What are the 03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối"? CWhat literary knowledge does the 11th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover?

What are the 03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối"? CWhat literary knowledge does the 11th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover?

What are the 03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối"?

Students may refer to the following 03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối":

03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối"

Sample 1:

Although literature was not the main pursuit of his life, with a rich poetic legacy left for his contemporaries and future generations, President Ho Chi Minh was a great poet, a significant cultural figure not only of Vietnam but of all humanity. Many poems were crafted in the form of Tang poetry, harmoniously merging classical and modern hues, which contribute to their special allure. This is clearly expressed in many of his poems, notably "Mộ" - "Chiều tối" extracted from the collection "Nhật ký trong tù" (Prison Diary), composed during his imprisonment by the Kuomintang government from autumn 1942 to autumn 1943.

When speaking of classical colors in poetry, we refer to elements of content and style with distinct influences from Eastern poetry, especially Chinese Tang poetry, regarded as exemplary in theme, genre, and rhetoric. Why does Ho Chi Minh's poetry exude classical quality? Ho Chi Minh came from a Confucian literati family. His maternal grandfather and father were renowned Confucian scholars of the time, so the family's exemplary heir implanted and crystallized the traditional beauty of Eastern ancient culture. With a rich soul, a wise intellect, proficiency in Chinese, and deep understanding of Tang poetry, Ho Chi Minh’s poetry is thus rich in classical quality. This is manifested in: a wealth of inspiration drawn from nature, brush strokes capturing the essence of creation, concise language, and meanings beyond words. Additionally, having lived, worked, and interacted with Western civilization, his poetic soul is creative and modern, reflected in: the democratic nature of themes, poetic images vigorously moving towards light and the future, and the lyrical subject harmonizing with nature yet not as a hermit but as a warrior. Notably, the classical and modern qualities are always harmonious in Ho Chi Minh's poetry, with the poem "Chiều tối" being a representative composition.

In the poem, each poetic image moves and seamlessly combines classical and modern techniques. The images, though bearing the guise of classic poetic materials, the poetic ideas, inspirations, and lyrical characters are entirely oriented towards light, nature, and human life. The first two lines unfold the space of the mountain forest at dusk:

Quyện điểu qui lâm tầm túc thụ

Cô vân mạn mạn độ thiên không

(Weary birds seeking the forest for a perch

Lonely clouds slowly drift mid-sky)

The scene is evoked through familiar conventional brushstrokes of classical poetry yet speaks rightly of Ho Chi Minh's circumstances and carries new features. Readers can envision the prisoner looking up at the sky, observing the scenery, recognizing the bird in flight and the clouds passing by. The scene carries a hint of despondent solitude. The first half of this quartet allows readers to admire a landscape painting of nature with lines of a bird in search of its nest and the leisurely drifting clouds. These images appear naturally, both alongside and contrasting. No word explicitly marks time, yet readers immediately feel the time as late afternoon. With just a few brush strokes, little description prompts much suggestion, the author captures the soul of the scenery: A tired bird flying towards the forest in search of rest and a solitary cloud drifting slowly midway in the sky. The art of antithesis, a feature of classical poetry, further highlights the small bird against the vast universe at sunset. The bird seems to carry the encroaching darkness over the scenery. The verse is steeped in classic poetic flavor. For when describing the evening, ancient poets often used bird images.

Nguyen Du, the illustrious star in Vietnam's medieval poetry sky, in the masterpiece "Truyen Kieu" wrote: "The evening bird flutters back to the forest." And Ba Huyen Thanh Quan, a renowned female scholar of the nation living in the 19th century, in the poem "Chieu hom nho nha" also wrote: "The wind sweeps the night bird weary in flight." These ancient poetic pieces used the bird to depict the desolate, lonely evening. Li Bai, the Immortal Poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, when describing the space in the poem "Doc toa Kinh Dinh son" wrote: "All birds fly high away – Single cloud gently drifts" meaning: All birds scurry to heights / The lone cloud languidly meanders. Li Bai's former bird seems to fly into space, dissolving into eternity. Meanwhile, in Ho Chi Minh's poetry, the bird does not entirely fly away; it merely transitions from flight to rest, continuing the cycle of life. The gently drifting cloud image, as translated in Nam Tran's poetry, maintains flexibility but fails to capture the original "co van" - lone cloud and does not fully convey the iterative "man man" in the original work, indicating Ho Chi Minh's language is incredibly concise.

