Vietnam: What causes strabismus? What are the 3 primary forms of assessment in Biology?
What causes strabismus?
According to Decision 2246/QD-BYT in 2024, strabismus is a condition where the two eyes do not look in the same direction and one eye may point in a different direction. The direction shift can be fixed or temporary, with eyes looking straight or misaligned, possibly alternating or switching. Strabismus is diagnosed using cover-uncover tests. It requires children to focus on a target.
Students and teachers may refer to the following information regarding the causes of strabismus:
What causes strabismus?
*Note: The information about causes of strabismus is for reference only./.
What causes strabismus? What are the 3 primary forms of assessment in Biology? (Image from Internet)
What are the 3 primary forms of assessment in Biology in Vietnam?
Under Article 7 of the General education curriculum in Biology issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the forms of assessment in Biology are regulated as follows:
- Assessment through writing: essay, objective test, report on collected results, research findings, investigation, etc.
- Assessment through oration, and presentation: answering oral questions, interviews, presenting research issues, etc.
- Assessment through observation: observing students during practical exercises, group discussions, field studies, visits to scientific and production facilities, participating in research projects, etc., using checklists, observation forms, study records, etc.
What is the necessary teaching equipment for Biology in Vietnam?
According to Article 8 of the General education curriculum in Biology issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the necessary teaching equipment for Biology in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
(1) Equipment for demonstration and illustration
- Images and pictures: Set of images and pictures about different living organization levels; cells; metabolism and energy exchange; intercellular communication; cell cycle and division; microorganisms and viruses; energy metabolism in life; metabolism and energy transformation in plants; metabolism and energy exchange in animals; blood and circulation; excretory system; stimuli in organisms; plant and animal growth and development.
- Endocrine glands; reproduction in organisms; molecular basis of genetics; chromosomes and chromosomal inheritance; Mendel’s experiments with cellular biology basis, gene linkage, gene crossover, gene interaction, sex-linked inheritance; gene-environment-phenotype relationship; evidence and mechanisms of evolution; biosphere; ecosystem; community; population and relationships between organisms - organisms and organisms with the environment; environmental pollution; sustainability development models; some typical species in Vietnam's Red Book.
- Video clips: Set of videos about different living organization levels; cells; metabolism and energy exchange; intercellular communication; cell cycle and division; microorganisms and viruses; energy metabolism in life; metabolism and energy exchange in plants and animals; blood and circulation; excretory system; organism growth and development; organism reproduction; molecular basis of genetics; chromosomes and chromosomal inheritance;
- Videos on cellular biology based on Mendel's experiments, gene linkage, gene crossover, sex-linked inheritance; biosphere; ecosystem; community; population, and relationships between organisms - organisms and organisms with the environment; environmental pollution; sustainability development models; some typical species in Vietnam's Red Book.
- Models: Human body; circulatory system; stimuli in organisms; genetic material structure; gene-environment relationship.
- Phenotype.
- Evidence and mechanisms of evolution.
(2) Equipment for practical activities
- Set of microscopic slides: cells.
- Set of practical tools: cells; cell division; microorganisms and viruses; plant metabolism and energy exchange; frog heart dissection; wound dressing and hemostasis; plant growth and development; chromosome mutation observation.
- Specimen boxes: classification of organisms, types of adaptation, etc.
- Measurement tools: measuring respiratory capacity and diaphragm activity in animals, blood pressure, heart rate, pH level, etc.

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