GDTH in 2019 governing the duration of organizing experiential activities for primary school students, it is regulated as follows:

- Experiential activities are carried out for 105 periods per school year, including:

+ 35 periods for flag-raising activities (large groups, school-wide);

+ 35 periods for class activities (large groups, class-wide);

+ 35 periods for themed experiential activities, club activities (class-wide, grade-wide groups).

+ The time allocated for local educational content is included in the total time for implementing the experiential activities program and is integrated into the four main types of activities mentioned above.

- Encouragement is given to organizing experiential activities outside the school for educational institutions that have the necessary conditions, provided that the educational objectives and student safety are ensured.

+ Besides the contents of experiential activities stipulated in the program, educational institutions can organize extracurricular educational activities, optional club activities beyond school hours in accordance with the current regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Depending on the scale and content of each specific activity, the organization of experiential activities, especially on the scale of grades and the entire school, must involve the participation, cooperation, and connection of many educational forces: homeroom teachers, General Supervisors, subject teachers (Music, Art, Physical Education), school board, political and social organizations, parents, sponsors, etc.

+ Experiential activities organized outside the classroom and outside the school encourage parent participation and require the Parent Representative Board to collaborate with the homeroom teacher and the school in organizing and managing the activities.

Thus, the organization of flag-raising activities as part of experiential activities for primary school students includes 35 periods of flag-raising activities (large groups, school-wide).

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