Here, the tired bird and lonely cloud seem to carry the author's sentiments, a prisoner enduring "transfers hither and thither" across thirteen counties in Guangxi Province, in an alien land - sometimes 53 kilometers in a day - with another prison ahead. Yet, the author doesn't burden the scenery with his sorrowful circumstances. On the contrary, he forgets himself to share, empathize, harmonize with nature around him. Behind that landscape painting is the calm demeanor of one longing for freedom, though deprived of liberty he still masters himself and his situation in every scenario. This also reveals the modern beauty of Ho Chi Minh’s poetry that is embedded and harmonized within poetic materials rich with classical characteristics.

The latter part of the poem naturally extends the poetic flow from above, depicting the everyday labor and activities of the villagers in a mountain hamlet.

Sơn thôn thiếu nữ ma bao túc

Bao túc ma hoàn lô dĩ hồng

(The mountain village maiden grinds corn till dusk

Corn is fully ground, the furnace glowing red)

If the natural scene in the first part of the poem seems bleak and lonely, the final part contrasts completely: The mountain girl grinding corn by the fire radiates a robust, youthful, and warm beauty. Interestingly, the author uses the art of rendering clouds to enhance the moon, using the furnace's light to speak of the mountain region's nightfall. Without darkness, how could "lo di hong" be seen? The poetic image is simple yet creative, showing a new, modern aspect of the poem. Furthermore, in the poem, the poetic image is not static like often found in classical poetry but moves toward light and the future. The poem is rich with motion: the movement of the bird, the cloud, the industrious human. Even time moves naturally from late afternoon to full night. The lyrical subject's state also moves from tired, lonely, cold to joyously warm with the scene and people. The author's depiction and observation shift from external to internal, from high to low, from far to near. In the work, the word "hong" is the pivotal word, the poem's bright spot with great expansiveness. "Lo di hong" narrates the natural temporal shift of the setting. The red tone of the distended furnace dispels the forest's chill and darkness at dusk, radiating warmth, enhancing joy, optimism, reinforcing, and sharpening the revolutionary fighter's resolve in harsh imprisonment far from home. The art in the final two lines holds another significant noteworthy feature: the phrases between the third and fourth lines are repeated in reverse: "ma bao tuc" and "bao tuc ma hoan." This forms a circular structure between the two lines, evoking the steady revolving of the corn grinder and from that motion evokes the orderly temporal cycle.

Before the scenery and life of the mountain hamlet people, within the author's heart, emotions surge. Thus, readers see Ho Chi Minh's soul: ardently loving nature, life, and people. The final couplets are deeply moving, capturing familiar, simple family scenes in a mountain hamlet. It demonstrates that in his revolutionary activities, wholeheartedly committed to the cause of liberating the nation and its people, but in Ho Chi Minh's heart there's still a space for family affection. About his love for life, Hoai Thanh remarked: “A beautiful image of life’s deprivation and hardship yet still cozy, precious, and endearing. Such images are not scarce around us but often pass unnoticed. Without a profound love of life, it’s impossible to record them."

With only four seven-word verses, "Chiều tối" portrays an immensely noble soul and literary talent of Ho Chi Minh. The harmonious blend of classical and modern techniques has endowed the poem with both traditional and novel beauty. This is one of the distinctive art factors of Ho Chi Minh's Tang-style poetry — a man of the future who always turns to nature, life, and people with empathy and respect, “Cherishing all but forgetting himself.”

Sample 2:

What is classical? The term "classical" here is understood in two senses: firstly as words referring to literary works that have stood the test of time, recognized as exemplary, classical refers to elements/artistic works that have achieved high aesthetic perfection. Secondly, classical is an adjective referring to a writing style, a mode of expression that has become a literary tradition. Thus, the category of classical illuminates stability, sustainability, familiarity, helping us understand the convergence of empathetic souls and the erudition of a cultural personality.

So, where is the classical beauty of the poem "Chiều tối"? More broadly, what is the classical beauty of "Nhật ký trong tù"?

The poem "Chiều tối" is composed in the form of a seven-word quatrain in Tang poetry. This poetic form excels in eliciting emotion, often implying meaning beyond words, building symbolic allusion images, and conveying themes in a few pivotal words. French writer Roger Denux noted: “His poetry speaks little but suggests much, a style of poetry with a subdued tone, not elaborate yet strives to condense within lines for the reader to savor. One must read his poetry alone in silence. At times one has to pause to think to feel the full echoes and hear those echoes resonate.” All those features are clearly expressed in “Chiều tối”.

First, it must be affirmed that the sentiment of the poem lies right in the title: “Chiều tối”. The method of unfolding this poetic sentiment by the author creates a feeling of time in transition: the afternoon moving into night, the mountain village maiden finishes grinding corn and the stove glows red. According to the poetic flow, the word "hong" plays an important role. This word evokes a cozy, cheerful, peaceful atmosphere, teeming with vitality and brightening the poetic space. Ho Chi Minh's humanitarian thoughts and sensitive, optimistic perception is concentrated in this term. Therefore, one could regard "hong" as a pivotal word.

“Chiều tối” coincides with classical poetry in the artistic structure of verses. Each couplet is harmoniously symmetrical. It’s the contrast between weary birds and slowly drifting clouds, between the finite space (nest) and the infinite space (sky), and contrast between darkness and light, between two lines depicting desolate scenery and two lines depicting vigorous labor.

“Chiều tối” is a Chinese poetry. Sino-Vietnamese language inherently creates classical beauty, solemn, rich in meaning, and evocative. The poetic scene in “Chiều tối” captures the essence of nature, where the lyrical character is profoundly connected with nature, harmonizing the soul with universe nature. Ho Chi Minh doesn’t let his suffering circumstance bind his emotions; his poetic soul still resonates with the beautiful mountain nature. Perhaps that’s why we find empathy between the prisoner-poet's circumstances and the bird's condition, flying home yet the cloud is lonely in its undefined journey, all akin to the poetic emotions expressed in the poetry of Nguyen Trai, Nguyen Binh Khiem… Overall, the inspiration from nature and poetic language contribute to the classical color of this poem.

The classical color of the poem is expressed in the poetic materials. Readers have encountered in folk poetry and medieval poetry the image of a cloud drifting across the sky, the evening bird fluttering in flight. Wandering through poetic realms, we become accustomed to scenes of some eternal sky, suddenly emerging a lone bird. Forever it suggests one's own lonely plight and from that subtly capture the far reach, wandering nature of life. Ancient poets often placed bird images in relation to skies, clouds, winds. In relation to the sky to fully appreciate the long, vast space, in relation to clouds to evoke separation, and must be placed in relation to the wind to fully realize the difficulty, hardship of the bird struggling in flight (Poetry of Wang Bo, Li Bai, Nguyen Du, Ba Huyen Thanh Quan…).

In the technique of Tang quatrains, the initial line usually has to clearly state the theme. The theme of the poem is “twilight”. The opening line of the poem indeed specifically introduces this special moment of day transition. Twilight is both a physical and emotional time. The image of the bird flying to its nest here cannot belong to any time other than day’s end. The subsequent line continues to highlight the late afternoon ambiance in the village. In reality, clouds are ever-present, but it’s the distinct lonely, singular slow cloud that matches the evening atmosphere. The classical beauty of the poem is also created by its theme.

But perhaps the use of conventional artistic techniques in ancient poetry provides the most vivid evidence of the classical beauty in "Chiều tối". The delicate brushstroke technique creates multi-tiered poetic lines, opening up various forms of imagination in the reader’s mind, along with the realistic, naturally rich brushstroke style evokes vividly expressive scenes:

"Quyện điểu quy lâm tầm túc thụ

Cô vân mạn mạn độ thiên không

Sơn thôn thiếu nữ ma bao túc

Bao túc ma hoàn lô dĩ hồng"

The original text lacks the word "tối". The translation adds "tối" making the poetic thought a bit revealed. The author's intent was merely for the reader to feel the setting was dark, not to state the time and space of darkness directly. Using light to describe darkness, not explicitly saying it's dark yet making it felt dark, is a manifestation of the "painting clouds to reveal the moon" technique typical in Tang poetry. Tang poetry resonances in “Chiều tối” further manifest when the poet builds relationships for the reader to explore the unity between the lyrical subject and nature through their imagination.

“Chiều tối” also uses the suggestive technique of imbued emotions in the scenery. Natural scenes resonate with human emotions, harmonizing with the human soul. The initial line hints at the tired birds after a day of foraging now returning to the forest to rest. Such an image reminds us of the prisoner fettered, shuffled along all day intensely craving a peaceful rest. Additionally, the lonely cloud hovering in solitary space aligns with the lyrical subject's uncertain, wandering state, unsure of the destination. The birds and cloudly are both empathy objects and outward expressions of the prisoner’s inner sorrow on his journey. The latter two lines shift poetic inspiration in a different direction: the melancholic nature yields to bright, vibrant daily life. The poet’s mood, view also changes accordingly, from sorrow to joy. If nature in the opening lines expressed Ho Chi Minh's state after a tiring day, then the concluding landscape wraps the yearning for freedom. Overall, the external scene internalized becomes an emotional landscape. Nguyen Du once said, "When people are sad, the scenery cannot be happy" — in this context, indeed true.

In ancient poetry, evening time often encompasses an image of a wayfaring stranger (Across the Ngang Pass, Homesick at Sunset, Yellow Crane Tower…). The lyrical character in “Chiều tối” is a person like that: lonely, weary, always yearning for home, homeland, comrades (line 1). The author doesn’t describe in excess yet evokes many reader emotions. Ho Chi Minh's “Chiều tối” discreetly manifests a yearning for freedom, reunion, return to homeland of the prisoner in an alien land. Hence, the poem's thematic structure also carries a classical hue.

“Chiều tối” not only bears classical hues but also embodies modern spirit.

What is modern? The modernity of a literary work is richly expressed, primarily and most clearly through innovative newness, creating uniqueness, not repeated. A literary work embodying the spirit of the era, reflecting artistic viewpoints, value systems, and ideological consciousness of people in the society it emerges from, even transcending the era... these are modern works. The category of modernity helps distinguish this artistic world from another, identifying the creative individuality in literature across different eras, phases.

The most distinct expression of modernity in the poem lies in the last two lines. The Tang quatrain poetry surprises readers with the changing line. This line is unexpected yet naturally rational. Ho Chi Minh's “Chiều tối” achieves this classical quality. The unexpected swap is shown in the poetic flow's movement towards the ground, life, and light, reflecting revolutionary optimism. That’s why modernity expressed right in its classical beauty is so.

If in ancient poetry people often conceal within nature, nature is the subject, then in Ho Chi Minh’s poetry, people, life come forth as primary in the landscape painting. The working person, depicted through Ho Chi Minh’s optimistic gaze, possesses simple, lively beauty, becoming the main character in the painting. Readers notice: In every circumstance, the lyrical subject maintains a calm demeanor, a free-spirited soul, seemingly forgetting their plight to empathize with the laborer’s hardships, their small joys of ordinary life. The mountain village girl and the glowing furnace radiate warmth, light, symbolizing joyous, enthusiastic state. The small furnace glow not only warms Ho Chi Minh during his exile but also sparks enduring faith in life in the reader's hearts. This reflects noble humanitarianism and uniquely embodies steel quality.

The artistic perspective of the poem represents Ho Chi Minh’s modern poetic style. In ancient poetry, expansive spaces were predominant. But in "Chiều tối," observations of the earth gradually replace upward looks to the sky. His poetry often focuses on human life’s joys and sorrows, incorporating concrete social content into eternal nature landscapes of ancient poetry.

“Chiều tối” follows the seven-word quatrain form but fundamentally doesn’t adhere to classical figurations. Here, the author guides readers toward the future and present reality, focusing on labor masses.

According to Hoai Thanh, the word "pink" in the ending verse has two meanings, literally the real color of the coal furnace light, the figurative meaning is the color of revolution, the color of victory, of the future. If we are inclined to the latter interpretation, we see the movement of poetic imagery, after all, the movement of the revolution. The modernity of the poem is there.

The classic and modern beauty in the poem Evening blends together to create the lasting vitality and attractiveness of the prison diary in general and this poem in particular.

The first two verses describe the vast space of mountains and forests, but evoke the time of evening. The tone is soft, the rhythm of the poem is relaxed. The poetic image is bold, the reader seems to be the author describing the scene according to the available formula, when it comes to the afternoon, it mentions birds flying back to the nest, clouds drifting... In fact, the appearance of the image of a tired bird and a lonely cloud constellation is very much in line with the natural law of the afternoon scene, and at the same time harmonizes with the mood of the prisoner after a tiring day on the road in a foreign land. That is, here, the author describes the natural scene exactly like the real scene that he observes and feels. Through the strokes imbued with the style of Tang Poetry, we still see the light of the unique beauty of Ho Chi Minh's poetry. Nature in Uncle's poems is not silent but contains many signs of life. In the middle of the high sky, the constellation of clouds, although small, lonely, still slows down. It does not stand still and play with thousands like the clouds on the "Yellow Crane Tower". The image of the afternoon bird is the same, even though tired, it is still endlessly absorbed like in ancient poetry:

"Thousands of young birds are waving

Empty all the way is absolutely unhidden

Loose shirt with a fisherman's leaf hat

The boat in the snow sits and lets go of the sentence"

(Jiang Xue - Liu Tongyuan)

The bird's wing in Liu Tongyuan's poem was lost in the immense space, and it seemed that it had not found shelter among thousands of mountains. In Nguyen Ai Quoc's Evening, the bird's wings are tired, but there is still a definite flight path, it returns to the familiar forest to find a home. The lyrical subject in Evening seems to forget that he is a prisoner, forget the hard work to immerse himself in nature, love affectionately with the scenery, cherish and earnestly with every sign of life. Such a spiritual power can only originate from a soldier's soul.

In terms of the four poems. We see that the four poems are opened by a deserted scene, imbued with the sadness and loneliness of foreigners. The reader thought that it would end with a dark image, with the love, lamentation, and pity of the lyrical subject, but it was unexpected: the scene full of the warmth of life, human love spreading from the soul of Ho Chi Minh's poetry. From the first two sentences to the last two sentences is not only a change of scenery but also a change in penmanship: from convention to real description, the image of classical poetry is double wave with modern beauty, the true simplicity of everyday life is in harmony with the solemn and noble. In other words, Evening contributes to confirming a unique poetic identity in which there is a delicate harmony between classical Eastern literary poetry and the currents of modern poetry. Hoang Trung Thong is very right when he said: "Uncle's poetry is very Tang, but not Tang".

The classical beauty and modern spirit of poetry are unified in a new type of artistic thinking. If it is not for a person who has learned Chinese characters and Tang Song poetry since childhood, absorbed Eastern culture fluently, not a revolutionary activist, a new type of writer, a soldier writer who understands Western culture, then surely the world of poetry will not have its own beauty. unique.

Sample 3:

In the evening, the 31st poem in the prison diary. The poem is a smooth combination of classic beauty and modern beauty. It is this combination of talent that has brought success to the work.

Classical beauty is the beauty that has the quintessence of medieval literature in terms of structure, poetry, and poetry,... Modern beauty is the unique creations that only modern literature has. This combination is not difficult, but to create beauty and uniqueness is not simple. However, with a delicate pen, with a very poetic soul, the talented Ho Chi Minh has a classic and modern combination in this poem.

The work opens with two verses:

The Bird of Refuge

Ms. Yun is full of sky.

Classic colors are first of all represented in the image of bird wings. Medieval literature depicts bird wings as familiar poetry: "A thousand apricot winds sweep the birds into the forest" (Ba Huyen Thanh Quan) or "Birds in the day rush back to the forest" (Nguyen Du). The birds in the afternoon are often sexy, reminiscent of a distant past. Although ancient poetry is used, the modern colors in the poetic images are very clear. If in ancient poetry, birds often fly to an aimless place, evoking distance, parting ways, or evoking adventure, not knowing where to go. Bird wings are usually depicted only in superficial movement. In Uncle's poem, the wings of birds flying away are not directionless, but have a purpose: "to come to the level of the tree". After a tiring day of foraging, they return to the forest to find a place to rest. Not only that, the reader also feels the inside, the state of things. He brought the bird's wings from the metaphysical world back to the real world.

The image of the cloud constellation is also a classic image, that cloud we encounter in Do Phu's verse "Re-earth wind and wind and earth sound" (Do Phu).... Here Uncle had a very ingenious reception. The word "manman" not only evokes the spirit of the scene, but also shows the poetic demeanor of the prisoner, when looking at the natural scenery. The cloud constellation is described as "lonely", that is, lonely, lonely, reminiscent of Uncle's situation at that time: lonely, lonely. The first two sentences of the nature painting are both classic and modern, they are not only natural scenery but also the mood of people: the prisoner is tired after a long day of moving but still has a fervent love for nature, through which it also shines a light of bravery, the resilience of a revolutionary soldier.

Son Village lacks more ghosts

Cover the ghost ring, the pink lotus

If in ancient poetry nature is always the center of the picture, man is only a small dot in that picture:

Hunched down the mountain with a few uncles

Wandering by the river, a few houses

(Via Ngang Pass – Ba Huyen Thanh Quan)

Coming to Uncle's poetry is a complete opposite. This is the new and modern feature of the poem. People – lack anymore is the center of the picture. That girl appears very idyllic, rustic but still extremely beautiful with her work. Although the work is somewhat hard and hard, it warms the breath of life. The image of a young and energetic girl has made the picture carry another beauty, the beauty of health, and optimism.

Especially in the last verse of the poem, the image of the charcoal oven has burned pink, the word "pink" is the label of the poem, not only brightening the picture of life, but also brightening the poem. The image of the charcoal kiln is the focus of the painting. With human activities, with the appearance of coal kilns, life in this mountain is no longer gloomy, quiet but warm, full of vitality. In the original text, the poem does not use any dark words to talk about the night that has fallen, but when reading it, we still feel the movement of time changing from afternoon to evening very naturally. Take the light to talk about the darkness, take the bright pink light of the coal oven to talk about the night that has long since fallen, the light of the coal oven in the night is bright. The image of the charcoal kiln that has burned pink is a symbol showing Uncle's optimism and belief in the revolutionary path. The movement from darkness to light is also the inevitable movement process of the revolution.

The poem is only four verses, but it shows Uncle's talent when combining classic and modern features to create a harmonious and unique beauty for the poem. The poem has illuminated the beauty of his soul and personality, although he is in a prison situation, but his love for nature and love for life never runs out, and at the same time, it also sheds light on the iron spirit, optimism, and belief in the revolutionary future of the revolutionary soldier.

Note: Information is for reference only!


Top 3 mẫu phân tích vẻ đẹp cổ điển và hiện đại trong bài thơ Chiều tối hay nhất? Các yêu cầu về kiến thức văn học mà học sinh lớp 11 cần đạt là gì?

What are the 03 best sample analysis essays on classical and modern beauty in the poem "Chiều tối"? CWhat literary knowledge does the 11th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover? (Image from Internet)

What literary knowledge does the 11th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover?

Under Section V of the General education program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the 11th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam covers the following  literary knowledge:

- The creative subject, attitude, and thought of the author in the text

- Texts with multiple themes, main and sub-themes; themes with national cultural characteristics (national characteristics) and themes common worldwide (humanistic characteristics)

- Characteristics of literary language and the polysemy of words in literary works

- Characteristics of folk tales, Nom stories, modern short stories, tragedies, and memoirs

+ Some elements of folk tales and Nom stories like: plot, characters, narrator, internal monologue, descriptions of language,…

+ Modern short stories: space, time, story, characters, narrator, perspective and change of perspective, narrator's voice, character's words,…

+ Tragedy: conflict, action, dialogue, characters, plot, cleansing effect,…

+ The combination of fiction and non-fiction in memoirs

+ Essays or prose: the lyrical self, structure, language,…

- Internal and external conflicts

- Meaning and effect of narrative elements in poetry

- The role of symbolic elements in poetry. The aesthetic value of some formal elements in poetry: language, structure, form of the poem as presented in the text

- How to compare two literary texts on the same topic

- Basic understanding of Nguyen Du that aids in reading and understanding his notable works

- The viewpoint of the writer and the viewpoint of the reader

How many periodic assessments will 11th-grade students in Vietnam undergo in Literature?

Article 7 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

Periodic assessment


2. In each semester, each subject assessed via feedback shall be assessed once in the middle of the semester and once at the end of the semester.

3. In each semester, each subject assessed via both feedback and scores shall be given assessment scores once during the semester (hereinafter referred to as “DDGgk”) and once at the end of the semester (hereinafter referred to as “DDGck”).

4. Students who fail to obtain sufficient assessment scores as per Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article due to force majeure shall be eligible for attending the re-examination and re-assessment with corresponding qualification criteria. Organization of re-examination and re-assessment shall be performed in each semester.

5. In case students fail to attend re-examination and re-assessment according to Clause 4 of this Article shall be assessed as “Chưa đạt” (Unqualified) or given a score of 0 for the missing examination and/or assessment.

Thus, in each semester, 11th-grade students in Vietnam will undergo 02 periodic assessments in the middle of the semester and at the end of the semester. Therefore, the whole school year will have 4 periodic assessments in Literature.

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